Green tea for hypertension - the benefits and harm

Many hypertensive patients have to give up their favorite drinks because of the threat of increased pressure. Excess fluid, caffeine, alcohol and other substances affect body temperature, heart rate and blood pressure. It is completely impossible to recover from hypertension, but there are safe herbal remedies, due to which the unpleasant symptoms recede. The good news is that green tea, beloved by many, is one such healing remedy, and drinking it with hypertension is not only possible but necessary.

 Green tea for hypertension

About the beneficial properties of green tea

Natural high-grade tea leaves are produced today in China and Japan. At observance of technology of processing of dry raw materials for a drink all useful properties of a plant which allow to improve the state of health at a hypertension remain.

Young leaves and shoots of the tea bush, which are collected for tea leaves, contain the most essential vitamins for increased blood pressure - B1, B2, B3, E, A and C, as well as antioxidants. This complex helps with elevated pressure:

  1. Increases the elasticity of blood vessels.
  2. Eliminates cholesterol plaques, because of which narrowed lumen of the blood channels.
  3. Lowers body temperature.
  4. It helps to relax the muscles, so that the body becomes less stress and improves the calm blood flow.
  5. Strengthens the heart muscle.
  6. Invigorates, while the stimulating substance thein, unlike harmful caffeine, is quickly absorbed and excreted from the body without harming it.
  7. It soothes and tones the nervous system, preventing the emotional excitement that causes blood pressure surges.
  8. It removes excess fluid from the body, reducing blood volume and reducing internal pressure in the body.
  9. Antioxidant kakhetin allows you to reduce blood sugar levels and cleanse the body.

Green tea is very useful if you drink 1-2 cups a day. Drink in large quantities is harmful. The excess fluid can accumulate in the tissues, making it difficult for blood to move and for cellular metabolism.In addition, it can trigger renal failure.

On the complex effects of tea in hypertension

The effectiveness of green tea in hypertension is due to the fact that it simultaneously regulates several functions that provide normal pressure in the body.

When a lot of fluid accumulates in the body, blood volume increases. The vessels are under stress. If a lot of cholesterol is eaten, it accumulates plaque on the walls of blood vessels, narrowing their lumen, which causes blood pressure to rise even more. In order to alleviate the unpleasant symptoms that occur in hypertensive patients - fever, headache, a feeling of constriction, tinnitus - it is necessary:

  • clean the vessels;
  • increase their elasticity;
  • remove excess fluid from the body.

Due to the content of vitamins A, E and C in green tea, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened, and a powerful antioxidant effect removes harmful substances from the blood, diluting it and normalizing its volume.

Hypertensive patients should pay attention to the amount of fluid consumed - in order not to overload the heart and blood vessels, you need to drink no more than 1.5 liters of water or unsweetened tea per day.

Fluid containing glucose, fructose and fats is perceived by the body as food - and enters the digestive system. Fresh water or herbal decoction can quickly flush the body and get out of it. Therefore, to reduce pressure, it is necessary to drink “empty” green tea - without adding sugar, honey or milk. Also avoid adding warming spices such as ginger, cinnamon, cardamom and others.

How to choose green tea

To reduce hypertensive risk, it is necessary to choose natural expensive teas of the first year of collection. Flavored varieties are made from tea production wastes, and old tea is transported for a long time, so the product loses its beneficial properties and does not have a healing effect.

 How to choose green tea

This fresh tea has a pronounced pleasant aroma and does not need flavoring. Spring collection has a bouquet of floral and fruit notes and nut spice, and autumn tea has a tart and more velvety taste. There are light teas and those varieties that have notes of essential oil, deep sour bitterness. Both those and others help the body cope with hypertension.

Buy a good green tea can be in a specialized shop, where it is packed on the spot by weight. There you can evaluate the contents of the containers, and by the look and smell you can see if you have a good drink. High-quality tea has a yellowish-green shade, sometimes - a white or golden glow and a pronounced fresh aroma.

Still need to pay attention to the moisture of the leaves, which are often twisted by hand. Normal moisture content in them - 3-6%. Drier leaves do not keep their shape and turn into pil during transport. The raw product is susceptible to mold, which makes it completely unfit for human consumption.

In addition to the world-famous Asian varieties, there is Indian tea, varieties grown in Sri Lanka and other countries. Very few people know Georgian green tea, which has healing properties and a pleasant taste.

Quality tea costs more than what is available in stores, but has a noticeable effect in the first weeks of regular consumption.

When buying cheap packaged green tea, pay attention to the integrity of the packaging, the date of collection and product labeling. The quality of tea is usually denoted by ranks from 1 to 7 varieties.The most luxurious is green tea of ​​the highest class.

How to store green tea at home

To the product has not lost its useful properties, it must be stored in a sealed container. It is best to choose a special ceramic jar. In a transparent container, tea leaves cannot be stored due to the penetration of direct sunlight, which destroys beneficial compounds and active substances in tea. A paper or plastic bag will make the tea absorb moisture and odors from the air, which will spoil the delicate aroma of tea.

How to drink green tea so that there is no hypertension

Drink green tea from hypertension without sweeteners, so as not to thicken the blood. You can use it both hot and cold. Brewed not with boiling water, but with water cooled to 70-80 degrees. In this rinsed teapot with boiling water. For every 200 ml of water, 1 tsp is used. tea leaf, + 1 added to fix the taste.

Interestingly, natural green tea can be brewed several times, in time getting a tea infuser from the liquid. In each of the brewing drink will have a new unique flavor.

In China, they conducted an interesting experiment: one half of the group of volunteers was allowed to eat even fatty food and fast food, after which they consumed green tea, while the second group ate only healthy diet food, but did not receive tea. The results surprised the researchers: a group of supporters of a healthy lifestyle showed normal results on the state of the cardiovascular system, while the group that consumed tea showed improvement.

Therefore, even if you like fatty, fried and spicy foods, try to drink at least one cup of green tea a day to cleanse the body and reduce the risk of developing hypertension.

Video: How does green tea affect hypertension pressure?

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