Frozen Lemon - Health Benefits and Harm

Freezing lemons is a fashionable storage method recently that preserves the ability of a fetus to fight manifestations of oncological diseases. With the skepticism of doctors, people still continue to grab a straw in the hope of help from Mother Nature.

 The benefits and harm of frozen lemon

To find out whether it makes sense to spend time on a dubious adventure, it is worthwhile to study the composition of frozen citrus fruit more thoroughly, and what benefits, and perhaps even harm, it can bring to the body.

Comparison of fresh and frozen lemon

By itself, the lemon is rich in valuable ingredients, and the peel allows you to store without special changes for a long time.Availability in supermarket chains provides people with this product without seasonal restrictions. Why is it necessary to freeze the fetus? Find the answer to the question by comparing the composition before heat treatment and after.

What is included in the structure of fresh juice:

  • Water.
  • Squirrels.
  • Fat
  • Carbohydrates.
  • Saccharoids.
  • Citric acid.
  • Ascorbic acid.
  • Vitamins of group B.
  • Trace elements (potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus).
  • Phytoncides.

Considering the fact that water takes up 80% of the content, the juice can be compared to a vitamin cocktail. Although lemon does not lead in the amount of vitamin C in the composition, but in combination with citric acid, they are endowed with incredible strength. This composition can dissolve traces of rust and remove ink stains, eliminate limescale. Has the power to stop the raids of intrusive insects in the house. Based on the above, we can only assume what the effect of lemon juice on the human body. It dissolves slags, adsorbs them from all organs and tissues, purifies blood. It has a detrimental effect on bacteria, stops the vital activity of viruses.

Vitamin C has long established itself as an effective antioxidant.It is able to bind free radicals and does not allow their negative impact on all body systems at the cellular level. The integrity of the cells is a guarantee that they will not be attacked by cancer lesions.

What happens to the juice after freezing?

  1. By subjecting water to freezing, its structures change under the influence of low temperatures. It becomes cleaner and easier to digest by the cells of the body. It is likely that the water that is part of the lemon, does not need correction, however, it does not cause any harm.
  2. Ascorbic acid under the action of high temperatures is destroyed, indicating packages with milk about the content of vitamin C in the composition, the manufacturer is clearly disingenuous, but freezing retains a valuable substance in its original form.
  3. The remaining components of the vitamins, which are already few, are lost almost a quarter.
  4. The complex of microelements is resistant to freezing and remains in the same composition.

Freezing does not affect the ingredients that lemon is valued, although it can also be well preserved under the conditions of the refrigerating chamber.

Lemon skin - is it worth freezing?

First and foremost, nature has laid: a lemon peel must protect valuable inner contents. In its composition there is a small amount of citrus juice, but not for this it is famous. The fragrant, dense skin is a source of vitamin P and fiber, and it also produces healing essential oil.

The process of extracting ether concentrate occurs by cold pressing. For these purposes, process the fruit peel. The healing properties of esterolum have long been confirmed and are actively used in the fight against viruses and bacteria, restoring the elasticity of blood vessels and reducing blood pressure.

There is no official confirmation that during freezing, the value of the peel is preserved, but it can be logically suggested that during freezing and thawing, the esters evaporate, as they are volatile substances. And citrine under the influence of low temperatures is completely lost, and it is important for the body, since its absence makes the vessels fragile. A deficiency can cause internal bleeding, and even swelling of the brain tissue.

Is it possible to harm health?

When applying the peel for medicinal purposes, you should not forget that it is on it that there can be an accumulation of pesticides,herbicides, insecticides. This is what the fruit is processed, and what is not washed off by any solution.

Does frozen lemon help in oncology?

The sun infuses lemon peel with flavonoids. Penetrating into the human body, polyphenolic compounds set up the activity of enzymes and have a positive effect on metabolic processes. Also included in the yellow peel are polymetoxy-flavones that can inhibit the division of cancer cells in the intestine. Diosmin and hesperidin improve blood structure, give elasticity to blood vessels and prevent the formation of tumors in the large intestine. All of these substances in a complex can stop the growth of metastasis of prostate cancer cells and lead them to self-withdrawal.

 Does frozen lemon help in oncology?

Lemon components are delivered to the organs that need prevention and treatment at random. Science does not know how to do this purposefully. People noticed a positive result from the constant use of citrus, for this reason, the freezing of the fruit is justified.

Recipes of traditional medicine using lemons from the freezer

Often used methods of consuming lemon are fruit juice mixed with olive oil.Freshly compressed can be replaced with frozen, and citrus chips can also be used.

Water with lemon
Frozen lemon is ground by means of a grater, chips (1 tbsp. L.) Contribute to a container of water (100 g). I use this infusion in the morning, before meals.

Cases when such water is recommended:

  1. Diseases of the cardiovascular system. Citric acid can clear and give strength and elasticity to vessels. K and Mn support the functioning of the heart muscle.
  2. Respiratory problems, sore throat and respiratory infections. Vitamin C and citric acid have a detrimental effect on the pathogenic microflora, can accelerate the healing process.
  3. Pregnancy. Vitamins and trace elements that support the immune system. Stimulate the liver and heart. Positively affect the development of the fetus, are involved in the construction of bones and brain cells.

Lemon juice with olive oil to clean the liver
Drink lemon juice (1 tbsp.) With olive oil (1 tbsp. L.), Take on an empty stomach, half an hour before breakfast. The course is designed for a month. After that, it is recommended to take a break of 30 days and repeat the reception.

Video: frozen lemon displays germs and parasites

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