Hair falls out in clumps: what to do at home?

Women of any age are very sensitive to their hair, so their loss becomes a real problem. Especially if the hair falls out in clumps. In this case, many ladies literally panic and hysterics - is it possible to come to terms with massive hair loss? Indeed, hair loss in shreds can only happen on the background of serious changes in the body. In this article we will try to figure out what can cause focal alopecia, how to deal with it, and how to restore vegetation in areas with bald spots.

 Hair falls out in clumps

Why does hair fall out in clumps

Hair, like nails, is quite sensitive to any changes in the body and external factors, losing shine, vitality and internal health. However, in order for the strands to fall out in clumps,something global has to happen in the body. What factors can provoke a similar situation, let's try to figure it out.

  1. Pregnancy and lactation. In the period of carrying a child, hormones are produced that stop the process of hair loss. However, after childbirth, everything falls into place - all the hair, which should have fallen out within 9 months, falls out at once. In general, this is absolutely normal, so the body is rebuilt. But many young mommies are sounding the alarm - it seems that they are losing a significant part of their hair. An additional load is lactation - because, along with breast milk, a lot of vitamins, protein and microelements leave the woman’s body.
  2. Diseases and medical interventions. Hair loss in shreds can occur against the background of serious diseases, primarily infectious diseases, which have occurred with greatly elevated body temperature - more than 41 degrees. Very often, hair falls out after anesthesia, especially in case of overdose of strong anesthetic drugs. Almost always hair falls out at chemotherapy, leading to complete baldness.Anticonvulsant medication, drugs to reduce blood clotting, etc. can also lead to such consequences. Surgical intervention and head injuries can lead to global hair loss.
  3. Stress. Serious experiences can lead to a breakdown in the nervous system and massive hair loss. And the hair does not fall out immediately, but after a few days or weeks after suffering stress. If your hair falls out whole strands, analyze how the previous month was for you at work, in school, in relationships with relatives, etc.
  4. Intoxication. Poisoning the body with any toxic substances can lead to hair loss. Radiation, overdose of drugs, poisoning with heavy metals, salts and barium can cause disastrous consequences. You can meet with toxic substances by virtue of your profession - if a person works in production. However, this condition can occur near industrial cities with a high concentration of harmful emissions in the air.
  5. Cosmetic procedures. A lot of girls put on themselves a lot of experiments, regularly and drastically changing their image, hair style, hair color, degree of curling, etc.Sooner or later, this leads to the complete death of the strands, the hair literally creeps. Especially harmful procedures are considered to be perm, bleaching hair, decapsing (washing), burning hair with thermal devices, etc.
  6. Severe dietary restrictions. With massive hair loss often encounter girls who sit on strict diets. This is either a complete rejection of food and starvation, or mono-diets, in which a person for a long time eats one product - buckwheat, kefir or cucumbers. This develops an acute deficiency of vitamins, which leads to hair loss.

In addition to the reasons indicated, baldness can be caused by certain diseases, such as anemia or a malfunction of the thyroid gland.

What to do if hair falls out in clumps?

The sight of a piece of hair on a hairbrush can ruffle any person, introducing him to a state of panic and quiet horror. But do not despair, the problem in most cases is purely cosmetic and it is quite possible to cope with it by changing some habits.

 What to do if hair falls out in clumps

First you need to reconsider your views on life and begin to adhere to the simple rules of a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.Give up diets - they will not bring you anything good. If you need to lose weight, just give up the flour and sweet, go to the proper diet and very soon the arrow of the scales will crawl down. Move more - so you improve blood circulation in the scalp. Try to eat in a variety of ways so that various vitamins and microelements are ingested daily. Every day in the diet should be fruits and vegetables, meat, dairy products, cereals. 1-2 times a week you need to eat fish, berries, offal.

Stop being nervous, look at disturbing situations from the outside, change your attitude towards them. Understand, often the nerves do not affect what is happening, and sometimes even worsen the situation. Try to approach some points with humor or philosophically. In difficult cases, drink sedatives, at home without a doctor's prescription, you can take tincture and decoction of motherwort, hawthorn, valerian.

During lactation be sure to drink vitamins with calcium content. This will help you to fill the deficiency of this trace element, the hair will fall out much less.

Give up various cosmetic effects, stop dyeing and curling hair, take your curls in a natural way. Ideally, you need to cut off all the dead strands.Let the hair be short, but alive and shining - this is important.

With strong hair loss, be sure to connect the drug treatment. As a rule, the most effective drugs are considered to be based on Minoxidil - Alerana, Cosilon, Revasil, Generolon. Very useful vitamins to combat alopecia and enhance hair growth - this is Pantovigar, Selentsin, Hair Expert, etc.

In addition, replace the usual shampoos and lotions for medicinal products against hair loss, they are sold in a pharmacy. The most effective are lotions brands Sabrina Perfect, Fitoval, Constant Delight, Hair Vital. Very effective shampoos are Onion shampoo, Nizoral, Rinfoltil.

Regularly massage the head, carefully rubbing the skin with circular, scratching and stroking movements. It is very useful to use burdock and castor oil in massage - they improve hair growth. Every day, comb your hair with a massage comb with hard metal teeth - this increases blood circulation in the tissues, awakens dormant follicles and stimulates the growth of new young hairs.

In severe cases, after consulting a doctor, you may need physiotherapy.Only a cosmetologist can select specific procedures, depending on the history and individual characteristics of the patient. Mesotherapy is most often used - vitamin cocktails are introduced under the skin, which stimulate the growth of new hairs and strengthen the hair shaft in your well. Also in the treatment using ozone therapy, or cryotherapy, when the hair bulbs are exposed to liquid nitrogen. The duration and number of sessions is selected by a specialist.

If hair loss does not stop, for example, on the background of chemotherapy procedures or after an infectious disease, change the attitude to the problem. After some time, the hair will grow back, but for now you can wear stylish hats, wigs with unusual hair color, etc. If you do not know the reason for the intense hair loss, be sure to consult a doctor, the trichologist deals with hair problems.

Home remedies in the fight against massive hair loss

 Home remedies in the fight against massive hair loss
If hair falls out in clumps, it is most effective to use warming masks that irritate the epidermis and thereby increase blood circulation in the tissues,allow the roots to be saturated with oxygen and vitamins. Warming masks are best made of onions, mustard or red pepper. Onions are crushed, squeezed out of the mass of juice and rubbed into the scalp. Mustard is used in the same way - rubbed into the roots. On the basis of red pepper do tincture on alcohol, insist it for at least three weeks, and then also rubbed into the hair roots. Remember that these compositions can be used only on healthy skin, without injuries, abrasions and ulcers, otherwise the burning will be unbearable. After applying the heating component, the head is covered with a film and wrapped with a warm towel. Keep the mask to 30-40 minutes, and preferably an hour. If the skin is very thin and sensitive, the hot ingredient can be diluted with any cosmetic oil - coconut or almond. If you make such masks regularly at least three times a week, your hair will not fall out in a month.

It is very useful to rub vitamin formulations into the skin - vitamins A, E, C, B12, B5. It is better to use the liquid form - the medicine is sold in a pharmacy in ampoules. You can use one component or mix several different vials in the same container.Just moisten the fingertips in the prepared liquid, divide the hair into partings and rub row the composition into the scalp row after row. It is not necessary to wash off the vitamins - they are usually made on a water, rather than an oil basis.

It is very effective to do herbal rinsing. Make a habit of cooking a strong decoction of medicinal herbs before washing your head - it can be chamomile, oak bark, nettle, burdock root. When you rinse your head with shampoo and balm, simply rinse the curls with a herbal composition that you do not need to wash off - just blot your hair with a towel. This will not only save the hair from falling out, but also significantly change it - strands will become shiny, alive and strong. In addition, you can use ingredients in masks that nourish and restore weakened hair roots. Among them are dairy products, honey, eggs, fruit and berry juices. If you alternate the mask with each other and provide regular hair care, the loss of precious curls will not threaten you!

We often forget that hair is beautiful by nature. Clean, fresh and well-groomed curls are beautiful in themselves, it is not necessary to curl or straighten, repaint or coat them with a huge layer of varnish.Be beautiful in its naturalness, protect the health of your hair!

Video: mask with strong hair loss

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