Moisturizing hair at home

The beauty of the hair determines the appearance of the girl, her grooming and self-esteem. When the hair looks dry, it sticks out in all directions and spoils the overall impression of its owner. To eliminate dryness, beautiful ladies resort to using all kinds of cosmetics, which we will talk about today. So, let's consider the basic ways to moisturize hair.

 Moisturizing hair

Why does hair become dry

To improve the condition of the hair, it is necessary, first of all, to eliminate the main causes of dryness. These include:

  • lack of elementary basic care;
  • the use of low-quality cosmetics;
  • regular staining;
  • use of appliances for hot stacking;
  • winding the strands on Velcro and heated hair rollers;
  • perm;
  • daily washing of the head;
  • exposure to ultraviolet hair and other weather conditions;
  • work in a polluted enterprise;
  • swimming in the pool and salt springs;
  • wrong headdress;
  • insomnia, exposure to stress;
  • being in a stuffy room;
  • shampooing with hard running water;
  • lack of certain vitamins (A, E, PP, B3 and others);
  • abusing styling styling;
  • poorly balanced daily meals;
  • dehydration of the follicles and the whole body in particular.

This list does not define all the reasons why the hair lacks precious moisture. Depending on the state of health, the state of the hair also varies.

Rules moisturizing hair

  1. Revise daily meals, eliminate harmful foods from consumption. These include smoked foods, pickles, fast food, sausages, pepper and fatty dishes.
  2. Remove from the diet of coffee, this drink only washes away the precious fluid from the body. Use more herbal tea, purified bottled water.
  3. Drink fish oil or flaxseed oil in capsules once every six months.Also, do not be superfluous complex multivitamins, aimed at treating hair.
  4. Drink per day not less than 1.9 liters. purified water, provided that you have no other restrictions on the state of health.
  5. Check the intestines and stomach, sometimes due to diseases of these internal organs hairline suffers. Spend prevention of worms.
  6. Before going out in the summer, spray a special UV-protected spray on your hair.
  7. After each shampooing rinse the ditch with broth cooked on medicinal plants.
  8. Choose cosmetics for hair marked "deep moisturizing." Take the compositions of the same brand and series for the comprehensive restoration of hair.
  9. For the period of treatment, completely abandon the thermal devices, hair stylers to create hairstyles, hair curlers. Do not do tight hair, wear hair loose.
  10. Wash your head with softened water. To do this, it must first be filtered or boiled and cooled.
  11. At the time of recovery, do not perm. Do not dye or paint only the roots with non-ammonia agents.

Moisturizing hair pharmacy tools

In the pharmacy, you will find drugs of directional action, which have a positive effect on the health of hair.

 Moisturizing hair pharmacy tools

  1. Essential oils. Beneficial esters include patchouli, geranium and lavender oil. Add 3 drops per portion of shampoo while washing hair.
  2. Sulsena. Pasty composition, preferably aimed at the treatment of dandruff and seborrhea. But in addition, the drug moisturizes the hair.
  3. Ampoule vitamins. These include tocopherol and retinol. Otherwise they are called vitamins E and A, respectively. Rub on the ampoule every day at night.
  4. "Dimexide". Liquid solution that gives excellent results when mixed with olive or sea buckthorn oil. Moisturizing is carried out comprehensively.
  5. Pepper tincture. This is an alcohol solution on red pepper. Due to the increased blood circulation, the hair gets proper nutrition. Tincture is added to masks and shampoos.
  6. Henna. It is necessary to purchase henna without a shade, it belongs to the medical series. The product is diluted with water, applied to the hair and kept at least the whole night.

Moisturizing homemade hair

To restore the water balance in the follicles, you must follow the above recommendations and at the same time do homemade hair masks.The application of funds, depending on their “hardness” and the initial state of the mop, is carried out from 1 to 3 times a week.

Yolk with kefir
All dairy products do an excellent job of moisturizing, kefir is no exception. Prepare 500 ml in advance. drink and leave at room temperature.

Separately, refrigerate 3 chicken yolks to cool, after an hour, whip them into the foam with a whisk or mixer. Mix with kefir, pour 20 ml. olive oil.

Since the composition is quite liquid, it is necessary to pour corn starch into it. Add so much that it is convenient to apply the mask to the hair. Distribute the product thoroughly and keep under polyethylene for an hour.

Onion and garlic
In some cases, hair loses moisture due to slow blood circulation and poor nutrient supply of follicles. Activate all metabolic processes will help "hard" mask.

Pass through the crush 8 teeth of garlic and onions. Fold the components on the gauze fabric, twist the bag, squeeze the juice.

Mix the resulting liquid with four egg yolks (cold), whisk and apply. Keep under the hood for 35 minutes.With a strong burning sensation, wash off earlier.

Gelatin with honey
Gelatin mask with a rich vitamin complex perfectly eliminates dryness, preventing the development of other problems with the scalp and hair. It is recommended to apply the product exclusively on clean strands.

To prepare the mask is best to take instant gelatin. Take 40 gr. raw materials, 10 gr. flower honey and 250 ml. warm water. Stir the ingredients and wait for the swelling. You can also add a little balm to the products.

As a result, the mixture should be creamy. Depart 2 cm from the roots, distribute the mask along the entire length. For convenience, use a cosmetic brush. Put a rubber hat on your head and go to bed. In the morning, remove the tool.

Oatmeal with soda
To prepare an effective tool will need 60 grams. oatmeal, 20 gr. baby powder and 12 gr. baking soda.

Stir the ingredients. The tool must be used for dried and clean hair. The composition cleans the light strands and gives them volume.

Corn Starch Cocoa
Mix in a total capacity of 15 grams. corn starch, 40 gr. dry cocoa and 6 g. drinking soda.

The tool has the same properties as the above composition. The product is intended for representatives of the weaker sex with dark strands.

Clay with soda
To give freshness of hair and get rid of unnatural shine, fat, you need to mix 60 grams. cosmetic clay and 15 gr. starch, soda.

Combine with herbal decoction or conditioner for rinsing hair. The result should be a thick paste. Apply with a thick layer. Wash off after 1 hour.

Rosemary with dill seeds
To restore the weakened structure of colored strands, you need to use the healing composition. Connect 1 l. boiling water 40 gr. dry rosemary and 20 gr. dill seeds.

Boil the ingredients for a few minutes. Wait for cooling in a natural way, strain. Use a decoction after each shampooing. After several sessions, the result will surprise you.

Olive oil with yolk
To fully moisturize the structure of curly curls, it is recommended to resort to the help of a healing composition. Take 30 ml. olive and castor oil, 60 gr. rustic sour cream and 1 chicken yolk.

Beat the components with a whisk or fork.Spread the air composition over the entire length of the hair. Wrap your head in cellophane and a towel. Wait 40 minutes, then wash your hair with shampoo.

Natural oils
These include corn, olive, castor, burdock, coconut. Choose any of the above oils or combine them with each other. To moisturize you need to warm up the composition and apply along the entire length of the hair.

 Hair Moisturizing Oils

The oil mixture is allowed to leave overnight. In the morning it is necessary to wash off the mask with the help of shampoo and rinse the dust additionally with herbal decoction.

Arnica with yolk
An effective mask restores the structure, moisturizes, gives shine, elasticity, enhancing the natural growth of the stacks. Warm up on the steam bath 50 ml. burdock oil up to 38 degrees.

Add 2 egg yolks and 20 ml to the composition. tinctures arnica. Get from the components of a homogeneous composition. Mask the entire length of hair, pay special attention to the tips.

Build a thermal cap on your head, wait 1 hour. It is enough to wash away means with warm water without cosmetic components.

Glycerin with Apple Cider Vinegar
The tool acts as an effective moisturizing and restoring mask.Hair get a comprehensive recovery. Shine, smoothness and elasticity appear.

Warm up 60 ml. olive oil on a steam bath. Simultaneously beat the chicken egg. Add to the oil and mix in 15 ml. glycerin, 12 ml. apple cider vinegar.

Stir the ingredients thoroughly. It is recommended to apply the agent along the entire length. Heat the classic scheme. After 1.5 hours, remove the product with non-hot water.

Ylang Ylang Ether with Lemon Juice
The tool rather acts as a lotion after using different masks. Hair gains noticeable shine, silkiness and elasticity.

To prepare the composition will need to combine 6 ml. lemon juice, 4 drops of ylang-ylang ether and 90 ml. warm mineral water without gas. Apply a homogeneous composition as a conditioner.

Sage with wormwood
To conduct a comprehensive wellness procedure, you need to prepare a healing broth. Connect in a common cup of 50 grams. dry collection of sage, nettle, St. John's wort, wormwood. Take from the mixture obtained 40 grams. and pour 300 ml. boiling water.

Boil the ingredients for about 5 minutes. Wait for cooling to an acceptable temperature, strain.Enter 1 ampoule of retinol and tocopherol into the liquid. Use as a conditioner for clean hair.

To moisturize the hair and give it its former beauty, you can use proven home remedies. Consider popular hair care products. Regular use of the compositions will help to maintain the beauty and health of the shovel at the proper level.

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