The dog growls at the owner: why and what to do?

Experienced dog breeders know firsthand how important it is to raise a dog properly from an early age. But if you miss even the smallest details, let the aggression from the four-legged pet down on the brakes, everything can end sadly. The dog will growl at the owner, will begin to disobey and not carry out basic commands. If the situation has already reached this point, it is necessary to take urgent measures. We will understand the causes of the incident and give practical recommendations on education.

 The dog growls at the owner

Statistical data

  1. We give some facts and study statistics. Dogs have been living with humans for many centuries. Such a long-term cooperation has led to the fact that the animal and man get along without conflict. Cynology - the science of dogs, has advanced.
  2. Dogs are under the close supervision of scientists, who reveal more and more new features of four-legged friends. Thanks to the extensive experience of dog handlers, their cooperation with amateur coaches and dog breeders, we were able to conclude with regard to the behavior of dogs.
  3. According to statistics, about 78% of pets who roar at their owners or in another way show aggression towards a person at least once have bitten the owner himself or members of his family. This percentage does not apply to the fact that the animal bites on purpose. He could have been motivated by the actions of people. But the fact is a fact.
  4. According to some sources, more than 60% of people injured by dogs are the owners of the animals themselves. Moreover, from this percentage the majority of people are old or small children. When a dog attacks a child, its bites fall on face tissues. This is dangerous, so you need to take action.
  5. As for the upbringing and maintenance of aggressive animals, they were attacked mainly by those who are in domestic care or were thrown out on the street for no apparent reason. In any case, a man-bred dog is more aggressive.Than the one who was born on the street and was raised by a bitch.

Causes of aggression

There are 4 fundamental reasons why an animal may show aggression and growl at the owner.

  1. This list includes breeding animals that were poorly planned or not thought out at all.
  2. Also, the dog may growl because of improper upbringing, aggression in its direction, violence from a person, constant harassment (intentional provocation for anger).
  3. Another reason is the obsession of children or guests (the owner’s friends). The dog simply can not calm down, because it is constantly disturbed. This is where aggressive signs and growls arise.
  4. It is necessary to highlight the wrong or late socialization, in which the pet can not adequately respond to other animals or people.

It is important to understand that by aggression, as well as affection, refers to the emotions of the animal. You can not come only from the facts, you need to know your dog, feel its mood, listen to your own intuition. Wisdom, experience and kindness are your best allies. Of course, the temperament of the dog does not need to be discounted.

Types and causes of aggression on the part of the dog

 Types and causes of aggression on the part of the dog

  1. If the pet began to growl at the owner for no particular reason, you should immediately understand that the initial degree is passed. The animal is in the second stage, in which the prerequisites are already missed. But do not despair, any behavior can be corrected if the time to take action.
  2. When a person plans to have a puppy, it is necessary to study his temperament in a timely manner and identify the causes of aggression, if any. Before the animal snarls or bites, you will notice a number of signs leading to this. This includes manners, gestures, stance, a different set of actions.
  3. Aggression can be dominant. In this case, the animal will jump on his hands, wanting to be on top. This quality is typical of pets who wish to be the head of the pack, leader, authority. This is inherent in nature, because in the pack of dogs only the dominant individual can press down the youngest in rank. It is also worth knowing that when trying to climb a dog owner, she considers himself the main one, and does not put the owner into account at all.
  4. Sexual aggression is another species with which all owners of males are familiar with.The dog shows aggressive behavior towards relatives of the same sex. Even puppies boys will compete for a toy or territory with their fellows. For a person, such aggression is dangerous, because a pet at any second can transfer it to you. The situation is complicated when the dog growls at the owner, if he condemns him. The decision lies in castration, as well as the proper upbringing of the animal.
  5. Aggression can be territorial, it is conditioned by the developed guarding qualities of a four-legged friend. But such instincts must be displayed intelligently. Otherwise, the pet will go all the boundaries, trying to protect the house from the owner. This should not be allowed.
  6. In dogs, so-called food aggression may occur. In this case, the pet growls or even bites the owner if he extends his hand to her bowl. The same applies to situations when treating a pet treat, it is enough for the fingers. An adult will freeze, growl, or grin when eating if a person passes nearby.
  7. The problems of a behavioral nature include aggression between two individuals living under the same roof.They are fighting for territory, toys, food and attention of the owner. The danger is that at any moment the dog can switch on the anger to the person. The prerequisites are the behavior in which the animal pushes away the child in order to quickly approach his father / mother. Such signs should be stopped in the early stages.
  8. Self-defense or defensive aggression. Among experienced dog breeders there is a certain rule. If you scold your pet, you need to pursue his interests. Often, the owners make many blunders. The fact is that the training, training and socialization of the dog is carried out specifically for its safety and comfort. Simple execution of commands does not concern the convenience of the host, however, such procedures are closely related to you. If the animal will obey the owner, it will not run away and will not get into trouble. The most important thing is that the dog will not fight with relatives.
  9. The prerequisites of aggression can be expressed by the desire to hide and fear. Faced with cowardice and timidity, we can assume that the animal has lost confidence in the owner. This situation is very bad.If the pet cannot trust you, it will be under constant stress. The dog will always strive for safety. It has always been the basic instinct of animals. If you ignore this, the psyche of the dog suffers greatly. You can always fix everything, it just takes time to earn the trust of the dog.
  10. Protective aggression. Such a reaction can be quite logical if the animal is in real danger. This can come from the owner. You may not even know that you are a threat. A pet may be very afraid of your voice, gestures and overly active gestures. You don’t have to go far, for example, you returned from a drunk event, the dog feels a different smell and sees an unusual attitude towards it. You start talking differently, the animal may think that you have been replaced. Such statements are very blurred, as the reaction of each dog breed may be different.

Ways to combat the dominant behavior of the dog

Fix the situation is quite possible. The dog can be weaned to growl at the owner. For this, it is necessary to show who is the owner and leader of the pack.Consider, with such education you will surely meet with resistance and stubbornness. Therefore, be prepared to take courage, patience, strength and endurance. This is the only way to achieve the desired. If this is not done, especially with a large pet, serious problems may arise. Especially if the dog belongs to the fighting breeds. Such an animal can be a potential threat not only to the owner, but also to all family members.

 Ways to combat the dominant behavior of the dog


  1. It is necessary to normalize the time of feeding the animal. Do not try to feed your pet before you get up from the table. It is important to teach the dog to eat only on command. If the pet starts to protect its bowl, you should hold it with one hand. A dog should not protect its food from you.
  2. It is important to teach the animal not to spin around the table and not to beg for food. Train your dog to start and stop eating only at your command. If necessary, the pet must give up the remaining food without aggression.
  3. In no case do not give in and do not be afraid of the growl of the dog. If you ever give in and give in, the animal develops a new reflex.The dog will think it is enough to growl at you so that you will step aside. So you stop being the leader of the pack.


  1. No matter how much you love your pet, and no matter how sweet it is, you cannot constantly caress and pet it. The dog does not take it for human feelings and love for her.
  2. Opposite pet will be confused attitude. Such a manifestation of feelings he can perceive for weakness. Laski should be in moderation. Always encourage the dog for properly executed commands.

Punishment and encouragement

  1. Any pet needs a fair attitude on the part of the owner. It is necessary to regularly encourage the pet for the executed commands. If necessary, the dog must be punished fairly. However, in this case it is necessary to observe the sequence.
  2. Otherwise, the pet may be confused attitude. A dog can understand gestures such as weakness. She will take a dominant position. When punishing, you must communicate with the animal in a language understandable to him.
  3. You should not resort to shouts and rudeness. Use the reception of wolves. The leader of the pack must grab the guilty by the neck and press him to the ground, while slinging him.If the animal continues to resist, it must be raised up to the moment until the pet goes limp and gives up. In animal language, the dog admits its defeat.

If you are faced with a similar situation, everything can be corrected. Do not give in to manipulations from an animal. Show that you are the leader of the pack, the head of the family, authority. You can not contradict and the only way out is to obey. It is also important for the dog to be properly raised from an early age so that such situations do not arise at all.

Video: what to do if the dog growls at the owner

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