A dog licks its paws: why and what to do?

Dogs, like people, can develop various bad habits. The most common problem - licking their paws. It is somewhat human when people constantly bite their nails.

 Dog licking paws

Those who are not interested in the health of their pets, or simply do not have enough experience in keeping dogs, often do not pay attention to such actions of the animal. Many believe that this is just a sign of cleanliness. But, despite seeming harmlessness, this problem can be caused by serious reasons.

When the dog enthusiastically licks his paws, over time, wool is pulled out in these places, and then weeping wounds develop. Such consequences can already be considered a cause for concern. The resulting wounds heal for a long time. The dog will suffer from pain and constantly lick them, further aggravating the situation.

The reasons

Such a habit can occur for several reasons. Consider the main ones.

  1. The most common cause of such a habit is psychological problems. Often this is due to lack of attention on the part of the owner and other family members. Perhaps the pet is walked too rarely, and during the day he is left alone and is bored. Being alone in the apartment, the dog speaks for days on end and feels lonely. It is because of this that this habit develops. A dog licks its paws to occupy itself with something. Subsequently, it turns into an obsessive action. According to experts, this habit is most often observed in dogs of small size, which are very popular today. Therefore, buying a puppy, it is important to think about whether you will have time to give him enough attention. Otherwise, you just doom the animal to suffering.
  2. The habit of licking paws can also develop as a result of the absence of any attention. This is also the fault of the owner. Dogs need to communicate in order for their psychological state to remain normal. If the pet does not feel cared for, it experiences stress. The attention of the dog switches to monotonous action.Such action may be caused by the desire to attract at least some attention. The dog may understand that you can’t lick your paws, but wants to see that the owner has noticed her actions and has reacted to them.
  3. Another reason is neurological. A dog may lick paws due to the fact that he has pain in this area. This may be due to pinched nerve. This happens when a dog breaks off the chain with all its might. If you think your dog has paws, you need to contact a good specialist. It is better to limit active games and activities for this time.
  4. Allergy. A dog may chew and lick paws due to itching. Most likely, she is allergic to any product or substance with which she is in contact. In this case, it is very important to determine the cause and exclude the source of the allergy.
  5. Fungus. On your own you cannot determine whether a dog is really suffering from a fungus. But it is easy to determine the veterinarian, taking the necessary tests. Before you go to a specialist, you do not need to bathe the animal. This will prevent the doctor to see a complete picture of the infection. The specialist will tell you how and how to help your pet.
  6. Inflammation.Such a process can cause pain and itching in the dog, as a result of which it will constantly lick its paws. Perhaps she has a splinter or an old cut that does not heal for a long time. Into such wounds easily gets infection.
  7. Diaper rash. Such a problem often affects long-haired dogs. The reason for the development of diaper rash may be poorly dried wool after bathing or rain. If the wool remains wet for a long time and is not ventilated, unfavorable microflora develops on the skin. Feeling irritated, the dog begins to lick its paws, which further aggravates the problem.
  8. Parasites. The reason for the loosening of paws can be banal fleas. We may not notice them, but they live in the thick hair of the pet, biting its skin. The bites themselves cause discomfort, in addition, the pet may be allergic to their saliva. If there is such a problem, then even after several flea bites the dog will nibble hard and lick its paws. To avoid this, it is necessary to carefully care for the coat and body of your pet.
  9. Diseases of the joints. These problems develop most often in animals of age. But in recent years, they are also observed in young pets.A veterinarian can help with the problem. Signs that the dog has problems with the joints are lameness, decreased activity and swelling at the site of the joint.
  10. Intestinal problems. If the dog eats improperly, it can often develop heartburn and hurt the stomach. Licking paws can be a symptom of such a problem. A dog in this way wants to induce vomiting to relieve the condition.
  11. Reaction to chemicals. During the walk, the pet's paws may come in contact with grass that has been treated with chemical fertilizers, or with snow sprinkled with reagents. This may cause irritation. In addition, it can lead to poisoning. Therefore, after a walk, it is desirable to wipe the paws of a pet well.
  12. Claws too long. So that the dog does not try to shorten long claws to itself, it is necessary to trim them in time.
  13. Bones. When the dog eats the bones, it pinches them with its paws, so the appetizing leftovers remain on them.

How to solve a problem?

Even if you correctly determine the reason for the development of this habit in your dog, it will not be easy to get rid of it. Regardless of the original cause, licking becomes an obsessive act.Experts recommend constantly distracting the dog from this action. This should be something that will interest your pet. For example, a treat or favorite game.

The main thing - do not run this problem, and try to help the dog. To prevent the development of such habits, it is important to pay attention to the pet, properly care for the dog, regularly visit the veterinarian, and walk daily.

Video: how to properly wash the paws of a dog after a walk

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