Putting banks on your back - the benefits and harm to health

The benefits of using cans have long been known; thanks to this, this technique for highly effective prevention and the necessary treatment of various ailments is widely used by many of our compatriots at home.

 Put the banks on your back

The first mention of the use of cans came to us from China. According to the wise gray-haired elders, using cans cut from bamboo, you can improve the movement of vitality and energy, which guarantees longevity and good health. In Russia, this method of treating ailments was first applied by the famous surgeon N.I. Pirogov in the fight against colds.

Through the use of cans, it is possible not only to remove the inflammatory processes that cause diseases, but also to significantly strengthen the immune system.

How can I put the banks

  1. Cold treatment. One of the most positive properties of using cans is effective cleansing of the lymph. Thanks to this procedure, the flow of lymphatic fluid is normalized. Improving microcirculation processes helps the body more effectively cope with the infection that causes the disease. It is important to take into account that canned therapy is strictly prohibited in the presence of an acute or chronic inflammatory process.
  2. Cough treatment. As a rule, the initial stage of most colds is characterized by symptoms such as dry cough and difficulty breathing. The use of cans will improve the dynamics of therapeutic treatment and literally after several procedures the patient will notice significant relief - breathing will be free, the cough will become productive and will soon disappear.
  3. Banks for bronchitis. Bronchitis is called the beginning of the inflammatory process, the main location of which is the region of the upper respiratory tract. The characteristic symptoms of this disease are: sharp pain in the chest when coughing, hyperthermia, painful, barking cough with heavy discharge of thick secretions.Canned treatment method will help reduce inflammation in a few days. The patient will stop tormenting cough and chest pain. The cough will become wet with more intense sputum. It should also be noted that the enhancement of microcirculation processes is also the expansion of blood vessels, which helps to eliminate inflammation sites more quickly.
  4. Treatment of osteochondrosis. The can method is one of the best auxiliary procedures in the treatment of diseases such as osteochondrosis, characterized by dystrophic disorders of the structure of cartilage and articular tissue. The use of this simple, but effective method of treatment helps to quickly alleviate the patient's condition and eliminate the painful pain. This effectiveness of the method is achieved through the flow of blood, which will help to relax muscles, relieve spasms, and activates metabolic processes. Important! Before carrying out this procedure, it is necessary to consult a specialist neurologist.
  5. With myositis and radiculitis. Most of the pathological conditions associated with inflammatory processes of nerve endings, as a rule, are accompanied by severe pain.Spinal injuries and insufficient mobility weaken not only the body itself, but also its defenses. The use of cans for the treatment of pathologies of this type will help to stop the inflammatory process, so that the pain and stiffness of the muscles will disappear.

Key benefits and benefits

The usefulness of the procedure, implying the installation of cans on the back, directly depends on how they are located. For example, when treating various diseases, massage glass jars or their polymeric analogues installed along the perimeter of the entire back area will help to effectively stimulate blood circulation, which will help in the subsequent most effective activation of the internal organs and metabolic processes.

  1. Painful pains in the back area are quickly eliminated by applying the can massage method. Effective stimulation of the blood flow quickly relieves pain, relaxes muscles and nerve endings.
  2. It has long been known that the use of canal therapy helps in improving the functioning of internal organs. To do this, they are placed exactly in those places where the organs are located.
  3. Getting rid of colds.The first signs of a cold are general weakness, cough, fever. Banks - this is the easiest way to get rid of this disease at the initial stage of its development.

The use of cans in the treatment of children

Note that the use of canned treatment in pediatrics has been practiced successfully for more than a dozen years. You can put the banks only children, whose age is more than 3 years. Combined therapy (cans and mustard applications) will help to relieve the baby from even the strongest colds in just 2-3 days. This procedure is not allowed for children with increased excitability and signs of dystrophy. It is best to conduct a therapeutic session to the child immediately before bedtime.

Harm treatment banks

Although the canned treatment method is quite safe, nevertheless, we offer our readers to familiarize themselves with recommendations that will help to avoid some common mistakes that may be harmful to health.

 Harm treatment banks

  1. It is strictly forbidden to do canned massage along the spine, on the heart and kidneys. A significant increase in blood circulation can lead to a deterioration of the patient.
  2. Special attention should be paid to the sterility of all instruments used for the procedure, as well as directly to the can installation technique itself. Exact adherence to the recommendations will help avoid the appearance of hematomas on the back surface and other side effects.
  3. As mentioned above, the use of cans for the treatment of children is permissible only from the age of three. In addition, this method of treatment does not bring benefits to children with asthenic physique.
  4. The optimal solution during the period of treatment of the disease will be a small pause between treatments of several days.

Important! When repeating the procedure, the installation of cans should not be made in the places where they were installed earlier - in order to avoid the appearance of hematomas and inflammation of the skin.

What is necessary for the procedure

  1. Directly banks themselves (glass or polymer), which must first be sterilized and dried.
  2. Capacity with water (pre-boil).
  3. Children's cream and alcohol.
  4. Core with cotton wool, matches or lighter.
  5. Clean and soft towel.

How to set banks on the back

Before proceeding with the procedure, you should read the instructions, implying the correct location of the cans on the back. It is important to remember that during their installation you should avoid such areas: the spine, lumbar region and shoulder blades.

  1. The first step is to prepare the place where the patient will receive a canned massage, as well as the preparation of all the accessories and tools required for the procedure.
  2. Next, a cream is applied on the patient's back with clean and dry hands.
  3. A sufficient amount of cotton wool is wound on the rod, after which the improvised blank for the torch is dipped in alcohol and compressed at the edges.
  4. The prepared can is held with one hand and the wick is ignited with the other.
  5. Burning wick should be in the bank for no more than 3 seconds.
  6. The heated cans are installed on the prepared area at a sufficient distance between themselves (at least 3-5 cm.)
  7. After the required time for the procedure, the massage jars are very carefully removed, and the back of the patient is covered with a soft towel prepared earlier.

We draw attention to the fact that if the procedure is performed for the first time, then its duration should not exceed 1-2 minutes. The duration of the subsequent procedures is increased to 5-15 minutes.

It should be borne in mind that the removal of the cans in any case should not give the patient any pain. In the event that the patient felt pain when removing the can, gently steam the area around it, which will help to remove it painlessly. To do this, you can use a soft napkin soaked in warm water. The damaged area is treated with antiseptic and baby cream.

Video: how to put banks in acute bronchitis

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