Skin care around the eyes at home

The least muscles are concentrated in the area around the eyes, so the need for skin care is especially great. At the slightest sign of fatigue, bags appear under the eyes, dark circles, and swelling. It's all about the dehydration of this area. For its additional make-up it is necessary to use folk cosmetology or professional products. So let's consider the basic principles of care.

 Caring for the skin around the eyes

Why you need to care for the skin around the eyes

In this area there are practically no muscles and subcutaneous fat, and the skin itself is thin, delicate and sensitive. With improper care, there is the likelihood of bags and bruises that does not look very neat.

Causes of dark circles

Bruising under the eyes is the first sign that you had a bad night’s rest. They look treacherous, so to troubleshoot, check the causes:

  • addictions (alcohol, tobacco, etc.);
  • a long drive;
  • continuous work for the PC;
  • use of gadgets before bedtime;
  • age changes;
  • allergic reaction;
  • chronic fatigue, lack of sleep;
  • deficiency of ascorbic acid in the body;
  • hereditary factor;
  • exposure to stress;
  • thyroid ailments;
  • the location of the capillaries is too close to the surface of the skin.

It should be understood that the abuse of tobacco affects negatively the vessels and capillaries, narrowing them. A person loses a blush, bruises are clearly visible on pale skin.

Stress only exacerbates the situation, leading to a more disastrous outcome. The epidermis loses precious moisture. Bruises can appear along the genetic line, since humans naturally have poor production of collagen and elastin.

Causes of wrinkles

From the formation of small creases in the area around the eyes no one is immune.Wrinkles appear in young girls and women in age due to dehydration of the skin. In the process of blinking the skin of the eyelids becomes flabby, so it needs special care. Why wrinkles appear:

  • poor production of collagen;
  • non-use of skin cream around the eyes;
  • dehydration of the skin and the whole body;
  • exposure to the sun without goggles;
  • excessive facial expressions;
  • constant squinting, intense eyelids;
  • poor nutrition;
  • exposure to stress;
  • smoking, overburden on alcohol.

To eliminate the causes, it is necessary to give up bad habits and balance the daily diet. Also, not superfluous will be the use of special moisturizing reversal, designed to care for centuries.

Causes of swelling

Bags, exactly, like bruises under the eyes, make the face tired and spoil the beauty of the skin. A similar phenomenon is accompanied by the accumulation of fluid under the skin or a large amount of adipose tissue (rarely) in this area. But there are other reasons:

  • prolonged crying;
  • allergy;
  • the abuse of fatty and salty foods;
  • alcohol;
  • water intake in large quantities before bedtime;
  • diseases of the digestive tract, kidney, liver, heart;
  • change in lipid due to age-related changes.

To exclude the causes of the appearance of bags in the eye area, you must first be examined to eliminate diseases of the heart muscle, liver and kidneys, and the gastrointestinal tract. Also, no harm will be a complete rejection of bad habits. Do not lean on the water before bedtime.

The subtleties of skin care around the eyes

The basic principles of care consist of three main aspects. These include cleansing procedures, moisturizing and nutritional rules.

 The subtleties of skin care around the eyes

Stage number 1. Cleansing

  1. Whether you use decorative cosmetics or not, the skin in a given area needs regular cleansing. You should not use soap, delicate milk or facial cleanser is suitable for cleansing.
  2. The use of hard alcohol-based tonic products will contribute to premature wilting and the appearance of wrinkles. Ordinary water is also not suitable, it only removes dust, but not creams and other cosmetics.
  3. Prefer milk for cleansing the skin around the eyes. Moisten in the composition of the sponge, wipe the skin from the inner edge to the outer on the upper eyelid.The lower eyelid is cleared from the outer zone to the inner.
  4. To remove mascara or other decorative cosmetics, buy directional products. Soak a cotton swab in them, apply to each eyelid and hold for 40 seconds. Then the makeup is easily removed without friction and damage.
  5. After any cleansing procedures, wash your face with contrasting water, rub with ice cubes based on chamomile decoction.

Stage number 2. Moisturizing

  1. Almost all the problems associated with the delicate area around the eyes, appear due to dehydration of this area. In order to prevent unpleasant consequences, attention should be paid to moisturizing.
  2. Moisture should come into the skin year-round. For this purpose, serums, gels, creams and other cosmetics are used. Natural oils or masks are also suitable.
  3. Before any exit to the street, apply a moisturizer for 45-60 minutes. Let it soak in, only then proceed to applying decorative cosmetics.
  4. Foundation, powder, blush and other formulations dry the skin. Therefore, before applying them, it is advisable to use a special primer or base for makeup.
  5. In the summer, preference should be given to hydrogels, and in winter, to more fat, oily-based creams. This approach will protect the skin from frostbite, draining and chapping.

Stage number 3. Nutrition

  1. It is necessary to feed the skin in the eye area without exception, regardless of age and gender. For this purpose, herbal extracts, essential and natural oils, purchased or home-made masks are used.
  2. Also, be sure to pick up a directional cream or hydrogel. Serum for delicate skin around the eyes consists of smaller molecules, so it is better to cope with the task. A small tube is enough for you for a long time.
  3. To avoid swelling, the night cream is applied at least 2 hours before going to bed. Daytime is applied in the morning before going out or applying makeup. Remove surplus without fail with a napkin.
  4. Never use fatty products, they do not absorb, but melt on the surface, creating an ugly shine. Ideal - gel, which is largely composed of water.

Eye Creams

 Eye Creams

  1. Nutritious. To prepare an effective composition, you need to combine 15 gr. liquid honey and 20 g. glycerol. Mix 12 gr. instant gelatin and 50 ml. filtered water. Send the tank to the steam bath. Warm up components to 40 degrees. Get away from homogeneous products. After cooling down, apply daily.
  2. Moisturizing. Boil chamomile and linden flowers in the tank with boiling water (20 gr. Of each raw material). Insist the components for a quarter of an hour by closing the container with an airtight lid. Strain the agent after the allotted time. Next, take 40 grams. butter and combine with 70 gr. ready broth. Stir until smooth.
  3. Night. To prepare a quality product, you need a solid cocoa butter. Take 15 gr. raw materials and melt on the steam bath. After the composition has melted, it needs to be combined with a few drops of fennel and santalus oils. Stir the ingredients thoroughly and wait for the medium to solidify. After that, the cream can be used as intended.
  4. From dark circles. Turn into mush 30 gr. fresh parsley. Connect the composition with a 25 gr. soft butter.Apply the product before going to bed for 2 hours.
  5. For swelling. Before using unsalted pork fat, melt the product on a steam bath. For cooking you will need 40 grams. composition. Mix 60 grams to the melted raw materials. Olive oils. Stir the ingredients and allow to cool. The cream can be applied no more than 3 times a week.
  6. From wrinkles. Pound in a total capacity of 30 grams. margarine and egg yolk. Add a small amount of any flowers with pollen to the composition. For funds suitable rose, lily of the valley, rosehip or jasmine. Use the tool as intended.

Oils for the skin around the eyes

  1. Fortified composition. Connect in a convenient cup of 35 ml. olive oil and 1 ml. of vitamins E, A. Stir in the ingredients and distribute by massaging movements over the skin twice a day. To get rid of excess composition, blot with a napkin.
  2. Butter. Melt a small amount of creamy product on the steam bath. Distribute the remedy by patting at bedtime. In the morning, wash in the usual way.
  3. Oily mixture. For the preparation of an effective composition will need to mix in equal quantities apricot, olive and peach oils. Mix a mixture of vitamins A and E to the ingredients.
  4. A remedy for wrinkles in the corners of the eyes. Pour 60 ml into the bowl. Olive oils of the highest quality. Add 2 drops of verbena, rosemary and geranium to the composition. Moisturize the dermis twice a day.
  5. Avocado oil. The basis of the tool is 30 ml. avocado oil. Mix 3 drops of orange and mint into the component. Spread the product on delicate skin every evening.
  6. Corn oil. Send in a container of suitable size for 20 grams. mint leaves, burdock and calendula. Pour raw materials 70 ml. corn oil. Cork the container with a tight lid; remove the vessel for a week in a dark place. Strain and apply to fight wrinkles.

Eye Masks

  1. Cucumbers. Vegetable is very popular in cosmetology. Chop cucumber rings and place on face. Hold the product for at least 20 minutes. The procedure is the most simple and effective.
  2. Cottage cheese. Purchase a rustic product. Take a small portion of the curd and apply with a thin layer on the skin around the eyes. Hold the tool a third of an hour, wash.
  3. Eggs The procedure will require egg yolk. Gently spread the composition over the skin. Hold the mask for 15 minutes, then wash.
  4. Bread. Take a piece of white bread without a crust. Moisten the product in the heated olive oil. Put the tool on the eyes. Wash with plain water after half an hour.

To care for the skin around the eyes, it is not necessary to resort to the help of expensive tools. Of course, you can invest in high-quality creams of famous manufacturers with a sufficient amount of finance. In other cases, homemade recipes will help you no worse than cosmetics.

Video: 5 mistakes in skin care around the eyes

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