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The plant known as the golden mustache (med. - “fragrant callisia”) has long been used to treat various diseases. The universal herb improves the functioning of internal organs, facilitates the flow of a cold, reduces pain in the vessels and is even used in the treatment of oncology.
The medicinal properties of the golden mustache are still being studied, but already now various pharmaceutical preparations, dietary supplements and biological additives are being produced from valuable raw materials. In addition, the plant is easy to grow on their own and make the "home healer" always available.
Components in the composition of kallizii
The flower is actively used in phytotherapy and physiotherapy treatment, because the chemical composition has no price. It contains the following useful ingredients:
- vitamins of various groups, including ascorbic and nicotinic acid;
- micro- and macronutrients (chromium, zinc, iron, sulfur, calcium, copper, nickel, potassium, manganese, etc.);
- organic metals (chelates), which enhance the effect of other useful components;
- vegetable polyphenols and catechins (flavonoids);
- phytosterols;
- pectins;
- tannins (tanning components), etc.
Chromium is involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, controls the concentration of glucose in the blood plasma. It is he who produces the prevention of thyroid disease, diabetes.
Sulfur increases the body's resistance to pathogens and even radiation. It also cleans the bloodstream, prevents early aging.
Copper and iron are involved in the transport of oxygen to tissues and cells. They regulate metabolic processes and maintain healthy hemoglobin levels.
Nicotinic acid (vitamin PP) relaxes the nervous system, reduces manifestations of depression, stress, panic syndrome, helps in curing psychological dependence on alcohol and drugs.
Flavonoids in the composition of callusia affect the body of different types: strengthen the internal organs(pancreas, heart), dilates blood vessels, kills pathogenic microflora, promotes sputum discharge, coagulates, soothes the central nervous system, etc. They also have vitamin P activity, thereby strengthening vascular walls, reducing their fragility. Flavonoids also act as antioxidants, strengthening the immune system and enhancing the effect of ascorbic acid.
Golden mustache includes several types of flavonoids: quartzetine, catechins, kaempferol.
- Catechins. They reduce allergic reactions to irritants, strengthen blood vessels and activate metabolism, due to which body weight is reduced to a healthy level.
- Quartzitin. Helps to reduce inflammation, the restoration of joints after arthritis and arthrosis. It is also effective in allergic lesions of the mucous membranes and skin. Cleans blood vessels from atherosclerotic plaques, makes the vascular walls elastic.
- Kempferol. Cleans the body from harmful components due to a healthy diuretic effect, improves the work of the urinary system and kidneys. Also reduces inflammation and allergic reactions.
Kallizia is also rich in phytosterols, which are essentially steroids of plant origin. They act as estrogens on the body, stabilizing hormones. Also phytosterols destroy pathogens, stop the growth of benign and malignant tissues, contribute to the splitting of bad cholesterol, simulate immunity. Beta-sitosterol in the composition of golden whiskers eliminates metabolic disorders and the endocrine system, is effective for prostatitis, atherosclerosis, etc.
Pectins, as effective adsorbents, bind and excrete poisons, metal salts, radionuclides, slags. They also contribute to the synthesis of vitamin B and have a positive effect on intestinal peristalsis, its microflora.
Tannins heal the mucous of any organs, reducing erosion and ulcers. They are also good for digestion.
The use of golden whiskers in medicine
In the pharmaceutical industry, all parts of the herb are actively used - both the leaves, the stems, and the whiskers themselves. The therapeutic properties of kallisia are known.
- Treats diseases of the digestive tract (ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis, hemorrhoids, etc.e.) Also normalizes the production of gastric juice, improves digestion and peristalsis, restores the function of the liver, kidneys, gall bladder.
- Eliminates circulatory problems. It cleans the blood, normalizes hemostasis and restores blood flow to organs and tissues.
- Strengthens the heart muscle and vascular walls, clears them of atherosclerotic plaques. It is used in the treatment of stenocardia, ischemia, arrhythmias, restores after a stroke. Also, the flower regulates blood pressure and keeps it at a healthy level. Gold whisker tincture is used to treat iron deficiency and other anemia (anemia).
- Provides healthy weight loss for obesity, breaks down cholesterol, removes toxins and normalizes metabolism.
- Regulates the level of glucose, which is necessary in the treatment of diabetes.
- Restores joints, muscles and spine after inflammatory and occupational diseases, injuries and injuries. Effective with arthritis and arthrosis, bursitis, radiculitis, osteochondrosis, rheumatism, etc. Kallisia stimulates blood circulation, local immunity and metabolism in the cartilage tissue, bones, thanks to which healing and recovery occurs promptly.
- It is used in the treatment of gynecological pathologies (erosive processes, cysts, obstruction of pipes, polyps, benign neoplasms).
- Contributes to the treatment of colds and respiratory diseases (asthma, otitis media, sinusitis, sore throat, SARS, influenza, bronchitis, tuberculosis, acute respiratory infections, etc.). Eliminates inflammation and irritation of the mucous membranes, strengthens the immune system, increases the tone of the capillaries in the common cold, dilutes and removes sputum.
- Normalizes the endocrine system. A positive effect on the thyroid gland, treats various types of goiter, myxedema, oncological processes.
- Heals injuries and wounds (burns and frostbite, wounds, erosion, ulcers, boils, herpes, candidiasis, stomatitis, psoriasis, etc.), promotes tissue regeneration. Callisia is also used for insect bites and allergies to eliminate symptoms (itching, pain, burning, redness, swelling).
- Strengthens the central nervous system. Tincture of fragrant callusia allows you to overcome neurosis and depression, stress and fatigue at work. Also, the plant helps to overcome insomnia due to the mild sedative and sedative effect.
- Provides a diuretic and choleretic effect, thereby cleans the body from toxins and toxins.Also, excess fluid is excreted from the body, which reduces swelling.
- Reduces manifestations of conjunctivitis and inflammation of the mucous eyes, including after an insect bite or as a result of an allergic reaction. Effectively fights barley.
- Improves the condition of skin, hair and nails due to the enrichment of home cosmetics and care products.
Kalliziya against alcohol addiction
More recently, doctors have discovered the possibility of treatment with alcoholism kallizii. For the treatment of patients used concentrate (infusion) golden whiskers, as well as a decoction. Tincture on alcohol is undesirable, as it adversely affects the dependent patient.
- Infusion. Herbal medication is consumed by dessert spoon three times a day, half an hour before meals. The duration of therapy is three weeks, followed by a break of 5-7 days and a repetition of the course until complete recovery.
- Decoction. The tool is taken in a large spoon three times a day for an hour before snacking. The treatment scheme as in the previous version.
After the first full course, the dosage of the golden whisker is gradually reduced.
During treatment, the patient is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol. During exacerbation (thirst to drink alcohol), it is necessary to take two tablespoons of the infusion one-time, preferably in the morning.
In case of refusal of alcohol products, the patient may temporarily develop headaches and migraines, apathy, sleep disturbances. During this period, you can add herbal decoctions of callusia and mint to the bath. At night, the whiskey is smeared with essential oil of golden whiskers.
How to use callisia
Herbalists thoroughly know which parts of the golden whisker should be used in the treatment of various ailments. They also indicate how to harvest the herb so that it will find its healing properties.
- The collection of medicinal callisia begins at a time when its horizontal shoots become purple-brown. Also, they should have time to build up about 9 joints.
- Biologically active components accumulate in a gold whisker by the fall.
- For treatment, flower stems, shoots, whiskers, as well as leaves, cut at the very base of the rosette are used.
- The resulting raw leaves are wrapped in cling film and for 3 days sent to cool (+ 2-4 ° C - the optimum temperature of the lower shelf of the refrigerator).Harvested stem and shoots must be stored for 14 days in the same conditions.
- From the various parts of kallizia, they prepare infusions and alcoholic tinctures, decoctions, ointments, essential oil, balm, etc. But the stems are only suitable for topical preparations.
You also need to know which drugs are favorably combined with kalliziya:
- cold medicines, cough relief syrups;
- non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
- vitamins (the best combination of gold whiskers and ascorbic acid);
- drugs for atherosclerosis;
- herbal preparations (mint, kalanchoe, aloe, chamomile, etc.);
- plant-based sedatives or synthetic materials;
- cardiac glycosides (digitalis, lily of the valley).
Contraindications and harm to golden whiskers
There are a number of restrictions for the use of golden whiskers:
- Diseases of the internal organs (kidney, liver, pancreas and thyroid, stomach, gallbladder, intestines, lungs, heart, etc.) in the acute stage.
- BPH.
- Increased sensitivity of the skin and a tendency to allergic rashes (canceled local exposure drugs).
- Allergy to the components of the golden mustache (excluded intake in any form).
- Pregnancy and lactation.
- Smoking (the combination of kalliziya with nicotine provokes an acute allergic reaction).
- Age up to 18 years (it is forbidden to use kalliziyu for the treatment of small children).
- Medications that "load" the liver or kidneys, as well as antibiotics.
- Chemotherapy or radiation therapy in the treatment of malignant tumors.
- Compliance with strict diets, fasting, hydrotherapy, etc.
To exclude allergy to the golden mustache in the first days of therapy, it is advisable to use no more than a third of the prescribed dose. Freshly squeezed juice and concentrate from callisia are prohibited to be used in pure form and must be diluted with water in the ratio of 1 to 3 or 1 to 5.
During therapy with kallizia, phytotherapeutists recommend to follow a diet on vegetables, excluding the use of potatoes and seasonings (including granulated sugar, salt). It is advisable to place on yellow and green vegetables, garden greens, oils, sea fish and seafood, nuts. It is necessary to remove from the menu meat and offal, industrial pastry and pastries, bread, liquor, preservation, milk and derived products, pickles and soda.
You may also experience side effects with prolonged use or exceeding the dosage of drugs kallizii:
- headaches and migraines;
- acute pain of the thyroid gland, its increase;
- weakness, weakness, apathy;
- damage to the vocal cords, hoarseness;
- swelling of the nose and oropharynx, redness and inflammation of the area, dry cough;
- visual impairment;
- dry mucous membranes when applied topically;
- skin rashes, itching, burning and soreness;
- acute allergic reaction.
When one of the symptoms appears, it is necessary to immediately stop taking kallisia and consult a doctor.
Golden mustache can be an indispensable tool for many ailments, however, its properties are still being studied. Before starting treatment with kallizia, consult with your doctor or phytotherapist.
Video: tincture golden mustache
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