Amber - medicinal properties and application

Amber is a unique stone by its nature. Even the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle, in the times of antiquity, noticed its similarity with the resin of trees, and the Roman writer Pliny the Elder proved that this stone is nothing but petrified, undergone temporal changes of pine resin. When exposed to stone by fire, it had a smell of tar and a smoking flame, and in a transparent layer, frozen insects and their fragments were noticed.

 Medicinal properties and use of amber

The first contribution to the discovery of the healing properties of amber was made by the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates of Chios. In his writings, descendants were left to work out and methods for the treatment of toothaches, headaches, dermatitis, consumption and insomnia. In ancient Egypt, the stone was used for the mummification of the pharaohs. In the 18th century, the origin of amber was proven scientifically.

In the people and in poetic opus, the stone received beautiful and poetic names:

  • "Gift of the sun."
  • "Tears of the Sea".
  • "Combustible stone."
  • "Electrum".

The quality and value of amber is determined by the technical unit - the number of fragility. Also important distinguishing characteristics are: degree of transparency, properties and time of occurrence, color.

Amber composition

Considering the fact that amber is a mineral of plant origin, its similarity with the chemical structure of coniferous trees is traced. Not having similarities with living organisms, it is composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. It is an organic substance. 24 chemical elements were also found. After burning it leaves ash, which indicates the presence of mineral substances and mechanical impurities.

Amber consists of three groups and consists of the following compounds:

  • Volatile terpenes and sesquiterpenes.
  • Soluble organic acids.
  • Insoluble polyesters of acids in combination with the alcohol formed from them.

Main characteristics and features of amber

  • Contains in the composition from 3 to 8% succinic acid.
  • It has good thermal conductivity. Quickly gaining warm hands.
  • At thermal influence it emits the smell of needles.
  • Light.Able to rise to the surface of sea, salt water.
  • When friction creates a negative charge.
  • Easily flammable.
  • Fragile, pliable to processing.
  • Able to change the shade under the action of light.

For therapeutic purposes, raw amber is considered more effective. It is recommended to wear as jewelry. For hundreds of years, healers and healers studied this stone and discovered new healing properties. Scientists studying traditional methods of treatment, through careful laboratory studies have confirmed its unique ability to heal.

Amber acid is considered to be an important and most valuable substance for the medical purposes. Its salts are recognized as one of the best natural biostimulants.

"Sun Stone" has the following properties:

  • Anti-inflammatory action.
  • Bactericidal.
  • Regenerating.
  • Disinfectant.
  • Antiseptic.
  • Sedative.
  • Absorbent.

This stone stimulates all vital processes in the body.

The list of diseases and methods of treatment of amber

 Amber treatment

  1. Headaches - amber is applied to the temporal areas of the hands.
  2. Disorders of the stomach, intestines,respiratory tract infections are healed by wearing jewelry that has not been treated. Practiced and amber inhalation.
  3. Thyroid ailment is treated by rubbing amber oil into the neck and wearing resin stone ornaments. The iodine in its composition can be used when it is deficient in the body.
  4. Migraines retreat, if rubbed tincture of amber in the temporal zone. Also recommended wearing jewelry.
  5. Fatigue, stress, neurosis can be cured by aromatherapy. Amber accessories in the form of trinkets, jewelry will lead the body to tone.
  6. Colds under the action of various forms of treatment will quickly retreat and bring a good effect. You can use amber tinctures for external and internal use. Inhalation of amber vapors over a water bath is carried out with the addition of a piece of unpolished material. Essential oil will be appropriate in the steam room.
  7. Cosmetic purposes. Amber is a good prophylactic agent used to prevent aging and make the skin rested and fresh.
  8. Rheumatism, pain in the joints - it is recommended to attach the stone heated to an acceptable temperature to the places withpain symptoms.
  9. Intoxication of the body. Succinic acid removes toxins and radioactive isotopes.
  10. Wearing amber soothes the nervous system. Relieves depression and depression. Restores the biofield.

Recipes and recommendations

Amber tincture (recipe)
Not often used, but surprisingly useful dosage form with stone elements. Enriches the body with energy, prolongs many years of healthy life. Prepare a 0.5 liter bottle with dark glass. Place 15 pieces of amber into the container. The contents of the bubble poured vodka. Insist in a dark place without access to heat. Take before meals for dessert spoon.

Intake of tincture (by day in drops):

  • 1 - 3 drops;
  • 2 to 4 drops;
  • 3 - 5 drops;
  • 4 - starting from this day, the dose is not increased - 5 drops;
  • 6-7 - three drops;
  • 8 - 4 drops;
  • 9-10 - 5 drops;
  • 11-20 - alternation 4, 5 drops, lasts until the 20th day of admission.

After completing the course, it is recommended to take a ten-day break.

Outdoor use

  1. Migraine and headache - rub the compound into the nose, ears, weight, into the skin on the wrists.
  2. Impaired heart function - oil is rubbed into the armpit, the left side of the chest, shoulder and wrist.
  3. Hypothermia, colds, pathology of the respiratory tract - rub into the chest, temples, areas under the knees, feet, skin on the wrists.

For therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, amber beads are worn, usually short, adjacent to the neck. The size of the beads depends on the disease, doctors advise to increase the diameter gradually.

Video: treatment with amber

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