Heat stroke in a dog: symptoms and treatment

The coat of representatives of the dog family has excellent thermal protection properties. It protects animals from hypothermia, but creates some discomfort when it's hot outside. The problem is that dogs do not tend to sweat when overheated, like people do. The only sweat glands in them are located only on the paw pads. For this reason, overheating is much more dangerous for dogs than for humans.

 Heat shock dog

How is this dangerous?

Since the body temperature of dogs is regulated only by the respiratory tract, it is extremely important to provide them with sufficient access of oxygen. If it is not enough, this leads to a sharp increase in body temperature in the pet.Such a state carries a mortal danger, and therefore requires urgent action.

Characteristic symptoms of heat stroke in dogs

The first thing you need to pay attention to rapid breathing and shortness of breath - these are the things that indicate the presence of overheating of the body of the animal. If the air temperature is too high, then on sunny days you should refrain from walking at noon. With heat stroke, complications can be avoided if necessary measures are taken.

Heat stroke in dogs is manifested as follows:

  1. Breath of an animal becomes heavy and speeded up. The dog breathes loudly in the prone position with his tongue sticking out. There is increased salivation.
  2. Pristine breathing is accompanied by redness of the mucous membranes on the eyelids. The dog's body temperature rises.
  3. A red mesh appears on the eyelids - burst capillaries manifest themselves. The condition is accompanied by trembling or convulsions, there may be an involuntary bowel movement and urination. The general condition has signs of poisoning.
  4. The mucous membranes of the mouth and eye acquire a bluish tint. Body temperature drops sharply.The animal may fall into a state of coma or lethargic sleep.

In the case when the body temperature is reduced to normal values, the animal should still be shown to the doctor as a prophylactic measure in order to avoid dangerous consequences that can manifest to themselves several days after the heat stroke.

Causes of heat stroke

Long stay in conditions of elevated air temperature above 25 degrees can lead to thermal shock in the dog. But the most common cause is some negligence on the part of the owners.

  • Enhanced physical activity of the animal.
  • Lack of water to drink at high ambient temperatures.
  • The inability to move for a long time in hot conditions.
  • Prolonged dog stay in the car with the windows closed.

Urgent measures

The first thing you need to do - change the place of stay of the pet. No need to rush to give antipyretic drugs, especially the use of aspirin is dangerous - it can lead to other undesirable consequences.

  1. At home, you should immediately cool the pet with a bath with a water temperature of not more than 40 degrees.
  2. Cool water from a shower spray should be watered over the entire body of the animal, starting from the head to the tail.
  3. The head of the dog must be raised during the procedure. This will make it possible to avoid aspiration pneumonia.
  4. If it is not possible to provide a pet with a bath, you can use a garden hose or other available water sources.
  5. Applying a cold compress to the animal’s head will help reduce body temperature.
  6. To avoid shock, it is worth vigorously rubbing the legs of a dog.
  7. Adequate water intake is required. It will help to restore the content of minerals in the body by adding a small amount of salt to the drink.

When should I seek veterinary care?

Regardless of whether the animal loses consciousness or not, and how quickly the recovery took place, you should carefully consider the following important points:

 Help with heat stroke in dogs

  1. Check for shock in the doggie.
  2. Measure the body temperature of the animal at intervals of every 10-15 minutes. It is necessary to moisten the paw pads with cool water until it drops below the mark of 39.4 degrees.
  3. If there is a decrease in temperature to around 38 degrees, no need to worry. This does not represent such a danger as its increase, but requires urgent consultation by a veterinarian.
  4. With symptoms of shock - you need to urgently seek help.
  5. Contact the veterinary clinic should be promptly. Subsequently, heat stroke may develop swelling of the brain or blood clotting is disturbed. It can also cause renal failure. On the way to the veterinary clinic, you need to protect your pet as much as possible from additional overheating.

Symptoms of shock

Early phase

  • Breathing becomes faster, pulse and heartbeat accelerate.
  • There is pallor of the mucous membranes.
  • The dog becomes anxious and restless, can rushing aimlessly around the room.
  • Excessive apathy and drowsiness.
  • Low body temperature.

Deep phase

  • Heart rhythm disturbances and shortness of breath.
  • Pallor and cyanosis of the gums.
  • Breathing becomes infrequent and shallow.
  • Lack of response to stimuli from the external environment.

How to treat

Therapeutic measures include the replenishment of the fluid level in the body and its saturation with essential minerals.

  1. In the most severe conditions, fluid is injected intravenously.
  2. An assessment of the general condition of the animal and the study of concomitant symptoms.
  3. Blood pressure is measured and cardiac performance is assessed using an ECG.

Who is at risk?

Representatives of the dog family, who have long and thick hair, as well as a short nose, suffer from overweight or paralysis of the larynx, are most susceptible to heat stroke. Especially close attention should be paid to those individuals who have a lot of physical activity, hounds, fighting and hunting breeds.

Preventive measures

Heat stroke can be avoided. Particular attention should be paid to the possibility of overheating on the hottest days of the summer period. In case of high air temperature, physical exertion and exposure to the sun should be limited from 11 am to 5 pm. This is especially true for long-haired individuals and those who have diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Care should be taken to the rocks that have shortened muzzle.

When traveling long distances you need to make sure that there is enough air movement in the cabin. When traveling in a car, water should be provided to the animal. If you need to leave the car for a while, leaving your pet alone in the cabin, you need to slightly open the windows on both sides so that the dog has enough oxygen. It is desirable to leave the car in the shade, and not in the sun.

Video: Heat stroke in a dog in summer - symptoms and treatment

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