The cat has dirty ears inside - why and what to do?

Each owner tries to surround his pet with care and love. But this is not always enough, because animals still need competent care. For example, cats often suffer from dirt in their ears. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly inspect their ears, in order to solve the problem in a timely manner.

 The cat has dirty ears inside

What can mean the appearance of dirt in the ears of a cat?

The organism of any living creature has its own characteristics. The appearance of dirt in the ear aisles of a completely healthy cat usually does not cause concern. But sometimes this symptom means that the animal has a dangerous disease or the inflammatory process of the organ of hearing is developing intensively. Normally, the inside of the cat's ears has a light pinkish tint. They may contain a little bit of sulfuric acid and ordinary dust.In this case, an unpleasant smell will never emanate. Often there are ticks under the dirt in the ear canals, which is a danger to the health of the pet.

Especially it is worth paying attention to it if the cat constantly shakes its head and scratches its ears. In such a case, it is impossible to do without the help of a veterinarian, since only a specialist is able to establish the true cause of the sickness of the animal, and choose the best way to deal with this problem. Do not self-medicate the animal. But, if you regularly conduct a routine inspection of the ears of the pet and follow the rules for hygienic cleaning, this problem is unlikely to arise.

The main causes of cat ear contamination

If accumulations of dirt, serous discharge, or pus appear in the auricles of a domestic cat, such pathological phenomena can be justified by the following factors:

  1. The development of otodektoz - pathology, the appearance of which is most often caused by ear mites. These parasitic microorganisms are firmly fixed outside the ear canal.Due to the fact that the main food of the mites is the epidermis, the skin inside the auricle is damaged and liquid contents are released from the wounds. This secret when drying turns to dirt. But the main danger lies in the fact that a healthy cat is capable of contact with a tick when in contact with a sick animal. These small parasites even live on the skin of human hands, and can also be found on his clothes.
  2. The course of otitis, which most often develops as a result of infection. But this disease may be due to an injury to the head of the animal. Otitis should be treated only after the animal has examined the veterinarian.
  3. Allergic manifestation of food or an external provocative factor.
  4. Infectious processes caused by a fungus or other pathogenic microorganisms.
  5. Big ears of an animal. There are some breeds of cats, characterized by the impressive size of the ears. This anatomical feature contributes to the accumulation of dust. When accumulating large quantities of dirt increases the production of sulfur. All these phenomena entail a significant contamination of cat ears.
  6. Deficit wool.This feature is also noted in certain breeds of cats. Sphynxes can be cited as an example. In cats of this breed, the ears are practically devoid of wool, which makes the animal's hearing organ defenseless from any external negative influence. Hairless breed pets should be thoroughly cleaned their ears.

Owners of domestic cats should check the ears of an animal from two months of age. And it should be done regularly. The first cleaning of the kitten's ears is best done at a veterinary clinic.

How to clean the cat ears

The procedure for cleaning the ears of a pet is a rather complicated task that requires compliance with certain rules. To perform the manipulation you need to prepare the necessary material:

 How to clean the cat ears

  1. Cotton swabs or tampons.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide solution, but you can use a special gel.
  3. Towel for fixing the animal.

In principle, this arsenal of aids is sufficient for cleaning the ears. After all of the above is prepared, do the following:

  1. Put the animal on a chair, fix tightly with a towel.
  2. Pull the edge of the ear with your finger.
  3. Inspect carefully the inner surface of the ear of the animal.
  4. If dirt deposits are found outside, carefully remove them using a swab moistened with peroxide.
  5. Then pour a few drops of the drug prescribed by the veterinarian.
  6. To wait for the liquid to be distributed evenly, you can for this purpose gently massage the ear at the base.
  7. After that, you can gently remove the dirt with a cotton swab.
  8. At the end of the procedure, wipe the remaining liquid with a cotton pad.

For patience and endurance, after cleaning the ears of a cat, it is worth rewarding her with a favorite delicacy.

Important point: You should not use any ear drops yourself without a prescription.

When veterinary care is required

As noted earlier, the consultation of a specialist is necessary when obvious symptoms of pathology appear. If, after a regular cleaning, the cat had dirt in its ears again after a few days, then there is every reason to suspect the presence of some disease.The appearance of scratches from the outside of the ear canal also indicate that all is not well with the health of the cat. This sign, most likely, indicates the appearance of ear parasites, that is, ticks.

If the pet has developed otitis, then the cat will be constantly lowered down the head, and the bad ear is combed to the blood. In such a situation, urgent veterinary care is needed to stop the inflammatory process. In advanced cases, the doctor usually prescribes antibiotics. Professional help cat is needed for allergic reactions.

The owner of the domestic cat is required to provide proper care for the animal. And cleaning and regular examination of the ears - this is also an excellent prevention of a number of diseases.

Video: cat ear mite

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