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Splyushka vulgaris is ranked as the smallest species of owls, whose populations can be found on the European continent. These birds are easily accustomed to the home conditions, they willingly make contact with the person, allowing themselves to be tamed. This feature gives them popularity in the circle of admirers of pets.
Distinctive characteristics
This bird has a second name, which is voiced as a dawn, it belongs to a large group of common owls, electing as its habitat semi-steppe regions located in southern Europe.
In its daily diet, the bird prefers insects, it likes to hunt beetles, as well as butterflies or orthoptera, it attacks the representatives of vertebrates rather seldom.The average lifetime of an insectivorous bird is 6 years.
As a rule, the size of the body of a sleeper is 21 centimeters, the weight of an adult does not exceed 130 grams, the width of its wingspan is about 50 centimeters. In the plumage of the dawn, a gray-brown tint prevails, on its shoulders there are patches of white color, its entire body is dotted with dark streaks of flowing pattern, decorated with splashes of bright dots. Coloring bird plumage allows it to become invisible against the background of tree bark. In total there are 2 types of splushki, they differ in colors. The first is representatives of the red color, the second is gray.
Two characteristic plumes of feathering are located on the head of the dawn, with their appearance they resemble ornaments, they are called ears. The bird's eyes are presented in a round shape and are distinguished by a bright yellow or orange color, the beak of this bird is painted in a dark shade. A silent owl is quite difficult to find among the trees, its disguise is flawless.
The bird got its name due to the special sound of her voice, in her singing the word “sleep” is distinctly distinct, alternating with a fancy whistle.The sound repeats periodically with an interval of 2 seconds, like a cuckoo. In various regions of Europe, in the expanses of Asia, within the Caucasus and in the region of the Balearic Islands, one can find a number of subspecies belonging to this species of owls.
Distinguishing features of the livestock dawn and favorite habitat
This owl prefers hardwood trees, it can easily settle in the garden or in the park area, it is attracted by light forest, consisting of artificial plantings. Being located in the Mediterranean regions, she prefers plantings consisting of olive groves, she is not afraid of close proximity to a person, because most people are very loyal to night hunters.
Living in mountainous areas, it can make its nests at an altitude of 3000 meters relative to sea level. Splushka belongs to migratory birds, for the winter season she has to fly to the zone of African tropical forests, which are located south of the Sahara.
Dawn enters the territory of the Russian Federation at the beginning of April, here it nests, breeds offspring, so that with the advent of September it will make another flight. The little owl spends the whole day on the branches of trees, sensing danger, she uses an interesting tactic. Having stretched the body and “pricking” the ears, the owl becomes strikingly similar to a dry branch of a tree, it is very difficult to distinguish it even from close distance.
The period of nesting and breeding chicks
By breeding splyushka immediately breaks after returning to their homeland, birds living in the southern territories are ready to mate with the onset of February. It begins to build its nests from the beginning of May to the onset of July, and in some territories even later. To attract females, the male publishes conscription calls, when she reciprocates him, the birds occupy the nest for a pair dwelling, the dawn laying lays aside 1 time per season.
For its nest, a bird can accommodate a hollow it has liked or one of the crevices found in rocky surfaces. In addition, it can inhabit the nests left by the magpies or other birds, and can also settle in a hole made by a kingfisher or schnomon. Bird pairs select certain areas for their nesting, where they live for a long time, their nests are not created for one year.
The common scoop has in its laying from 2 to 6 eggs covered with white shells, the size of eggs is 3 centimeters, their weight reaches 15 grams. The incubation period of these birds lasts 25 days. One month after the birth, the young chicks leave the nest. Hatching is the sole care of the females, and both birds are engaged in feeding the babies, leaving to hunt in turns.
The body of little chicks is dressed in white down. After a few weeks, the young growth acquires a light gray color of plumage, embellished with thin stripes located across. At this age, young individuals are selected from the nest, learning the art of flight. The final formation process is completed at 45 days of age, to this period, young individuals as a result of selective molting are covered in adult color.
Features of dawn singing
In the mating season, some species of male splushki are able to produce a prolonged howl, resembling the howling of March cats. Others living in South Africa express their feelings in intermittent murmuring, and there are those whose voice is very similar to the melody of a flute, sounding in a high key.
Having reached agreement, a loving couple performs a marriage motive in a duet, distinguished by high professionalism of performance. Of course, the voice of the females is noticeably bass, but they keep the rhythm perfectly, with good weather, some individuals are so addicted that they continue to play the duet even in the daytime.
Recommendations for the maintenance of household scoops
Dawn is quite friendly to people, she easily accepts the conditions of guardianship and capriciously takes a confident position in the family of her caretakers. To keep representatives of this species in captivity does not represent certain difficulties, their eccentric pattern of behavior can bring in the monotony of life a lot of positive emotions.
Most often, the scoop is contained in a single copy, they quickly get used to their masters and respond with sincere affection. But, if there is a desire to acquire a pair, then in this case a mini-aviary is necessary for keeping birds. The minimum size of such a home should be 1 cubic meter. The necessary elements of such a living corner are: a hollow, which birds can use as a storeroom, and a trunk with comfortable branches, on which birds will disguise themselves during the day. The most interesting thing to observe the behavior of birds in the evening, when they lead an active lifestyle.
It is quite difficult to distinguish birds by gender, due to the fact that there are practically no external differences between the splushka, the only difference is the size, the female is usuallylarger than the male. Chicks raised in captivity best adapt to domestic conditions, they are not afraid to be let out of the cage. At the same time, they show a noticeable interest in the host; scoops can take food from his palm, sitting comfortably on his finger. The unpretentiousness of this bird and, often, very comical manner of its behavior, causes a special thrill to such pets.
Video: Splushka (Otus scops)
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