Colza - beneficial properties and contraindications

The colza is an herbaceous plant of the Cabbage family. It is distributed almost throughout Europe, including in Russia. They brought colza to Japan, as well as to the African continent and even to Australia. Three subspecies of colza are common in our country - arcuate, common, direct. Many nationalities know it as the so-called grass of St. Barbara. In botany, there is even a special section that studies this plant. It is called the super series.

 Useful properties and contraindications of colza


What does this mysterious plant look like? Its height reaches 80 centimeters. The stalk of a colza is usually covered with hardly appreciable down. The leaves of the plant are lyrate, and the flowers have a yellow-golden color. Petals while they have four, and five stamens. The colza fruit is oblong, inside it hides oval-shaped seeds about 3 millimeters long and 1 millimeter wide.

People who are not very well versed in plants often take colza as a common weed that grows along the roadsides and in the garden. But in vain, because this herb is very valuable, as it has many useful properties. Colza is especially good at treating reproductive organs in the stronger sex.

The composition of the plant is rich in organic acids, essential oils, fiber, flavonoids and vitamins. Flowers, leaves and stalks of colza are used in herbal medicine. Gourmets use this plant even as a seasoning, but this should be done moderately so as not to spoil their dish.

As for the cultivation of colza, this is a very simple task. Since it is a weed, it will grow well on wet soils.

Tip! When harvesting raw materials, avoid plants that are damaged by insects and other pests.

Colza is a very good honey plant. During its flowering period, the plant reproduces a lot of pollen and a large amount of nectar that bees like to collect. One hectare of this grass is able to bring 30-50 kilograms of honey. The sweetness will have at the same time a greenish-yellow color and a faint, but rather pleasant aroma. Such honey quickly candied as it contains a high percentage of glucose.

Young leaves of colza suitable for salad. Their taste is vaguely reminiscent of mustard. The green part of the herb can be added to the soup or side dish.

The list of useful properties of colza and its individual components

In folk medicine, they actively use colza, because it allows you to fight a number of diseases.

  1. Seeds of this herb are an effective antibacterial agent due to the fact that they contain thioglycosides. They also increase the production of gastric juice and increase appetite. Colza seed fatty oils can be used in the food industry, for example, when baking bread. This product is recommended to use for those who suffer from asthenic syndrome or have disorders of the nervous system.
  2. Antiseptic effect boasts colza root. His infusions are drunk with prostate and infertility. And he is an excellent diuretic.
  3. Improve the body's immune system colza flowers. Positive will be their effect on the urogenital system. They can be harvested in spring, summer and autumn. It does not affect the useful properties.
  4. Colza leaves not only add a spicy flavor to dishes in the kitchen, but are also very rich in vitamin C and organic acids.
  5. Squeezed from the leaves of colza will help heal and disinfect the wound.
  6. Researchers have proven that this plant improves sleep, fights chronic diseases, increases the level of oxygen in brain tissues, and tones the entire body. They recommend the use of colza during the rehabilitation of a patient after a heart attack or stroke.

In what cases can colza harm?

As mentioned above, this plant has found its use in cooking. However, it should be used very carefully and in no case be abused. A large amount of used colza can poison the human body.

Important! If you live in the private sector and have a household, do not use this grass to feed your animals and birds. In the seeds of colza there are toxic substances for them.

Since this plant has a diuretic effect, its use should be abandoned by those diagnosed with urolithiasis. Colza enhances the work of the kidneys and the stones that they have may at an inopportune moment begin to move toward the bladder. This is especially dangerous in the case of large stones.The presence of sand in the kidneys is not a contraindication to the use of colza. But increased bleeding and gastric ulcer are just one of them.


 Recipes with a colza plant

  1. Infusion of dry colza. We bring 200 grams of water to a boil and pour 20 grams of them. herbs. All this should be insisted at least three hours. The resulting liquid is filtered. This infusion will help strengthen the body and relieve swelling. Take it worth 4 times a day for 40-50 milliliters.
  2. Effective infusion against prostatitis. Grind 1 tablespoon of colza root. Boil 300 grams of water. We combine these ingredients and let it brew for a couple of hours. Take before meals. Dosage - 1/3 cup. This infusion is also good with a general breakdown.
  3. Colza in adenoma. Crush 1 teaspoon of plant seeds and pour them with a glass of water. Put on the fire, bring to a boil. After the seeds have boiled for 6-7 minutes, let the liquid draw for at least an hour. You need to take 2 times a day at least 20-30 minutes before meals. The recommended dose is half a cup.
  4. Infusion that improves spermatogenesis. Mix the colza with the seeds of carrots, parsley, plantain, black onion and coriander. The proportions are respected equal.Fill the mixture with boiling water (500 grams) and cook on low heat for half an hour. The resulting substance must be infused at least 8 hours. It should be taken in the morning and in the evening, getting ready for bed. The recommended dosage is half a glass.
  5. Tonic tea from colza. For one and a half cups of boiling water, we need 2 teaspoons of chopped herbs. Insist it all for half an hour and filter. Daily you can use 2-3 cups of this infusion.
  6. Infusion against infertility in men. We grind the grass (about 30 grams) and fill it with vodka (a half-liter bottle is enough). You should not save on a drink, it should be of high quality. After 2 weeks of infusion, we filter the resulting liquid. You will need to take it 3 times a day before meals. Dose - 1 tablespoon.
  7. Vitamin salad from colza. This dish is not only tasty, but also healthy for our health. In equivalent proportions mix the colza leaves with green onions. Add the chopped egg and fill with sour cream. We salt, we pepper it depending on personal preferences.

Video: medicinal properties and the use of colza

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