Boiled potatoes - the benefits and harm to the health of the body

The phenomenon of potatoes never ceases to amaze even centuries later. The root crop imported from overseas has become so rooted on the Eurasian continent that sometimes it is hard to believe in its “foreign” origin. Today it is difficult to imagine any menu at all, whether it is a festive dinner or a daily meal, without potato dishes. From this garden crop you can prepare a lot of healthy and hearty snacks, soups, main dishes. But, probably, even all gourmet dishes surpass simple boiled potatoes in popularity.

 The benefits and harms of boiled potatoes

Potato myths and legends

It is hard to believe now that the path to the top of the potato’s popularity was long and thorny. At first, an overseas vegetable was not much favored in high society, and to ordinary people it was completely inaccessible. But, thanks to the art of the best chefs of that time, the vegetable gradually began to win the sympathy of people.He relatively quickly cultivated in different countries, where he began to actively grow and serve to the table in the homes of nobility and the poor.

But not everything went so smoothly. Myths about the negative impact of potatoes significantly spoil his ratings. When he first appeared in Europe, some scientists of the time expressed the opinion that the vegetable contains poisons and can cause serious poisoning. A little later, already at the end of the 19th century, potatoes were accused of the fact that it promotes weight gain. Supporters of this hypothesis are found in our days. Of course, there is some truth in this. But the cause of obesity is not in the product itself, but in the way it is prepared. Fried potatoes, even flavored with a fat sauce, are a source of extra calories. If, however, to cook potato dishes according to all the rules, it will only bring benefit to the body.

Potato virtues

Let's try to figure out what is good for potatoes and how it can harm.

Tubers of this unpretentious garden crop contain a lot of useful substances. First of all, these are antioxidants, which remain in the product even after its boiling.New potatoes are considered the most useful, but the tubers, which are stored for a long time, practically do not possess such qualities.

Boiled potatoes are useful for vessels and digestive organs, for renal pathologies and problems of the urogenital area. A high content of starch in it blocks the accumulation of cholesterol. In general, potato starch is an invaluable product, because it:

  • possesses bactericidal properties;
  • promotes wound healing;
  • reduces the acidity of gastric secretion;
  • normalizes the stomach and intestines.

Cooked tubers of potatoes have many other advantages: it is a neutral taste, availability of the product, high nutritional value. In addition, in this form the vegetable goes well with any meat and fish.

What elements are contained in boiled potatoes

Contrary to popular belief that boiled vegetables are useful only in fiber, it has been scientifically proven that when cooking potatoes, healthy elements are preserved in it. Most of them are found in potatoes in the "uniform". But also in the peeled vegetable there are a lot of useful substances:

  • vitamin group - K, C, E, A, B;
  • mineral complex: potassium, sodium, magnesium and other elements;
  • Choline - a substance that reduces the concentration of fatty acids.

Well boiled potatoes are recommended for patients after abdominal operations as a dietary meal to restore nutrition. It helps people with fasting, smoothly return to the normal diet. Folk healers claim that boiled potatoes help with arthritis, other joint problems.

What diseases can be treated with potatoes

There are many useful properties of potatoes. The main thing is to cook it correctly. It must be remembered that during cooking a significant part of the starch remains in the broth. Many are accustomed to drain the liquid, without even thinking about how useful it is for the body. Broth after cooking potatoes is considered a valuable dietary product that has a positive effect on digestion.

Mashed potatoes for weight loss

 Mashed potatoes for weight loss
Boiled potatoes help lose weight. To do this, prepare mashed potatoes with dill, and then add dishes with natural yogurt. The recipe is as follows: 100 kg of yogurt and about 30 g of dill (it should be finely chopped) will be required for ½ kg of potatoes.To mash turned out light and airy, it is better to pass through a blender.

In addition to improving the shape of the figure, boiled potatoes are capable of:

  • improve the elastic properties of blood vessels;
  • reduce pressure (you need to regularly drink potato broth);
  • cure cough and runny nose if you breathe steam over potatoes cooked in the peel;
  • bronchitis can be quickly cured by putting potato cakes on the chest.

baked potato

The product in the baked form is useful not only because it has a low calorie content, it is also capable of showing its healing qualities. Mashed healers are advised to use mashed potatoes prepared in this way for the treatment of boils, carbuncles and other pustular skin diseases. For a therapeutic effect, it is enough to apply a potato cake to the inflamed area. Baked potatoes in the ashes are also treated with bronchitis and laryngitis, using potato chest wrap.

Important! Warming compresses are not placed on the heart area. This rule applies to other similar procedures.

What can hurt potatoes

Regarding the harmful properties of this wonderful vegetable, one thing can be said - this is a relative concept. Of course, if the diet does not consist of one potato. If you eat boiled or baked potatoes no more than 200 g per day, then you can not worry about weight at all. It is not necessary to prepare dishes with potatoes for dinner, then the calories in the form of fat deposits will not accumulate. It is better to use a vegetable in any form for lunch.

If boiled potatoes do not pose any threat to health, then this cannot be said about another popular dish - french fries. Unfortunately, manufacturers do not always change the oil in the fryer, which contributes to the formation of carcinogens. Fried potatoes are not recommended for people with liver, stomach, or kidney diseases. Contraindicated dish for those who have problems with cholesterol.

Important point! Potatoes need to be properly stored, otherwise the tubers may become a greenish tint. This color indicates the formation of the component of solanine, which can cause severe poisoning.

Potatoes - a unique product that is always and in any form appropriate on the table.And in order for it to really bring the maximum health benefit, you need to create optimal conditions for its storage and properly prepare dishes from it.

Video: the benefits and harm of potatoes

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