Apples and cinnamon to cleanse the body

Many are wondering - how can you cleanse the body? After reading this article, you will learn how to cleanse the body, eating apples and cinnamon, what is their benefit, and also adopt a couple of recipes for therapeutic drinks from these ingredients.

 Apples and cinnamon to cleanse the body

Cinnamon will help remove toxins and accumulated toxins.

Many of us use cinnamon as a spice, this is the well dried wooden bark of the tree Cinnamon. Most often on the shelves of shops this seasoning can be found in the form of bark rolled into a tube, but it is also sold in the form of a hammer. Many of us use this spice in cooking to give the dish a unique flavor and a special taste. However, not everyone knows that cinnamon is not only seasoning, but also a good doctor. Due to its composition (flavonoids), this spice is famous for its antifungal and antibacterial properties. In addition, it is a storehouse of calcium, iron and manganese.Eating cinnamon in small quantities is the prevention of flatulence.

The use of this seasoning in large quantities helps to normalize acidity and prevent spasms in the gastrointestinal tract. But you should be careful, because this seasoning has a laxative effect on the digestive tract. Also, the use of this aromatic seasoning will help get rid of dental, headache and ear pain, helps normalize digestion, cleanses the body, eliminates bad breath, anesthetic for migraines.

Cinnamon also helps:

  • Expand blood vessels.
  • Normalize the digestive tract.
  • Reduce the amount of sugar in the blood.
  • Lower cholesterol.
  • Clean the liver.
  • Improve brain function and memory.

It is because of its composition and healing properties of cinnamon is a must-have ingredient in all cocktails for weight loss and cleansing.

Apples for cleaning the body from the inside

This healthy fruit is eaten both fresh and used as a component of healing drinks and numerous culinary dishes. Apple fruits may differ in their beneficial properties - it all depends on the variety.Even a child knows about their benefits, in addition to speeding up metabolism, burning fat, this fruit is distinguished by its healing properties.

What are their benefits?

  • Rich in nutrients and trace elements (especially iron and vitamin C).
  • They help remove excess fluid and accumulated toxins.
  • Normalize intestinal peristalsis.
  • Strengthen the heart muscles.
  • Nourish with vitamins.

How to spend fasting days?

Fasting days, when only fermented milk products are eaten, apples or apple juice will help cleanse the body of toxins, as well as burn off unwanted fat. With the right diet, fasting days are simply necessary, they help the digestive system to recover and “relax”, and also clean the slagged organism. But it is important to properly conduct fasting days - no more than once every 2-3 weeks. In this case, when using apples and kefir will be able to achieve maximum effect.

On fasting days, it is better to give preference to fermented milk products, because it is distinguished by its low calorie content, inexpensive price, which is available in almost any category, and also rich in vitamin content.

A couple of recipes for cleansing the body

So, we offer a couple of recipes with which you can cleanse the body.

  1. Apple tea with cinnamon. To make it, you need black leaf tea (1 tsp), dried apples (25 grams), grated ginger root (15 grams), ground cinnamon (15 grams) and 0.5 liters of water. Boil water, put all the ingredients in a teapot and pour boiling water. Tea should brew a little, after which it can be drunk.
  2. Apple Salad To make a salad, you should have the following products: 4 medium sized apples, 2 tbsp. raisins, 2 tsp honey and lemon juice, 15 grams of cinnamon. Raisins should be well washed and pour boiled water for 15 minutes. Peel the apples and remove the core, cut the fruit into small slices. Make a dressing: honey, lemon juice and cinnamon mix. In a bowl, mix apples and raisins, pour over all dressing. Diet salad is ready!
  3. Baked apples. Cut the apples into small pieces and cover with cinnamon, send to bake in a microwave or a slow cooker for 5 minutes. After the apples have cooled down, pour them over with honey. Delicious and healthy dessert is ready, enjoy your meal!

Water drink

Water with cinnamon powder and apple juice will help to quickly cleanse the body and improve health:

 Water drink with cinnamon and apples

  1. Such a drink quickly normalizes the drinking regime, eliminates puffiness, stagnation in the tissues.
  2. Reduce your appetite. Filling your stomach before eating water with apple juice and cinnamon, you fool the feeling of hunger. In addition, cinnamon is known for its ability to reduce the level of sugar, while many people associate its taste with baked goods.

To cleanse the body with the help of such a drink is a rather pleasant activity, because water with apple juice and cinnamon is much tastier than plain water, which you need to drink about 1.5-2 liters per day. To make the drink even tastier, it is recommended to choose the most fragrant apples, buy them better on the market, and natural spice cinnamon. Remember that this drink is not a taste for cleansing the body, but a flavor.

Some people like to add stevia to water with cinnamon powder and apple juice. Especially good will be the taste of the drink, if you put it in liquid or powdered stevioside. This method of cooking water will appeal to those who like to use soda.

Cleansing the body with cinnamon and apples is really good for health, so this method will be relevant for any person!

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