How many lemons can you eat per day?

Lemon is a citrus plant. This product can be found in almost any refrigerator. It is used for a variety of purposes, including the preparation of various dishes. How useful this fruit is for the human body, as well as how much it can be consumed, consider in this article.

 How many lemons can you eat per day

What is useful yellow citrus?

The main usefulness of a lemon is contained in vitamins, carotene, as well as a large number of other necessary substances for the body.

  1. For example, vitamin C is necessary for the body in order to counter such diseases as rheumatism, periodontal disease, tuberculosis, gums bleeding and many other ailments.
  2. Vitamin B contained in lemon helps to fight insomnia perfectly.
  3. As a preventive measure against stroke and heart attack, a person needs vitamin R.
  4. Potassium ensures the normal functioning of the nervous system, as it helps to restore its cells. In addition, potassium nourishes the brain cells, which is very important.
  5. Contained in lemon and calcium, which mainly provides the strength of bone tissue.

As part of the lemon you can find the following nutrients, trace elements and vitamins:

  • the whole group of vitamins;
  • vitamins c, e, pp, a;
  • zinc;
  • potassium;
  • chlorine;
  • boron;
  • fluorine;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • calcium;
  • sodium;
  • copper;
  • magnesium;
  • manganese;
  • molybdenum;
  • sulfur

Lemon can be classified as antiseptic, it is for this reason that it is often used to treat colds, flu, and sore throats. With it, you can get rid of fever and cough. This fruit helps with vitamin deficiency, it is also used to strengthen the body's defense system.

Lemon is extremely useful when you need to remove various toxic substances from the body, slags, as well as excess water. There are a large number of popular recipes with the addition of lemon, with which you can make the skin lighter, as well as give it a more youthful and fresh look. Peel can be used as a means to clean the teeth, it removes plaque well.Also, lemon is able to strengthen the gums and nails.

Is there any benefit in lemon peel?

Lemon peel is often overlooked, since this part of the fruit is usually not eaten. However, it is very useful for our body, especially the white layer, which usually has no taste. This white layer has a definite name - albedo. It is mainly useful for extremely high content of vitamin C, which is several times higher than the amount of this element in the pulp. In addition, there are bioflavonoids in the albedo, which help to assimilate well to vitamin C.

 Is there any benefit in lemon peel?

The yellow outer layer of lemon also has a specific name - flavodo. This layer is valuable high content of essential oils, as well as pectic substances. Despite the fact that the lemon peel is not very pleasant to the taste, it is very useful, therefore it is often recommended to eat it along with the pulp. Wash the lemon thoroughly before use.

What is useful lemon for pregnant women?

Vitamin C contained in lemon can save a pregnant woman from many infectious diseases,and also generally strengthen her immune defenses. Ascorbic acid is an excellent anti-edematous agent and in addition it soothes the body well. Also, this yellow citrus can be useful for women with low acidity of the gastric environment. Often, experts recommend using lemon to combat stress and fatigue. To do this, just enough to inhale the smell of zest.

For a long time, yellow citrus has also been used during pregnancy to eliminate signs of toxicosis, especially nausea. No wonder that the name of this fruit from Chinese is translated as “useful for pregnant women”.

The benefits of lemon in the process of losing weight

Often today you can hear about various diets that do not do without the use of lemon, as well as the fact that water with lemon is needed to speed up the process of getting rid of extra pounds. It is worth noting that the essential oil in the fruit really contributes to weight loss, however, it must be used in combination with other products.

 The benefits of lemon in the process of losing weight

Lemon also contains acids of organic origin, which promote the breakdown of lipids, as well as normalizing metabolic processes in the body.The high content of vitamin C helps to maintain tone and energy throughout the day, making the diet more easily and as painlessly as possible.

Is lemon harmful?

Despite the large number of useful properties, lemon can be harmful to the body in some cases:

  • in the presence of hypertension;
  • with the development of ulcers or gastritis;
  • in the presence of inflammation in the mouth;
  • in the presence of any diseases of the digestive tract;
  • if a person has pancreatitis.

How many lemons a day can you eat as much as possible?

Of course, lemon is very useful, however, you should not abuse it, because you cannot allow the body to be oversaturated with vitamin C. A normal amount of this fruit per day is literally a pair of rings.

In the case of prolonged consumption of large amounts of lemon daily a person may experience hypervitaminosis. Signs of this condition include unpleasant symptoms such as abnormal stools, nausea, pain in the abdomen and joints, and headache. In case of occurrence of such signs, it is recommended to stop consuming lemons for three weeks, and then adjust the daily ration to normal.It is worth remembering that it is much easier to fill in the missing amount of ascorbic acid in the body than to remove the surplus.

Video: the lemon is useful for the body

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