Aspic - Benefits and Harm to the Health of the Body

As a cold dish, aspic began its spread as early as the 14th century. It was the rich European homes that laid the foundation for its culinary history. In those days, they often served hearty and rich soups for lunch. Broths were cooked on the basis of bones and cartilage, so it turned out that when cooled, they turned into a dense and viscous mass.

 The benefits and harm of brawn

However, the French chefs showed sharpness and changed the recipe. Any game, pork, beef, first boiled until cooked, then the meat is twisted several times to get a uniform viscous consistency. After that, it was mixed with strained broth, spices were added and kept in the cold so that the mass froze. This meat dish was called "galantin".

Spread of aspic in Russia

The Russian people invented their own version of "galantin", which had the name "studen". After uneventful meat feasts, all uneaten meat delicacies were sent to a large cauldron, where they were turned into one continuous porridge-like mass. Then it was left in a cool place to freeze. Of course, this “secondary” food was no longer served to the masters. It was intended only for servants in order to save.

Russia during its development in the 16th century was greatly influenced by the fashion trends of France. People of the highest class, wealthy ladies and gentlemen could afford to hire not only a whole staff of tailors, governesses, maids, but also the best cooks. Over time, the French chefs began to serve on refined dinners an updated recipe of jelly. They learned to add clarifying ingredients to the broth, for example, turmeric, saffron or lemon zest. The taste and aroma of the dish has improved significantly, which made it possible to include “aspic” in the list of indispensable cold snacks in rich houses.

Gradually, aspic began to be popular. Nowadays, pork, beef, and chicken are added as main ingredients to cold jelly.

Composition and nutritional value

The composition of this cold dish includes an impressive amount of healthy nutrients. Trace elements are represented by aluminum, fluorine, boron, rubidium, vanadium. Macronutrients are calcium, phosphorus and sulfur. Despite the rather long boiling broth, all the nutrients are saved. Among the vitamins emit vitamin C, A, B9.

Useful properties of jelly

  1. Positive effect on the nervous system due to the presence of polyunsaturated fatty acids.
  2. Improves the immune function of the body, and also increases the absorption of calcium.
  3. Part of the vitamin B9 increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood.
  4. Brain cells begin to actively interact under the influence of lycine. Improves the overall physical condition of the body.
  5. The aging of skin cells slows down due to the presence of collagen in the cold. It becomes elastic and resilient. The functioning of the musculoskeletal system is also markedly improved.
  6. The impact of gelatin has a positive effect on the work of the joints.

Calorie dishes

Given the fact that jelly is a frequent guest on the holiday table, you need to know how calorie such a snack. Just this figure is quite high, because at 100 grams. product accounts for 250 kcal.

The higher the fat content of meat, on the basis of which the broth is prepared, the higher the calorie content of jelly, respectively. For lovers of low-fat light meals are perfect for making beef jelly.

Do not often use the services of supermarkets and buy culinary dishes there. Chicken is easy to prepare with your own hands, then there is no doubt that the dish will be not only the most delicious, but also useful.

Pork jelly

The composition of pork jelly includes vitamin B12, zinc, iron and various amino acids, which are rich in red meat. These components are excellent helpers in the fight against avitaminosis, low levels of iron and calcium in the body. Pork also contains large amounts of myoglobin, which accelerates the movement of oxygen in the muscles. This property of myoglobin can significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

 Pork jelly

The consumption of pork meat prevents the development of any male diseases, for example, prostatitis or infectious diseases, including prevents premature impotence. Pork fat and lard, which is part of the aspic, not only gives the body satiety, but also charges with positive energy, improves physical condition.

In the process of cooking black pepper and garlic are often added to the jelly, so the dish is recommended for use during the period of the development of viral flu diseases.

Beef jelly

This jelly is a little different from the pig its delicate texture and pleasant aroma. Beef is considered a dietary meat, in which there are no harmful substances. For piquancy and spicy taste, mustard is added to the dish, as well as horseradish.

Fact! The digestibility of beef aspic is much higher than that of pork. Even people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is recommended to include in the diet beef meat.

Another positive feature of beef jelly can be called a beneficial effect on vision. Doctors recommend consuming beef to reduce the risk of developing any malignant diseases that may occur on the retina or optic nerves.This effect has vitamin A, which is part of the beef meat.

Beef jelly, rich in animal protein, is recommended for use by athletes who often endure heavy physical exertion on the body. Carotene, iron and animal fat can prevent many diseases.

Chicken jelly

Prepared on the basis of ordinary chicken legs. This jelly has a low calorie, but it does not reduce its taste. Chicken paws are usually rarely used, but chicken leg pudding is very useful. In its composition has a large amount of vitamin and macronutrients. For example, the presence of choline in it improves the metabolic processes in the body, normalizes pressure, increases the mobility of the musculoskeletal system. It is often included in the diet of school and preschool nutrition to strengthen young children's joints.

Negative effect of brawn

Despite all the above positive properties of jelly, it is necessary to recognize the fact that it contains a huge amount of harmful cholesterol, which can cause accumulation of fatty plaques in blood vessels.High calorie meals can lead to obesity if consumed jelly too often.

All meat-based broths incorporate growth hormone, which, if consumed excessively, causes muscle hypertrophy. Histomine can cause inflammation of the gallbladder.

Any antibacterial nutrients in the broth preparation process, including garlic, pepper or ginger, must be added in moderation.

Video: the benefits and harm of brawn

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