Toyger - description of the breed and character of the cat

The trademark is the trademark of the Toygers. The famous pattern of distinct dark stripes on brown wool makes pets of this breed look like tigers in miniature, thanks to which they are very popular. The bands are located all over the cat's body: on the back, on the sides, on the paws, on the stomach, and even on the tail. They do not always represent a closed ring and may have breaks. However, a prerequisite is their transverse arrangement. Usually, the Toigerov face is framed with tanks, the ears are rounded, the eyelids are slightly lowered over the eyes.


The history of the breed

Cats breed Toyger appeared relatively recently, but managed to gain great popularity.Authorship in the breeding of these felines belongs to a resident of Los Angeles Judy Sugden. An interesting fact is that Judy Sugden’s mother was the creator of Bengal cats, so her daughter’s professional interest is not at all surprising. Judi first portrayed what the future breed would be on paper, only after this, in 1980, she began her immediate breeding. The purpose of the girl was to create a cat, whose appearance resembles a reduced in size tiger. The cat brought from India, which had an external similarity to the appearance of the conceived breed, helped her achieve this result.

The name of the breed is not accidental. It was invented by Sugden herself and means "toy tiger." Breeding method, based on the genetic fund of the Bengal cats, was derived Toiger - a pet of the cat family with a pronounced color of the tiger. Gradual recognition of the breed was: in 1993 it was registered by the International Cat Association, in 2007, Toyger became the official champion breed.

Today, cats of this breed are very popular due to the unique color,although in general the appearance of pets and their physical endurance are very similar to the Bengal cats, who were directly involved in the selective breeding of the breed.

The large dimensions of the pedigree Toygers are confirmed by the weights: the weight of the males reaches 8 kg, the females are slightly inferior and weigh an average of 6 kg. Such figures are due to the large skeleton of individuals. Pets of this breed are distinguished by thick and silky hair, decorated with dark tiger stripes.

To date, there is an active work on the branch of the breed, in which the cats will appear silver color. A breeder’s occupation for breeders is the breeding of an already existing variant of the Toyger breed. Getting the expected result - kittens with the right size of eyes and the desired shape of the ears - is achieved with the help of meticulous selection of crossed pairs. Thus, in recent years, there has been a tendency among those who are breeding the breed, which consists in striving to get kittens with smaller ears and a rounded shape.

Standards for the appearance of toyger breed cats

In general, there are established standard characteristics of the appearance of cats breed Teiger.

  • Rounded body shape.
  • The average length of the body.
  • Wide chest area.
  • The average length of the limbs, sufficient length of the claws.
  • Rounded contours of the head.
  • Average head size.
  • Chin and nose are too wide.
  • Small or medium round eyes, rich iris color.
  • Small round ears.
  • Long tail, thickened at the base and tapered towards the end.
  • Short, thick, silky coat.

Character trait pets toyger

Purebred Toygers on tigers are similar only in their color. The character of pets is docile and peaceful. In this they are very different from the "wild brother" in appearance. Animals are very playful and friendly, than very well suited for families with children. Toygers instantly respond to a person’s desire to run, frolic and play. It seems to many that such a mobile breed is difficult to live in a small apartment. Such a judgment in practice is often refuted, since the cats of this breed easily adapt to small spaces.

 Character trait pets toyger

Smart Toygers are easy to get in touch with other pets and get along with parrots, other cats and even dogs. They are not familiar with touchiness and excessive jealousy, and this means that the Toyger cat will not drag the blanket over itself in order to draw the attention of the owner. A pleasant bonus to Toyger is his unique purring, which he gladly presents to the person.

Where can I buy a toyger kitten?

The sale of pets of this breed in Russia is engaged in a nursery called “GREENCITY”, located in Moscow. The price of kittens varies from 50,000 rubles to 120,000 rubles and depends on the quality of the characteristic characteristics of the breed. The brighter they are expressed, the more expensive the future owners cost the kitten. All additional information about the nursery and its activities can be found on its official website:

Care for a toyger breed cat and its contents

Cats of this breed are completely unpretentious and do not require special measures and a lot of effort from the owners. This fact has a good effect on the popularity of the breed, because its representatives are perfect for those who do not have a lot of free time to take care of a pet.The main thing in the care of the Toyger - is the preparation of a suitable diet for the animal and its observance.

A good addition for the cat will be the owner's desire to comb the hair once a week. However, many people neglect this advice, since the structure of the wool of the Toygers allows them to avoid the appearance of tangles.

In addition, you can trim your pet's claws a little and bathe it. These measures will be more than enough to make your pet's life comfortable and happy.

How to feed a toyger breed cat?

Representatives of this breed are unpretentious in food, but this does not eliminate the process of feeding Toyger from some nuances. Because Toyger can eat beef or chicken with the same appetite, his inexperience and promiscuity leads to some difficulties. After all, beef or chicken can get him processed spices or in toasted form, and such options will be harmful for the pet. Therefore, the use of its omnivorous is equivalent to reducing the life of a pet.

On the conscience of the owner is drawing up a good diet.For Toygers, like many other cats, there are two types of feeding: ready-made food or natural food. In the first case, owners of cats of this breed are advised not to stop only on dry food and sometimes to feed an animal with a wet variety of ready-made food of premium class. Useful for the pet will be weeks of natural food, including in the diet of the cat porridge and vegetables. Natural feeding of pedigree Toygers will allow them to grow stronger and healthier. It involves the inclusion in the diet of meat or poultry, offal, vegetables and cereals. Despite the fact that natural feeding takes a long time from the owner, it is considered more useful and economical.

What does a toyger breed have?

Good health of the pet - the key to a good sleep owner. This formula of success can be applied to those who have a cat of this breed living at home, as animals are ill very rarely. Throughout the history of the breed, its representatives have not identified any genetic diseases. Maintaining the established diet and healthy food will allow the cat to develop a good immunity, which will save her from suffering, and you - from experiences.

 What is a Toyger cat sick?

Of course, one cannot absolutely deny the likelihood of the emergence of certain diseases, but the same can be said about all other breeds. The only problem that is likely to be on your way is the tendency of the Tuiger to obesity. They love to eat, but they do not have the strongest stomachs for this. Feeding good premium food will help prevent this problem.

How to treat toyger breed cats?

Before proceeding to measures aimed at recovering the Teiger, it is necessary to ensure the correctness of the diagnosis. To do this, you need some time to follow his state of health, to pay attention to the pronounced symptoms of certain diseases. So, if your pet coughs, sneezes, eats little - most likely, he fell ill. This is not about a common cold for a person, because it is not peculiar to cats, but about a serious illness, whose treatment cannot be postponed. Before you go to the vet, the owner must carefully examine your pet. About found ulcers on the mucous membranes, plaque in the auricles should definitely be told in a veterinary clinic.

After admission, strictly following the doctor's prescription, inject vitamins and antibiotics by intramuscular injections. If the animal's well-being improves, do not rush to discontinue the course of treatment early. Often, a protein diet is introduced to maintain the physical condition of the Tiger: eating fish, meat and liver in the form of minced meat. In this diet, add raw egg yolk. The temperature of food should be at room temperature. Feed the animal as often as possible, because in order to defeat the disease, he necessarily needs strength. In order not to make the pet nervous because of trips to the veterinary clinic, the owners should learn how to make injections on their own.

Video: toyger cat breed

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