How many times a day do you need to feed your puppy?

When a puppy appears in the house, a huge responsibility falls on the owner. It affects not only the education, but also the feeding of the pet. It is important to constantly maintain the work of the body of the dog at the proper mark, this is assisted by a correctly formulated diet, taking into account the age of the pet. We will look at the main aspects in turn, so that you can make the right schedule for your pet.

 How many times a day do you need to feed a puppy

Puppy feeding frequency

Experienced breeders will tell you that the frequency of feeding directly depends on how many months a puppy. The younger it is, the more often the food must be supplied to the fragile organism. If the baby is barely a month old, food is 6-8 times a day. Adults of the age category of 10 months are slowly transferred to food twice a day.

The best time period for the first feeding is considered to be between 06: 00–08: 00 in the morning.The last meal at the puppy is carried out at 19: 00—22: 00 hours. Again, the less months a pet has, the more often it is fed in the mornings and later in the evenings. It is important that the dog go to bed full of sleep and wake up without sharply raging hunger.

If you want to make your own schedule for the baby, it is better to consult with the breeder. He will give his recommendations that do not need to be broken. If this is not possible, follow the instructions:

1-2 months. Pets are given food 6-8 times a day, the interval between meals should not exceed 2.5-3 hours.

3-4 months. The dog is transferred to feeding 5 times a day, the interval is 3.5-4 hours.

5-6 months. Pet food is given 4 times a day, 2 of them are morning and evening meals, another 2 - in the daytime.

6-10 months. It is time to feed the dog 3 times a day, respectively, the interval is chosen equal between all meals.

10-12 months. It is necessary to feed the animal as an adult, that is, twice a day. If the dog constantly feels hungry, 3 meals are additionally included. From year on again feeding 2 times a day.

If you adhere to the opinion of experienced breeders, you should not underestimate the number of meals a puppy, if his body is not yet strong.Watch the condition of the pet, if he misses one of the meals, you should delete this time from the menu. When an animal eats absolutely everything, do not limit it in food by force.

Cases in which feeding with dry food is mandatory

There is a lot of controversy about how to feed a pet. For some categories of animals it is quite difficult to make a correct diet on a natural basis. There is a need for additional input of vitamins in the menu, as well as other tricks to maintain the health of the dog.

Owners are forced to feed a puppy with purchased purchased composition if the dog is allergic in nature. Also, if you have a propensity for serious diseases, it is better to immediately teach your pet to balanced food. Feed dry food should be in violation of the absorbability of the intestinal vitamin-mineral complex, difficulties with metabolic processes. If you can not cook good food, then it's easier to buy food.

The frequency of feeding depends on how nutritious this feed. As a rule, daily dosages are indicated on the package.There you will find instructions for feeding the dog, depending on its size, age and even gender. For starters, this is enough, then focus on your pet.

When pelleted feed enters the esophagus, it swells. Also, the dog has a strong thirst, so watch the amount of water you drink. The animal must drink enough to feel comfortable. It is important to remember that the premium segment food is suitable for puppies, the caloric content of food should not exceed 350 Kcal.

Natural Food Diet

If you prefer to feed the animal with regular food, then make a list of foods allowed to be consumed. A growing body needs all of the following. Never feed the dog food from the table.

 The diet of the puppy from natural food

  1. Milk. Pets who are under 4 months old are fed with milk. It is required for the correct functioning of the most important systems and organs of the dog. Milk is heated and made clean, but on the basis of it is allowed to cook porridge. Goat's milk is suitable for a puppy, because it is considered hypoallergenic. If there is no such possibility, let's dilute the cow.In the period from 4 to 6 months the volume of milk is reduced, then it is removed altogether, the time comes for feeding with sour milk.
  2. Dairy products. Dogs should be given low-fat sour cream, whey (very useful and cheap). After the child grows up, the amount of acidic foods consumed by him is reduced to 2 times a week. If you are training a pet, treat him to hard cheese.
  3. Meat products. Meat is allocated about 40% of the total diet. Per 1 kg animal weight relies 25 grams. meat. Dogs are treated with scalded, boiled or raw food, the latter option is preferable. A pet is given raw chicken or skinless turkey, as well as rabbit, veal, beef, and even horse meat. From offal in scalded puppy can be treated to the liver, kidneys, ventricles.
  4. A fish. It is mandatory to feed the baby with fish or seafood 2 times a week. Of all the diversity, shrimp, squid, pollock, etc. should be preferred. River fish are not suitable, there are a lot of bones and parasites in it. Fish meal replace meat.
  5. Vegetables. It is not a secret that the growing body simply needs all sorts of vitamins.The stock of such substances are considered various vegetables. Such products must be introduced into the diet gradually mixed with porridge or cottage cheese. Alternatively, the vegetables can be grinded and given baked or fresh. Thus, all the necessary enzymes are better absorbed. A puppy is recommended to regularly give beets, pumpkins, zucchini and carrots. Also do not forget about the greens in the form of spinach, onions, parsley.
  6. Fruits and berries. Most dogs eat fruit regularly. Not all owners know exactly which fruits or berries are allowed. It is not necessary to force a pet to eat what it does not want. If the dog prefers apples or fallen apricots, you should not deprive her of such pleasure. The main thing to monitor the state of digestion. It is forbidden to give your pet grapes and currants. Such berries can seriously harm the health of the animal. Take special care with those fruits in which there is a bone. You should not give a lot of bananas, because of them the dog is quickly gaining weight.
  7. Cereals. Be sure to have a puppy in the diet must be present porridge. Keep in mind, such dishes should serve only as a side dish for meat or milk.It is strictly forbidden to feed the puppy with one grain. In the first 2 months of life, the animal should be boiled in milk. It is allowed to give buckwheat, semolina, rice and oatmeal.

Depending on the age, it is necessary to feed the animal with different frequency. From 1 month to 1 year, the number of servings per day should be gradually reduced. Do not take food from the pet if he does not refuse it. If necessary, give your puppy vitamin complexes.

Video: how much should a puppy eat?

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