Tiger bass - care and maintenance in an aquarium

Siamese tiger perch is also called Indonesian. In Latin, its name sounds like Datnioides microlepis. This fish has a rather large size, and is an active predator. But at the same time, many people really like the look of this fish, which is why they contain them in their aquariums.

 Tiger bass

This representative has a golden color, on the body are black stripes. In the wild, the perch can usually reach a length of about 45 cm. With an aquarium content, it has a smaller size. In such conditions, it can reach 20-30 cm. Therefore, the tiger perch should be kept only in a very large aquarium, and only the same big fish can coexist with it.

In nature, representatives of this species of fish can be found in southeast Asia. She lives in swamps and some coastal rivers. Considering the number of stripes on the body of the tiger perch, one can judge its origin. If the fish was caught in Borneo or Sumatra, it will have 6 or 7 black stripes on its body.Those individuals that are brought from the south-eastern regions of Asia, will have 5 such strips.

Habitat in nature

The species of tiger perch was described by Blecker. Entries are dated 1853 year. Today, these fish are becoming less and less. This is due to the fact that representatives of the species are caught for industrial purposes, as well as for sale to aquarists. Although this perch is not listed in the Red Book. In the Chao Phraya River, which flows through the territory of Thailand, it is almost impossible to meet brindle bass.

Mainly representatives of the species live in large reservoirs. It can be not only rivers, but also lakes, as well as artificial reservoirs. Fish loves places where there are many snags and other objects for shelter. Juveniles eat zooplankton, then switch to larger food. Adult tiger perch eats fish, worms and even crabs. In addition, there is vegetation in their diet.


The tiger perch has a structure characteristic of predatory fish. His body is large and powerful. Aquarists are attracted by the beautiful coloring. The body has a golden color.Throughout the body there are vertically positioned stripes that contrast with the main color. If individuals living in nature can have a length of about 45 cm, then tiger perch living in an aquarium grows to about 30 cm. These fish live for a rather long time, about 15 years. Tiger perch is a whole family, which includes 5 species.

Content issues

 Tiger Bass Content Issues
Acquire the fish of this type should only those aquarists who have some experience. It has a large size, so in order to contain it, you must purchase a large aquarium. Indonesian tiger perch can only adjoin with fish that have the appropriate size. In addition, it is necessary to maintain certain water characteristics. Before you buy this fish, you need to think about whether you can provide it with enough food. Maintenance and food will be expensive.


Siamese tiger perch can eat any food, but in the natural environment it is usually a predator. They eat not only fish and fry, but also worms, various insects or arthropods.When the aquarium content of this fish is best to feed various live fish. Sometimes you can also give insects, shrimp or worms. These perches have a rather large mouth, so you can not worry about whether he will cope with this or that food. You can keep them only with the same large fish. The rest can be just a dinner for them.


To keep young, you need to get an aquarium, the volume of which - at least 200 liters. When individuals grow up, they will need a bigger aquarium. Adult perch must be kept in a very spacious aquarium, the volume of which is at least 400 liters. It is very important that the water is constantly cleaned. This is due to the fact that this fish leaves a lot of food debris. It is necessary to periodically siphon the ground, replace the water. It is important that the filter be very powerful. And remember that these fish love to jump out of the water, so the aquarium must be tightly closed.

 Tiger perch content

It is believed that this fish loves to dwell in salt waters. But in reality this is only part of the truth. In nature, the representatives of this species inhabit only slightly brackish water. If the water is too salty, the fish in such conditions will be uncomfortable.Salting water is not necessary, but if you provide the fish with such conditions, it will improve its color and also have a positive effect on health.

Aquarists rarely add salt to water specifically for tiger bass. He lives in fresh water, and at the same time he feels quite normal. The pH should be between 6.5 and 7.5. The most comfortable temperature for tiger perch is considered to be 24-26 degrees.

In nature, this fish loves places with a large number of logs. They hide behind them, also using their coloring. Therefore, when arranging an aquarium, it is necessary to provide a perch for shelter. This may be vegetation, various stones and snags. But it is important to note that too much decor will cause difficulties in caring for an aquarium. Sometimes aquarists do without it.


For fish that are the same size, this perch will not show any aggression. If you put them small fish, they just eat it. In addition, the tiger perch loves salted water. Therefore, it is best to provide them with a separate aquarium.

Sex differences

To date, there is no data on this.


Siamese tiger perch cannot be diluted in an aquarium. Therefore, all of them are caught in nature. To date, they are bred only on a few Indonesian farms. The breeding method is classified.

Video: Siamese Tiger Bass

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