Cane sugar - the benefits and harm to health

Cane sugar is a crystalline substance of sweet taste, obtained from sugar cane. It is this plant that looks like bamboo, is the basis for its production. Getting sugar from cane became much earlier than from sugar beet. Initially, this was done in India, and then the methods of production began to be practiced in other countries. This was facilitated by merchants who in their constant travels exchanged overseas goods. It is widespread now. It can be found by going to almost any supermarket.

 The benefits and harms of cane sugar

Beneficial features

Cane sugar is extremely beneficial. Moreover, according to the results of laboratory tests, it is somewhat ahead in favor of its counterpart, derived from beets.The benefits of sweet cane product can be reduced to the following positions:

  1. The glucose contained in it is better in quality. It is a wonderful substrate for the nutrition of complex brain activity. Not for nothing, when there are intense mental stress, for example, a student session, always pulls to something sweet. This is because the intensively working brain requires that glucose be supplied in greater quantities. Simply a great decision would be to drink a cup of coffee with a couple of spoons of a similar product to the load to it.
  2. You should not worry about the fact that from sweets you can get fat. The fact is that the raw and unpurified product contains a lot of dietary fiber, which contributes to the almost complete absorption of glucose, and it will not be deposited in the skin folds in the form of fat. But the energy supply to the brain structures will be the one that is necessary.
  3. The process of obtaining is still carried out by the old traditional method. This allows you to fully preserve the vitamins, minerals and other components necessary for the body that are contained in it.I must say that in this product they are quite a lot. In confirmation of this fact we can give an example. Some minerals (phosphorus, magnesium) cane sugar contains 10 times more than its counterpart, derived from beets. It contains vitamins of group B, which is practically not found in beet sugar.
  4. Regular intake of a small amount of the product improves the functioning of the liver and spleen.
  5. Reed fibers contain a large amount of dietary fiber, which leads to the normalization of the digestive tract.
  6. All metabolic processes are significantly improved.
  7. With the consumption of cane sugar from the body are removed toxins and toxins.

Choosing the best cane sugar

There are quite a few varieties of sweet cane product. Naturally, the challenge is to choose the best one. But for this it is necessary to understand all its varieties and to know how one variant differs from another. On store shelves, the buyer is used to seeing two types of this product:

 Choosing the best cane sugar

  1. Refined product. This sugar has a white color.Obtaining involves the passage of all stages of the process, including refining (purification).
  2. Unrefined type. Its receipt is associated with low cleaning, and the appearance of such a product has a brown tint. It is also called raw. It is in this product concluded maximum benefit.
  3. Raw can exist in several varieties:
  4. Demarara. So called the valley of the river, which is geographically located in South America. The crystals of solid consistency, sticky, sweet with a golden-brown or sand tint.
  5. Muscovado The crystals have a pronounced aroma, have an average size.
  6. Turbinado. Upon receipt of this product, processing is carried out using a turbine or centrifuge. As a result, various impurities are removed from the surface.
  7. Black cane sugar. It has the softest texture, the highest humidity. To the touch it is the most sticky product. It has a black color and pronounced aroma of reeds.

Sugar gur

In the statement that such sugar is a natural product, there is a certain amount of slyness. It is a thick reed juice.It is very slowly squeezed out of the trunks of the plant. The consistency of it is similar to a soft sorbet. The product contains some amount of sugar crystals. The main place of receipt of such sugar is India. Get it by carefully squeezing out the raw materials. After that, it is peeled and boiled, as a result of which it acquires a thick consistency.

Determine the presence of falsification

The basic rules for these actions should be trained every consumer. An unscrupulous manufacturer often gives refined white sugar for a cane product. To do this, they add caramel to it. As a result, sugar is obtained with a brown tint. Why are they doing that? They perform such actions for the sake of elementary profit. After all, cane sugar is much more expensive than refined product.

The original character of sugar is determined by the following ways:

  1. Content information on the package. In addition to the inscription that brown or brown sugar or something similar to this, the word "unrefined" is certainly present.This confirms the naturalness and the fact that the product did not undergo refining.
  2. The country of origin must be a state in whose territory sugar cane grows. For example, the Russian Federation cannot be such a state.
  3. When choosing, pay attention to what form the product has. It may not look like uniform pressed cubes or "bricks". Its crystals are non-uniform in size and sticky to the touch.

Natural cane sugar has a different degree of severity of cane flavor. Sugar never smell them.

Use of the product and use in the treatment

Of course, anyone is not indifferent to the state of their health. Therefore, the issue of benefit and harm is not idle for them. If you rely on the reviews, then they are all only positive properties. It is noted that regular consumption of cane sugar within reasonable limits can only bring benefit to the body. Consuming cane sugar, you can achieve:

 The benefits of cane sugar

  • relieving cough symptoms;
  • eliminate sore throat;
  • prevention of respiratory infections.

With the help of cane sugar, you can improve the rheological properties of blood, which greatly enhance blood flow. You can achieve a state in which the immunity is significantly strengthened, which will provide reliable protection of the body.

The healing properties of cane sugar are time tested. In support of this is the fact that it used to be available only at a pharmacy, and not a regular store. The main emphasis was placed on its medicinal properties, and not gastronomic application.


Each person in his life consumes a considerable amount of sugar. Despite its particular benefits, they should not be abused. Moreover, it is far from useful to everyone, since it has a number of restrictions to its consumption. It can not be used by persons with the following conditions:

  • history of diabetes mellitus;
  • current propensity for obesity;
  • predisposition to allergic reactions;
  • atherosclerotic patients.

People who have malignant tumors and inflammatory changes in the pancreas should bring up the consumption of cane sugar to the minimum limits, since this can lead to a deterioration of their condition.

Pregnancy and lactation

A woman in such situations will benefit more from cane sugar than his beet counterpart. Of course, if his consumption will be normalized. It will also be useful for nursing moms, as it is absorbed very easily. It will help the woman quickly recover from childbirth and replenish the body with essential nutrients. In addition, it will significantly improve the taste of breast milk, which is an important factor for the baby.

Video: how to distinguish cane sugar from fakes

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