How many cups of coffee can you drink per day?

Supporters of invigorating drinks with great pleasure make a cup of coffee a part of their morning awakening ritual. However, some abuse it in large quantities, mistakenly believing that the drink is absolutely harmless. It is necessary to understand that the accumulation of caffeine in a certain way affects the functioning of the most important systems and organs of a person. Today we are arranging a "debriefing" and find out the extent to which coffee can be consumed daily.

 How many cups of coffee can you drink per day

The effect of coffee on the body

According to numerous reviews, we can conclude that some people do not consume the presented composition in doses, thinking that there is no harm from it. But nothing passes without a trace, respectively, and coffee is reflected on health in the most direct way.

It helps to wake up in the morning, because it stimulates brain activity and literally says that it is time to wake up.A mug of high-quality beverage starts the work of the urinary system, and also prevents all diseases associated with it. What can we say about improving the performance of both mental and physical.

But coffee lovers, wanting to prolong this effect, begin to abuse the coffee drug. Irritability appears, the psycho-emotional environment is severely depleted, the drink is addictive. When a person drinks less than usual, he becomes lethargic and apathetic.

Since coffee causes dehydration, after its consumption it is imperative to drink at least 0.25 l. water. Otherwise, absolutely all metabolic processes will slow down, there will be no useful qualities from the drink. Worsen the work of the heart and blood system.

Rules for drinking coffee

In order not to harm your own body, it is necessary to study the subtleties of using a coffee drug.

  1. So, in a day you can drink an invigorating drink three times. As for the quantity, it should not exceed 150 ml. at a time. If you prefer coffee with milk, then the disposable volume is doubled.
  2. In no case can not take a drink on an empty stomach, breakfast first. After one third of an hour, drink coffee and then a glass of filtered water at room temperature. Coffee can not be combined with sweets.
  3. If you consume the presented drink at frequent intervals, your body simply stops to perceive it. The effect will worsen. Therefore, every other day, reduce or increase the amount so that it is always different.
  4. Extreme mug consumed at least 5 hours before going to bed. Otherwise, invigorating properties will not let you fall asleep or the rest will be short, intermittent, nightmares may appear.
  5. It is highly desirable to give preference to freshly ground coffee. Such raw materials are the most useful, it concentrates all the most valuable substances and is best reflected in the state of health.
  6. Instant coffee, in turn, only irritates the mucous membrane of the esophagus, so there is a risk of developing peptic ulcer or gastritis. If you do not have the opportunity to prepare a drink, the amount of soluble composition should be reduced and drink no more than 1 cup per day.

Daily Caffeine Rates

 Daily Caffeine Rates

  1. To calculate for sure in what "cup" volume it is allowed to drink a drink, it is necessary to determine how much caffeine is concentrated in one mug. Everyone knows that espresso is much tougher, for example, latte or American.
  2. The rules of caffeine for an adult person range from 300 mg. every day. This volume should not be exceeded, so as not to provoke a negative reaction of the heart muscle and nervous system.
  3. As about 120 mg are concentrated in one mug of the invigorating drink, respectively, more than 3 cups should not be taken.
  4. Turkish coffee is the toughest, it has 170 mg., That is, you can drink 1.5 cups. Espresso is softer, in it 130 mg., It is allowed to use 2 cups. Cappuccino is allowed to drink in the amount of 3.5 cups.
  5. To reduce the negative effects of caffeine on the body, it is worth adding high percent fat cream or high-fat milk.

When and how much to drink coffee

  1. Studies have shown that a caffeinated drink is best consumed in the morning. In a pinch, you can drink a cup of coffee a couple of hours before bedtime. Otherwise, you will encounter insomnia.After waking up in the mirror you will see a swollen face.
  2. After waking up, it is recommended to drink coffee exclusively with milk. On an empty stomach, a strong drink in its pure form is absolutely contraindicated. Throughout the day, it is allowed to consume no more than 4 small cups. In this case, the drink should not be burning or cold.

Which coffee is healthier

  1. If you want to get the maximum benefit from the drink, give preference to purely natural composition. Freshly ground kernels contain a lot of useful microelements. In instant coffee there is almost no benefit. Also the taste and aroma leave much to be desired.
  2. The problem is that tannins, lipids, mineral salts, vitamins, carbohydrates, tannins and organic acids are completely absent in the soluble composition. Coffee beans opposite are saturated with all the listed substances.
  3. In instant coffee, caffeine remains pure and pure. It acts on the body more aggressively. Also, do not consume coffee drinks that can be purchased in banks. Nothing good is contained in them, as well as in power engineering.

Decaffeinated coffee is not recommended.The problem is that the substance cannot be removed without the use of organic solvents. Such substances in the drink create hazardous chemical compounds. Such enzymes contribute to the development of oncological pathologies in the intestines and the human stomach.

Video: how much can you drink coffee?

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