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So that a person can fully work during the day, he needs to have enough rest. Every organism needs a full-fledged quality sleep. How much time is necessary to allocate a person to sleep daily? Is it important that the time when a person falls asleep and wakes up is about the same?
Healthy sleep: recommendations of experts
Scientists are very active in the field of sleep. During this time, much has been clarified, but some moments have remained a mystery so far. After extensive research, it was found that in order to live longer, you need to sleep the same number of hours per day. If this mode is broken, it affects the lifespan of a person. If you often sleep enough, it will lead to cardiovascular problems. The body does not have time to recover, as a result of which it wears out.Complex biochemical transformations are impaired.
Here are some tips for sleep professionals:
- Design mode. If possible, you should set a mode for yourself. It is necessary to sleep and wake up at the same time. In this way, you can get the maximum benefit and less harm from sleep. If a person does not comply with the regime, this leads to a failure of biorhythms. Experts advise not to shoot down the regime, even on weekends. In young children, this instinct is developed unconsciously. They get up and lie down the same way, no matter what day it is.
- Duration Also, scientists have spent a lot of effort to determine the optimal duration of sleep. They claim it is 7-8 hours. But to sleep was as healthy as possible, it should not be interrupted. More benefits will bring 6 hours of sleep without awakening than 8, but with interruptions. Therefore, it is allowed to sleep and 6 hours.
- Immediately wake up. If you do not immediately get up, you can fall asleep again. Do not accustom to this your body. Be sure to develop such a habit.
- Get ready for bed. This should be the rule. Do not watch movies or news, do not play sports for at least an hour.
- Relax before bedtime. If you usually do not immediately fall asleep after you go to bed, then you need to find relaxation methods that suit you. This should become a habit. Moreover, it will be very useful for physical and mental health. This could be, for example, a warm bath with soothing scents.
- Do not sleep during the day. In the evening, this can make it difficult to sleep. As a result, biorhythms are broken.
- Make the bedroom cozy. Remove the TV from the room, do not take a laptop, especially in the evening. The bed should be as comfortable as possible. Ideally, this is an orthopedic mattress, linen from natural fabrics. After all, not only the duration of sleep is important, but also quality. In the evening, open the window for a while. This will improve the quality of sleep.
- Be active during the day. To sleep well, it is necessary to engage in vigorous activity during the day. It is advisable to do exercises, walk on the air.
- Do not eat before bedtime. You can not eat food at least 2 hours before you go to bed. But it is better - in 3-4 hours. In any case, do not get enough. Avoid coffee, cigarettes and alcohol at this time.
These habits will significantly reduce the quality of sleep.
The danger of lack of sleep
We already know that you need to sleep for at least 6 hours. What will happen if you constantly violate this rule? If this becomes a habit, then it is already called chronic sleep deprivation. Many people suffer from this problem. They try to compensate for this at the weekend when they shower in the middle of the day. But this not only does not help, but aggravates the situation even more. Experts call this "sleepy bulimia."
What are its consequences?
- immunity falls;
- a person remembers information worse; it is difficult for him to concentrate;
- the heart suffers;
- frequent migraines;
- there is excess weight;
- in men testosterone decreases;
- the amount of the stress hormone increases;
- develop mental disorders.
The greatest danger in this case is that the rhythms of the body get lost. As a result, all the subtle processes that occur in our body go wrong. This leads to many health problems. A person may not even guess that he suffers from a particular disease precisely because of lack of sleep.If you constantly violate the regime, you may develop sleep problems, which can only be solved with the help of a specialist.
What violations can occur?
- Insomnia - this problem is also called insomnia. It is characterized by the fact that it is difficult for a person to fall asleep and not wake up often.
- Hypersomnia is a disorder when a person drowsiness too often, even if he has slept enough.
- Parasomniya - disorders associated with nightmares, walking, epileptic seizures during sleep.
- Situational insomnia - this diagnosis is made when a person develops insomnia associated with emotions, which lasts no more than 3 weeks.
- Congestive disorders are a problem with falling asleep.
- Intrasomnia - a person often wakes up.
- Postsomnic disorders - drowsiness after waking up.
- Apnea - breathing slows or stops.
- Bruxism - clenching jaws.
Such problems are treated by a neurologist or psychotherapist. If you have them, do not neglect them.
Is it good to sleep long
Harm of lack of sleep we considered.It may be thought that in this case it is useful to sleep as long as possible. If a person sleeps longer than 10-15 hours a day, this is considered excessive. Scientists have found that too long a dream is no less harmful than a short one. If you sleep too long, the sleep hormone begins to produce in excess. This leads to the fact that overwork during the day develops too quickly.
Therefore, do not sleep for too long. This will lead to the failure of biorhythms no less than lack of sleep. A person during the day will be frustrated, lazy and apathetic. The performance of such people decreases, depression develops.
It often happens that a person sleeps a lot for a psychological reason. He does not want to face all the problems that are piling on him in life. This leads to the accumulation of problems, the deterioration of relationships with other people.
This will lead not only to mental, but also to physiological problems. If you sleep too long, blood stagnates, edema appears, hypertension develops.
The established framework for the duration of sleep is only approximate. This is due to the fact that each organism has its own characteristics.One person may even have enough 6 hours to sleep, and another 8 will be enough. But you need to adhere to these indicators in order to develop a daily routine for yourself.
The modern rhythm of life makes a person sacrifice sleep in order to complete all the tasks set before him. For example, in addition to a successful career, modern women should pay attention to children, keep the house clean, do shopping, and so on. If there are situations when you have to sleep for several hours a whole week, then after that you need to relax and have a good rest to avoid consequences. In this case, a long sleep is simply necessary.
Video: how much should a person sleep?
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