Care for dyed hair at home

There is no limit to perfection - this is the rule most modern girls follow. For certain reasons, beautiful ladies believe that their natural hair color is not good enough. From here begin large-scale experiments with appearance, which is subjected to the head of hair testing. In the course goes all - perm, haircut and, of course, coloring. Ammonia compounds act on the core of the hair, destroying them from the inside.

 Care for dyed hair

Why does hair weaken after dyeing?

  • frequent exposure to stress;
  • lack of basic care;
  • violation of the recommendations of the barber;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • hormonal disruptions;
  • abuse of thermal devices and stylers;
  • improper diet;
  • the use of low-quality cosmetics for hair;
  • menopause, lactation, pregnancy.

Features care for colored hair

  1. Swimming in the pool. Dyed hair can not be exposed to chlorinated, salty and fresh water for 2 weeks after the procedure. For this reason, refrain from visiting the pool or swimming in the sea (river, lake). Otherwise, wear a rubber cap that will protect the hair. If you decide to ignore the recommendation, after exposure to chlorine, rinse curls with softened (filtered) water or medicinal decoction.
  2. Head massage. Dyed hair needs additional makeup that will awaken dormant bulbs. For this purpose, a head massage is performed. Buy nicotinic acid or tocopherol at a pharmacy, lubricate your fingers with an oily solution. Process the back of the head, temples, crown and the main line of growth. Each zone takes 3-5 minutes. The tool does not need to be washed off, massage is performed 1 time in 2 days.
  3. Frequency staining. Try to tint only the roots as they grow.Manipulations are allowed to be carried out 1 time in 1.5 months. Experts recommend using paint over the entire length of not more than 2 times a year. Hair with an unnatural shade should not be subjected to chemical perm and washing within 3 weeks after the procedure.
  4. The use of thermometers. An experienced hairdresser who performed the dyeing should tell about the importance of excluding hair styling devices from everyday life. High temperatures destroy the curls, “wash out” the paint, make the strands dull and dry. Try not to use a hairdryer, curling iron, an iron and hair curlers for 15 days after dyeing. Further, you should also limit the application. Otherwise, before drying (curling, straightening), spray curls with a means of "thermal protection". Use less stylers (foam, mousse, varnish, wax, gel, etc.).
  5. Diet. Colored hair needs to be replenished outside and inside. Enrich the daily menu with healthy products: meat, poultry, nuts, sea cocktails, beans, cereals. Do not forget about fresh vegetables, berries and fruits. Do not skip breakfast, lean on milk and cereal. Refuse from fried, smoked, too fat food.Use dietary supplements, including omega-acids, tocopherol, lecithin, retinol, vitamin B.
  6. Sun protection. Hair after dyeing has a porous structure. To reduce the risk of cross-section and fragility, buy a cream (spray, serum) with hydrolyzed keratin. Protection factor - 30-60 units. Treat curls before going out to the scorching sun and in the solarium. For greater confidence, wear a wide-brimmed hat, hide hair under it.
  7. The use of special tools. Get in the habit of using indelible conditioners and serums. Means are designed to give hair shine, facilitate combing, solder split ends. Choose products from one manufacturer, focus on a professional line-up. Buy products with the mark “For colored hair”.
  8. Water balance. To moisturize the hair along the entire length, fixing the follicles in a special bed and general hair restoration, it is necessary to follow the drinking regime. Use at least 2 liters per day. clean water. Supplement it with freshly squeezed juices of carrots, cabbage, apples, oranges and celery.Thus you will maintain the shade of hair, avoiding dullness.

Washing colored hair

 Washing colored hair

  1. After dyeing, you can not wash your hair using shampoo. Wait 3 days, then proceed to the manipulation. The paint has not yet been fixed in the structure of the hair, so you will wash away the main color if you ignore the recommendation.
  2. On arrival from the beauty salon, distribute an indelible serum, which serves to maintain color, along the strands. So you can partially reduce the sharp smell of ammonia and cover up the hair scales.
  3. Choose a caring cosmetics right. Shampoos, balms, masks, sprays, serums - they should all be intended for colored hair. Universal remedies quickly wash the pigment from the core and make the curls brittle.
  4. To prolong the result, use detergent compositions of the same series as the hair dye. Complementary components allow you to paint no more than 1 time per month. You should also use tint balms and shampoos, which are sold in beauty salons. The recommendation is extremely relevant for blondes (the fight against yellow and green).
  5. After the washing procedure, rinse the locks with water and add apple cider vinegar (10: 1 ratio). The last component can be replaced with lemon juice in the same quantity. The decoction of medicinal plants (nettle, birch, yarrow, thyme, oak, etc.) is excellently maintained. The rinse does not need to be washed off.

Drying colored hair

  1. As mentioned earlier, the use of a hair dryer should be reduced. Try to dry your hair naturally. If the hairstyle needs constant hot-air styling, before the procedure, spray the curls with a spray with the effect of thermal protection. The composition will cover the strands with a protective film.
  2. The above recommendation is also relevant for girls, who often use tongs, hot curlers, and ironing. Reduce the use of these devices or set the minimum temperature. Strands / strands should not be exposed for more than half a minute. After this time, cool the shock and repeat the action again.
  3. Do not dry the hair to the end, leave the shock a little wet. Allow it to dry naturally. Ironing and curling can be used only on completely dry hair.If possible, get a hair dryer with ionization, which will protect the curls from fragility and cross-section.

Combing dyed hair

 Combing dyed hair

  1. Combing wet hair is not recommended, otherwise you will aggravate the cross section and loosen the bulbs. After drying, arm yourself with a soft massage brush with a natural bristle, gently comb through the pile from the tips to the roots, holding the strands in your fist in the middle.
  2. Now take a wooden scallop with wide teeth, brush it with orange or tea tree ether. Work through curl after curl for 5 minutes. Do not wash off the product; it will add shine to the strands.
  3. Hair that has undergone dyeing needs to be permanently cut. Visit the hairdresser 1 time in 1,5 - 2 months that the master removed sichёnye tips.
  4. Immediately after staining can not comb the strands, wait 5-6 hours. Otherwise, the non-fixed pigment will come out, reducing to “no” all efforts.
  5. To make the shovel obedient, before going to bed, comb it with a massage or comb for 10 minutes. Move in all directions.

Treatment of colored hair

  1. It is known that the paint dries even the once healthy strands.As a result, the hair becomes brittle, split, dull. Pharmaceutical products will help you in the fight against damage.
  2. Take it a habit 1 time in 4-5 days to rub in the root area of ​​nicotinic acid, tocopherol or retinol. These vitamins are sold in a pharmacy and are distributed in ampoules.
  3. If the problem of split ends bothers, treat them with burdock or castor oil every evening. Also helps with the damage helps fish oil.
  4. All, without exception, it is necessary to carry out aroma rubbing. Apply 3 drops of rosemary, orange, tea tree or almond ether to the comb. Rub, comb the strands.

Folk remedies for colored hair

  1. Chili pepper. Take a pod of burning composition and fill it with 300 ml. vodka. Insist in the dark for 10 days, then strain. Rub 5 drops into the hair roots to accelerate their growth. The procedure is carried out 1 time per week.
  2. Egg yolk. Cool a few eggs, then separate only the yolks. Beat them with a mixer, apply to clean and moisturized hair along the entire length. Heat insulation film, wait 40 minutes. The mask perfectly moisturizes the curls.
  3. Kefir. If you need to make your hair shine, use kefir, sour milk or ryazhenka. Heat the product to 40 degrees, then rub it into the washed strands. Keep cellophane for half an hour.

Dyed hair requires systematic care. Protect hair from UV rays, chlorinated water and other weather conditions. Regularly use indelible conditioners, pick up professional series detergents. Do homemade masks, visit the hairdresser 1 time in 2 months. Tint only the hair roots, and not the entire length.

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