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The absolute majority of moms and dads of children of primary school age know that their child can catch chickenpox. This disease is most common in children attending kindergartens or elementary schools. If the child gets sick, then he is put on a long quarantine. Fortunately, chickenpox has fairly pronounced symptoms, and confusing it with another disease is almost impossible.
Chickenpox is an infectious disease, the development of which causes a virus to enter the body. The main mode of transmission of this disease is airborne. Getting on the mucous membranes of the nose, mouth or eyes, the virus enters the body. The incubation period of chickenpox is from 10 days to the 21st. In children of primary school and preschool age, the first symptoms appear within two weeks after penetration of the pathogen into the body.
Contagious carrier of the virus becomes even before the onset of productive symptoms. That is why, if such a person enters the team, almost everyone gets sick. Virus isolation occurs during the entire period of time when characteristic skin diseases are present and a week after the cessation of this phenomenon. All this period, from the moment of the penetration of the pathogen into the body and another 5 days after the rash has gone - the patient is contagious.
According to many, the child must have a chickenpox at the age of up to 7 years. Children of preschool and primary school age are much less likely to suffer from possible complications associated with this disease than other age groups of the population.
People in adult, mature and old age are very difficult to tolerate this disease. Chickenpox is especially dangerous for teenagers. As a rule, they have it accompanied by a strong fever and subsequent pathological, often persistent changes in the internal organs.
Chickenpox very rarely get sick babies, especially up to six months. This is due to the fact that his innate hereditary immunity at this time blocks the development of the chickenpox virus in the body.He receives protection from her precisely with the breast milk of the mother, who has antibodies to the virus, if she has previously encountered it.
If chickenpox is suspected, the patient should be quarantined. For this reason, a doctor should be called home so as not to infect a healthy population.
Suspected chickenpox disease can be due to the characteristic symptoms of this disease, which are quite well expressed, but still it is worth contacting a doctor for an accurate diagnosis and further successful treatment.
Typical symptoms of chickenpox
A rash on the skin can occur not only in chickenpox, but also in many other diseases that occur in childhood, including it can manifest itself as an individual allergic reaction to many external stimuli. For this reason, it is necessary to be able to distinguish them.
The eruptions characteristic of chickenpox have a number of the following features.
- First, on the skin there is the presence of reddish or pink spots, which do not rise above the skin.After some time, in the places of reddening, the formation of pustules filled with serous fluid is observed. After a week, these eruptions begin to dry out, which is accompanied by the formation of crusts, which after a few days disappear.
- Rash with chickenpox can be on any part of the body, except the palms of the hands and feet. In childhood, as a rule, the first rash occurs in the area of the head, on the face and in places of hair growth. In addition to skin rash from chickenpox occurs on the mucous membranes of the face, it is very rare on the genitals.
- Chicken pox rash is characterized by a wavy course. This means that during the disease, it occurs simultaneously on large areas of the body, and then it goes the same way. When chickenpox occurs several such waves, which are accompanied by a very high body temperature.
- Rash polymorphic. This means that at the same time there are several types of lesions on the body, which include specks, papules and drying bubbles with crusts.
- Lesions of the skin in the form of bubbles filled with liquid, accompanied by very strong sensations of itching.
- The size of the speck is not more than 5 mm in diameter.
Children with chickenpox are very difficult to cope with itching. They begin to comb pimples filled with fluid. This can lead to their infection and very long healing. In addition, there is a high probability of scarring at the eruption site. For this reason, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will give recommendations on how to deal with itching. Self-medication is not worth doing.
How to understand that this chicken pox?
Most often, relatives of a child who attends a school or kindergarten team know that there have been cases of chickenpox. Therefore, they are very closely watching their child, fixing his changes in state of health and behavior. It is necessary to note that chicken pox does not manifest rashes initially. Often, typical cases of chickenpox have a consistent course.
- Chickenpox begins in the same way as ARVI - with a slight indisposition, which is manifested by decreased activity, decreased appetite, headache and elevated body temperature. Such symptoms are increasing for several days.
- After 2-3 days, small reddish spots appear on the body, which do not rise above the skin. Their number is gradually increasing. It happens very quickly. Only a few spots that were originally in a few hours can cover the entire surface of the body. The number of these rashes individually in each specific case. Together with the spreading rash, body temperature indicators are gradually rising, which is also quite an individual phenomenon. In some, it may not be increased at all, and in some it reaches the limit values.
- After a couple of days from the onset of the rash, red spots take the form of pimples, which are filled with serous fluid. In the place where they are, there is a very strong itch. Then they become covered with crusts and gradually descend.
- The disease is accompanied by moderate malaise, lethargy, drowsiness, decreased appetite. They can be joined by intoxication, which is manifested by insomnia and anxiety.
When scratching the pimples, infection may occur in areas of skin damage.The reason for this are pathogenic microorganisms that get in the wounds from scratching.
The acute period of the disease lasts from a week to 10 days. After this time, new areas of rash no longer occur. In those places where there were pimples, there are crusts, then they dry and fall off. This may be followed by the presence of pinkish spots on the site of the rash. It is not necessary to worry, as a rule, over time the skin becomes a uniform color.
This concerns the typical course of chickenpox. But this is not always the case. Sometimes the course of this disease is atypical. In this case, the characteristic symptoms may not be observed or they are expressed excessively.
If chickenpox has a mild course, there may not be a rash at all, or there may be only a few spots.
Forms of atypical chickenpox
In many cases of the disease, especially in childhood, it can occur in typical forms. However, forms that are often called atypical are often found.
It is found among babies born before the prescribed period, as well as among adolescents with a history of immunosuppressive syndrome. The chickenpox virus affects the CNS, liver and kidney tissue, and the lungs.The disease is complicated by severe intoxication and profuse itchy rash.
Rather dangerous form with a heavy course. It occurs in those who suffer from immunosuppressive diseases or undergo hormonal treatment using cytostatics.
Patients have a large-sized rash with blood contents. This may be accompanied by bleeding from the upper respiratory tract. General intoxication is gradually increasing. At the same time there is an increase in temperature to very high values. In the absence of adequate therapy, hemorrhagic form of chickenpox can be fatal.
The easiest of atypical forms of windmill. As a rule, it occurs in those who have recently been treated with immunoglobulins. It is rarely accompanied by severe symptoms, and specks may not transform into pustules.
It may occur in those who have a very weak immune system. With this form, large pustules appear with necrotic tissue inside. When the crust disappears, a strong scar appears. The gangrenous form is treated only in the hospital withpotent antibacterial drugs.
Atypical forms of chickenpox often have difficulty diagnosing. Independently, they are extremely difficult to determine. In this case, the complications in these forms are quite heavy. For this reason, it is not necessary to engage in self-diagnosis, and especially self-treatment. Adequate therapy according to the recommendations of the attending physician allows for quick recovery and minimizes the risk of complications.
Therapeutic measures for chickenpox have no peculiarities. Drug treatment is selected on an individual basis, depending on the productive symptoms. An adequate appointment can be made only by a qualified technician. It is acceptable to use exclusively Nurofen or Paracetamol for children as antipyretic drugs.
To relieve itching, antihistamine (antiallergic) medications are prescribed. Rashes are treated with ointments or creams for topical use. The composition of many of them include analgesics that help to cope with itching, as well as antiseptics that prevent the ingestion of infectious pathogens.
Some of the “old-fashioned” process pimples with the help of Fucorcin, Zelenka or Manganese. This is not entirely correct, because they burn the upper layers of the skin, which contributes to the formation of crusts. This leads to increased itching. In addition, scars often remain after their use.
In severe forms of the disease, hospitalization is sometimes required. In this case, drugs are prescribed to relieve intoxication. Sometimes use of antibiotics is required, especially if an infection of the damaged skin of the skin occurs.
Patients with chickenpox should adhere to bed rest, especially at the very beginning of the disease. An infection carried "on the feet" can be dangerous for its complications. You need to drink plenty of fluids and eat well. Quarantine should last at least a week after the last pimples.
Children who were in the same team with the sick chickenpox should be kept in quarantine 3 weeks from the moment of contact. Even in the event that they do not have symptoms. That is how long the incubation period of chickenpox lasts.
The most effective ointment
- Antiviral drugs for local application, which are used in the fight against herpetic eruptions, are applied with particular efficacy.
- Drying ointments that are used for any kind of rash, for example, prickly heat, on a zinc base.
- Anti-inflammatory drugs for local use.
- Ointment with analgesic effect helps to effectively deal with itching, which significantly improves the general condition of the patient.
Important! Many people mistakenly believe that brilliant green is the most effective remedy for chickenpox. This is completely untrue. It only helps to control the appearance of lesions, coloring them in a characteristic green color. Fukortsin is a more effective remedy for chickenpox, it has an antibacterial effect and also paints the skin. But you need to use it very carefully, for the reason that it can provoke allergic reactions.
Chickenpox is a disease from childhood. Many modern moms and dads remember the words “kindergarten” with green dots on their body and face when they say “chicken pox”. Most often, this disease is considered "mandatory" and completely safe. However, this is not quite true. There are many cases of severe varicella, which can be dangerous to the life or health of a person, especially a child.Despite the fact that many people treat the chickenpox traditionally on their own, it is simply necessary to consult a doctor at the first symptoms of the disease.
Video: how to treat chickenpox in children?
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