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In the summer, we rejoice in the abundance of delicious berries, juicy fruits and healthy vegetables. We do our best to preserve the harvest for the winter, so that in cold times to please our loved ones with summer flavors and valuable vitamins. Compotes are made from pears, jams and fruit drinks are made, pears are frozen and ground with sugar. But especially tasty, rich and fragrant, it turns out when drying. If properly performed the drying technique, the fruit will retain most of the vitamins and minerals. In this article we will talk about the benefits of dried pear, the rules of its preparation, as well as learn about the contraindications to the use of this product.
Useful properties of dried pear
Dried pears contain many vitamins - B1, B2, E and PP. It contains a lot of potassium and other trace elements - calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and iron. Dried pear contains coarse fiber, it contains ascorbic acid and fructose.All this makes the product not only a tasty delicacy, but also a very useful dessert.
Dried pear is very sweet, but at the same time it has a moderate calorie content, unlike sweets and chocolate. This allows you to use dried pear as a treat in the period of weight loss.
Pear in dried form contains a huge amount of fiber, it allows to improve the work of the intestine, stimulates its perylstatics, relieves constipation. Pear in fresh and dried form gives a mild laxative effect that allows you to safely clean the intestines.
A large amount of potassium makes a pear incredibly beneficial to the heart and blood vessels.
Pear is often used as a diuretic - tasty pear broths help get rid of edema, improve the flow of lymphoid fluid.
Pear is very useful for colds - it reduces the heat, stimulates the active forces of the body, helps to cope with inflammation and viruses. Regular consumption of pears is also an excellent source of strong immunity.
Dried pear cleans the liver, improves the body after poisoning with heavy metals, medicines and alcohol.
Pear perfectly stimulates and invigorates - after eating only 4-5 pieces, you will be able to improve concentration, increase efficiency and mental activity.
Pear drinks perfectly restore the water-salt balance in the body, it is very effective for hangovers. Just a couple glasses of pear fruit will help get rid of headaches and nausea.
Dried pear improves the pancreas.
All these useful properties of the fruit suggest that the pear must be kept in every home, for this it should be properly dried.
How to dry a pear to save all the vitamins
The pear processing technique is of no small importance. To keep all useful elements in a pear, it should be dried correctly.Try not to buy dried pear in finished form - often unscrupulous manufacturers spend drying in hot ovens, which significantly speeds up the process, but, unfortunately, does not leave anything useful in the product. If you have a balcony or a dacha, it is better to dry the pear in the open air - the fruits are pre-washed, cleaned from the core and cut into small slices. The pear can be laid out on trays and left in the shade of a well-ventilated place. The pear will dry out much faster if you string the slices on a string - you get some sort of pearl beads.
In a city apartment, pears can be dried in the oven, but a low temperature can be set at no more than 50 degrees. This drying will take more than one hour, but the product will retain most of the useful components. You can dry the pears in a special dryer for the manufacture of dried fruit. If you want the pear not to darken and retain its golden color, it should be scalded with boiling water and immediately dropped into cold water for a couple of minutes, then dried. In addition, you can dry the pears in the microwave, but will have to do the workpiece in small batches.
Store dried pears in a linen bag so that fresh air is available - this will protect the product from rotting. Carefully review the dried fruit once a month - bugs can spoil your stocks.
Harm of dried pears
Compotes and fruit drinks are made from dried pears - they are incredibly rich and fragrant. Pear is added to home brew - it improves its taste. Dried pear goes well with pastries - it is added as a filling in pies, puddings and muffins.Dried pear slices are even added to marinades and meat while stewing. And what crispy chips are made from thinly sliced and dried pear slices! Dry the pear, eat this healthy delicacy and get your share of the vitamin mix!
Video: dried pears at home
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