Zopnik - therapeutic properties and contraindications

The flora of our planet is a harmonious symphony, the author of which is nature itself. And in this greatest work, every plant, even an inconspicuous blade, plays its part. Take, for example, Zopnik, which is found on almost every continent.

 Medicinal properties and contraindications of zopnik

Plant characteristic

This species of perennial plants has about 200 species. The zopnik has received special distribution in the European territory. And if in the Old World it decorates magnificent gardens, then in Russia the attitude towards it is quite familiar. Here it is equated to weeds, and in the people it is called "hare grass" or "wolf's ear." But, in addition to the folklore names, the zopnik also has more sonorous names - “churchman”, “christovs for the road”, in which respect for this plant is felt.And not in vain, because zopnik has powerful healing properties. It is often used by both traditional medicine and graduates.

Two popular species of this representative of the flora grow in the Russian open spaces - a tuberiferous and prickly zopnik. The latter type has become more common and is the basis of popular recipes with which it is possible to cope with hemorrhoids, gastritis, severe bronchitis. Some fees are used in oncology.

A tuberiferous churchman has a somewhat different task: he saves from colds and infections, strengthens the immune resource of a person, is used as a culinary product. From the tubers of the plant they prepare exquisite dishes and cook simple, but very nourishing porridge. Since ancient times, Kalmyks have made incredibly useful tea on the basis of this inhabitant of the steppe expanses.

Healing composition

As a result of numerous studies, scientists were able to prove that the zopnik contains the elements necessary for maintaining human health. Among them:

  • alkaloids;
  • essential oils;
  • saponites;
  • starch;
  • carotene;
  • tanning elements;
  • glycosides;
  • mineral salts;
  • flavonoids;
  • iridoids.
  • vitamins (especially high content of ascorbic acid);

All of these substances determine the ability of a modest plant to exhibit excellent characteristics in the treatment of mild ailments and serious pathologies.

Zopnik healing power

Most medical reference books describe mainly the abilities of a spiny zopnik, although the tuber-bearing sibling of a plant has equally impressive capabilities to heal various diseases. In the pharmacy chain on sale there are tools made from both floral species.

 Zopnik healing power

Both of them are famous for their ability to stop bleeding, heal wounds, and lower the temperature. Both have antiseptic qualities. Therefore, they are often recommended to use in various dosage forms for the following pathological conditions:

  • diarrhea, including infectious;
  • if infection of the wound surface has occurred;
  • genital infections (especially effective in the treatment of trichomoniasis);
  • with hemorrhoids;
  • gastrointestinal ulcer;
  • in inflammatory processes of the respiratory tract (bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis);
  • with cystitis and gynecological problems.

Zopnik copes well with the elimination of pain, which allows it to be widely used in arthritis and arthrosis. The plant also has sedative properties and stimulates the protective functions of the immune system.

Areas of use

I just want to emphasize that the possibilities of the zopnik were adopted not only by traditional healers and herbalists. The plant is included in the famous grass collection M. Zdrenko, which successfully treats such a difficult to treat disease as bladder papillomatosis. This collection is also effective in the treatment of gastritis with low acidity.

Healing compositions in conjunction with the main therapy are used in the treatment of chronic bronchitis and asthma, since they provide sputum outflow and relieve inflammation. The expressed toning property is characterized by healing teas with zopnik. This drink relieves fatigue and energizes. In addition, a useful tea still has a sedative effect on the nervous system.

With the help of medical solutions in which there is a zopnik, it is possible to remove the edema and normalize urination. This property is often used for manifestations of hypertension. The presence of vitamins and mineral components helps in the fight against anemia, and antibacterial properties are used in the treatment of wounds and ulcers.

For external use, powder formulations of dried tubers are prepared using special formulations for skin treatment. Often the powder is used in a dry form, then they are simply sprinkled on the problem area.


The list of undesirable situations for clergyman's use for therapeutic purposes is small. It is contraindicated for persons:

  • with high blood clotting;
  • those with constipation;
  • children under 12;
  • expectant mothers and lactating women;
  • if previously there was intolerance to the components of the composition.

Application Methods

Zopnik, like many other plant species, appears in folk recipes as the basis for preparing infusions and decoctions, both for internal use and for outdoor use.There are also universal recipes, the scope of which is not limited to one method. A good example is the infusion of flowers from the plant.

 Ways to use Zopnik

  1. Universal infusion. To prepare the healing composition, you will need a tablespoon of dried flowers of a churchman (any kind of plant) and a glass of boiling water with which the raw material is poured. After four hours of infusion, the mixture is thoroughly filtered. Ready infusion is recommended to drink before meals, at least 4 times a day. A single dose is a quarter cup.
  2. Decoction from gastritis. The remedy, the recipe of which is given here, is intended for the treatment of chronic forms of gastritis. A decoction is prepared in this order: the grass in the amount of a tablespoon with a slide is first poured with plain water (0.5 l) and put on the fire. Boil the mixture for about 10 minutes, and then another half an hour it should be infused. It is necessary to take the healing composition according to the scheme: a teaspoon of tea decoction is pre-diluted in ½ cup of water and drunk 40 minutes before each meal.
  3. Tonic tea. For the preparation of this energy drink sufficient two teaspoons of dry grass.Raw materials need to pour boiling water (200 ml) and leave for half an hour to infuse. To make tea you can add some honey to flavor. To recuperate, such tea is better to drink in the morning, but you can refresh your body with a drink in the evening.
  4. Rinse solution. For the external treatment, a more concentrated composition is prepared: the raw material (2 l. Art.), After combining with water (0.5 l), is brought to a boil over the fire and for about ten minutes the broth is still boiling. When the mixture has cooled, drain it. Used healing broth for lotions with manifestations of hemorrhoids, non-healing wounds. With a cold, this medical composition can gargle.
  5. Alcohol tincture. Zopnik alcohol composition can be purchased at the pharmacy chain, and you can prepare it yourself if you have high-quality material and medical (70%) alcohol on hand. But instead of the alcohol base, it is quite possible to use vodka. A healing solution that helps well to eliminate the problems of the digestive system and gastritis is prepared in this order: 10 g of raw material is poured with a full glass of vodka. Duration of tincture - three weeks. Moreover, the solution should reach readiness in the dark.After the specified period, the mixture is gently filtered. Take the tincture should be three to 35-40 drops. The duration of the treatment course is two months.
  6. Broth for problems of the genitourinary system. To prepare a means for this recipe, you need to take dry billet rhizomes and plant seeds. Roots should be chopped. After mixing the same portions of vegetable ingredients, you need to take a tablespoonful of the mixture, place it in a container, pour a quarter of a liter of boiling water and boil for another 10 minutes. After cooling and filtering the solution, it is recommended to drink it before meals in a tablespoon.

Nature generously endows man with his wealth. And even such plants as zopnik, considered a malicious weed, can cure from the most serious diseases. But any kind of treatment will be effective only when it is assigned correctly, and always taking into account all the risks. Therefore, to avoid possible trouble, you should always consult a doctor.

Video: medicinal properties of zopnik

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