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Tremor of any part of the body in medicine is called tremor. Pathology is classified into several types - postural and intentional involuntary muscle contractions are diagnosed. Such a vibration occurs during the development of many serious ailments. Head tremor can suddenly occur with a strong emotional excitement, against the background of some neurological diseases, after a stroke.
Involuntary muscle contractions are more common in old age. The disease may be accompanied by trembling of the tongue and speech disorders.
Causes of
Tremor may not be associated with the disease and is merely a hereditary factor. Most often, benign tremor manifests itself in adolescence. The cause of postural tremor is thyroid disease. The hyperfunction of this important endocrine organ often develops due to alcoholism or drug addiction.
The most common causes of head shake:
- fear and stress;
- taking medicine;
- cervical osteochondrosis;
- weakness;
- body fatigue;
- cerebellar disease;
- taking drugs;
- alcohol abuse.
Strong emotional excitement is the main reason for the appearance of rhythmic vibrations. The head can swing from side to side until the body is calm. Such physiological tremor is natural and is due to the strong anxiety that certain biochemical reactions in the brain cause. Stress provokes an excess of norepinephrine in the blood.
Osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebrae often provokes involuntary shaking of the head. This happens due to the infringement of the spinal nerve and insufficient blood supply to the neck and brain. In such a situation, tremor is accompanied by swelling of facial tissues and heart pain. Tremor indicates a serious disorder of the vegetative system.
Exposure to certain drugs may be the cause of the tremor. Medicines affect certain biochemical reactions in the human body and can cause head tremor or limbs.
In old age, head tremor causes Parkinson's disease.Hypokinesia develops, affecting certain brain structures. Very often, differential diagnosis reveals a lesion of the cerebellum in tremor. Electromyography and tremography are used for this.
Essential tremor is manifested by the synchronous contraction of the muscles of the face and neck. There is a long head tremor. Multiple nods can be diagnosed. This symptom accompanies many ailments of the brain and central nervous system.
Tremor development mechanism
With increasing load, activation of antagonists develops. A defective motion correction and reverse control of the sensorimotor loop occurs. Sensory information and movement correction is impaired.In the end, this leads to reflex-mechanical oscillations. Intentional tremor causes dysmetria.
With essential tremor, the neurons of the sensorimotor structures become active. They affect the frequency of jitter. Tremor is often observed after limb ischemia. The defeat of the upper leg of the cerebellum inevitably leads to the tremor of the head and torso.
Head shake in childhood
The causes of head shaking in an infant are oxygen starvation of the fetus during gestation. Disturbance of cerebral circulation in a child is the main cause of head tremor. Convulsions of the neck and facial muscles may appear in a child with the development of a serious neurological pathology. Parents should certainly respond to the trembling of the baby’s head and show the baby to a pediatrician and a neurologist.
The cause of tremor in a child is often various pathologies of the endocrine system and disturbances in the work of the nervous system. Trembling is the result of some intrauterine pathologies that occurred even before the birth of a child. They provoke involuntary contractions of the neck and facial muscles:
- insufficient formation of nerve centers;
- high amount of norepinephrine in the blood;
- psycho-emotional anxiety;
- powerful emotions;
- adrenal pathology;
- cord entanglement before birth;
- violation of cerebral circulation;
- oxygen starvation of the fetus in the prenatal period;
- oxygen deficiency after childbirth;
- drug syndrome in parents.
Physiological tremor is often diagnosed in children older than a year. It can occur if the child is very nervous, experiencing fear or stress. The muscles of the neck and face involuntarily contract. In addition to the head, the chin and lips may twitch. This tremor is associated with a strong nervous tension of the child.
If pathology is present, tremor is accompanied by insomnia or restless sleep. Diagnosed with central nervous system dysfunction, expressed in increased excitement of the child, hyperactivity, excessive irritability. Often tremor is accompanied by a headache.
Pathology therapy should be comprehensive. The main effect of treatment is aimed at self-regulation of the symptom. Mild forms of tremor do not require intensive care.The use of various muscle relaxant techniques helps to calm the central nervous system and prevent the development of stress and nervousness. A good helper drug therapy can be yoga, soothing meditation and alternative medicine.
Drug therapy
If the patient suffers from high blood pressure, the doctor may prescribe the use of blockers. Recommended for tremor of the head:
- Primidone;
- Metoprolol;
- Clonazepam;
- Propranolol;
- Diazepine.
These medicines should be used with caution. Excess doses may cause severe dizziness and an increase in adverse events. The optimal dose of B-blockers is not 35-100 mg. Otherwise, there may be problems with blood pressure, bronchospasm, hypoglycemia. Such a drug as Propranolol, taken 1 time per day. For tremor of the head, Anaprilin and Antelepsin are prescribed in combination with Diazepam.
In the complex drug treatment, vitamins of group B are also prescribed. They have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the central nervous system, they treat neurosis, stress, insomnia and excessive irritability.Vitamins improve metabolism and increase the production of serotonin.
Tremor is not amenable to medical treatment, however, in combination with other measures, a positive result can be achieved.
Herbal medicine has long been an alternative treatment for pathology. Traditional medicine includes many recipes that favorably affect the function of the central nervous system. From time immemorial, the people took from the anxiety a decoction of valerian root, hawthorn and motherwort. This tool has a soothing effect, strengthens and stabilizes the nervous system. It is recommended to prepare means as follows:
- equal parts of valerian root, motherwort and hawthorn mix;
- pour boiling water over it;
- insist 1 hour;
- strain and take 1/3 cup several times a day.
When trembling the head and limbs help inflorescence tansy. They must be chewed, spitting out the cake, and saliva saturated with useful substances must be swallowed. Tansy helps to quickly restore health.
For the treatment of tremor used flowers of mint, lozenges and chamomile. Vegetable raw materials are taken in equal quantities and brewed under the lid.Take 1/3 cup three times a day.
For a long time, Valerian has been used to treat trembling of the head, arms and legs. The root of this herb contains a large number of biological substances that have a direct positive effect on the work of the nervous system. Valerian is recommended to take at least 1 month to establish the functions of the central nervous system. The root can be brewed with motherwort. Means insist and filter.
Effective from tremor such a recipe:
- take the collected inflorescences lofanta;
- pour vegetative raw materials with boiling water;
- insist 1 hour and strain;
- take 0.5 cups three times a day.
In the folk treatment, you can use any medicinal plants that have a calming effect. About the appropriateness of this therapy is required to consult a specialist.
Psychotherapeutic treatment
Very often, simple visits to the psychotherapist contribute to the elimination of head tremors. A large number of different psychotherapeutic paths helps relieve nervous tension, prevent the development of stress. In European clinics psychotherapeutic assistance to patients is widely used.
Psychotherapy with tremor provides peace of mind of the patient and, as a consequence, the reduction of seizures and manifestations of tremor. A symptom is diagnosed on the background of a neurological disorder, so a psychotherapist can help solve the problem. Often tremor occurs on the background of an emotional outburst, fear or panic. Physiological tremor can also be eliminated with the help of some psychotherapeutic techniques.
Alternative ways
Treatment of tremor of the head and limbs may include yoga, breathing exercises and other ways that are aimed at calming the nervous system. Hypnosis treatment with a good specialist is often effective. You can use self-persuasion tactics, a variety of meditations that are aimed at relaxing the neck and facial muscles. This approach will certainly give a positive result.
In Oriental medicine it is widely practiced with the tremor of the head yoga and the performance of wise. Each mudra promotes relaxation of the mind and is aimed at full concentration on the desired result. Perform the necessary meditations required in a relaxed atmosphere.Yoga normalizes the functioning of the whole organism and has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system and psycho-emotional state.
Video: what to do with tremor of the head
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