Symptoms of menopause in women in 40 years: the first signs

Many women only the thought that the onset of menopause they can not be avoided, leads to a panic state. However, from the point of view of medical science, all processes in the female body proceed cyclically, and menopause is the same natural process as the puberty period in a girl or the heyday of the reproductive period in young women. Therefore, to perceive this phenomenon as some kind of catastrophe is not worth it, even if we are talking about an early climax. Knowing the features and the first signs associated with the restructuring of the female body, you can properly prepare for the upcoming changes.

 Symptoms of menopause in women 40 years

What changes in the body occur during menopause

Immediately it is worth noting that menopause is a gradual process of restructuring the female body. Its duration is different, for some women this period can last up to ten years and even more. Characteristics, or, as they are also called, precursors, help to learn about the approach of menopause. All of them are due to a change in the hormonal background of a woman, caused by a decrease and then a complete extinction of ovarian function. Against this background, the reproductive capacity of the female body is reduced.

In the normal course of this process, these changes pass slowly, without giving the ladies serious problems. Simply, the body gradually adapts to the changes taking place, getting used to working in new conditions. It is worth noting here that both the physiological settings and the psycho-emotional component are changing dramatically. Let us dwell on these important points.

Physiological changes in menopause

Since each woman's body has its own individual characteristics, the menopause in all women goes differently.By the way, only one in ten women experiences discomfort associated with this period. For the rest of the fair sex, menopause is calm, only sometimes its symptoms cause some discomfort.

Regarding changes in the functioning of organs and systems. All fixed dysfunctions are caused by metabolic disorders. They appear in the following:

  1. Changes in body weight (more often, it is increasing, but its loss may also be noted).
  2. There is increased flatulence and the phenomenon of flatulence.
  3. Often there is a disorder of the chair (in most cases, it manifests itself in the form of constipation).
  4. Due to the developing weakness of the muscles of the bladder, frequent urination and sometimes urinary incontinence are noted.
  5. Hormonal changes affect the cardiovascular system: there are complaints of heart palpitations (tachycardia), increased blood pressure.
  6. The protective ability of the immune system decreases, which provokes the appearance of allergic reactions.
  7. There are serious changes in the sexual sphere: reduced sexual desire, in rare cases there is a complete loss of libido.

To the listed changes it should be added that the restructuring of the body leaves its mark on the woman’s appearance: the skin becomes dry, its elasticity is lost, the structure of nails and hair deteriorates. During this period, it is very important to provide the body with proper care, which consists in good nutrition and hydration of the skin. It is easy to implement through the use of high-quality cosmetics.

Distinctive features of early menopause

All of the above abnormalities during physiological processes are observed during early climax. The only difference is that the first symptoms of menopause in this case are observed in women aged 40 years or even earlier. But most women notice the first symptoms of menopause after 45 years, which is considered the normal physiological age for this period. All the causes of menopause at a young age are not yet fully understood, but it has been established that among the adverse factors are:

  • surgical removal of the ovaries;
  • other genital surgery;
  • severe dysfunctions of the hormonal system;
  • genetic predisposition.

Special attention should be paid to the last point, because if there were cases of early menopause in close female relatives in the female line, then it is quite possible to expect its occurrence at a young age in daughters or granddaughters.

Another characteristic feature of early menopause is that all negative manifestations increase rapidly, accompanied by a brighter manifestation of symptoms. As a result of the rapidly evolving process of change, the female body experiences extreme stress, which causes a significant deterioration in well-being.

The first signs of early menopause

In principle, against the background of the extinction of ovarian activity at an early age, all the same phenomena are observed as with normal menopause. But there are exceptions. For example, due to the cessation of the normal production of the hormone estrogen, the skin is undergoing drastic changes. The skin quickly loses its elasticity, deep wrinkles and pigmentation appear. In short, the aging process is becoming rampant.

 The first signs of early menopause

Among the most common symptoms of early menopause are the following signs:

  1. Violation of the menstrual cycle. This is the main sign that signals the beginning of adjustment in the body of a woman. And not only the usual monthly schedule is disturbed, their character also changes. Some women have scanty discharge, others, on the contrary, have serious blood loss. Often, the situation becomes critical, and then without the professional help of doctors can not do.
  2. Hot flashes are one of the most typical signs of menopause. It is characterized by a sharp rise in temperature. There is an intolerable sensation of heat on the face, body. As a rule, such attacks are accompanied by the appearance of hyperemia (red spots) in the neck, chest, other parts of the body. Tides can occur up to several times in one day, very often they are replaced by an attack of severe chills.
  3. Increased sweating is an indispensable companion of tides. In itself, increased perspiration is extremely rare.
  4. Violation of snatozh can be attributed to the forerunners of menopause. Women begin to complain of insomnia at about 40-45 years of age.It is noted that they do not fall asleep well, wake up several times in the middle of the night, and in the morning they feel unwell and a broken condition. More than a third of women of critical age face similar phenomena.
  5. Emotional instability is seriously reflected in the usual way of life. Hormonal adjustment in some cases so changes the psyche of women that it is alarming their close environment. Some ladies become irritable, and sometimes even aggressive. Other representatives of the female half of the population, on the contrary, become self-contained, fall into depression, constantly complain about something and cry.
  6. The fragility of the bones develops due to the fact that during menopause there is an intensive leaching of calcium salts from the body. It is this feature that causes the fragility of bone tissue. Experimentally, scientists have found that in menopausal women lose up to 3% of bone mass. For this reason, very often at critical age complex fractures and other injuries occur.
  7. Intimate problems, expressed more or less intensely, are observed in almost every woman of mature age.Hormonal changes lead to the fact that the mucous tissues of the vagina emit little secretion, which causes their dryness. For this reason, itching and burning sensation appear, and the sexual act becomes painful.

In addition to these main symptoms of menopause, often there are bouts of weakness, severe headaches. During this period, taste preferences and smell perception may also change.

Stages of menopause

Regardless of the age, when the precursors of menopause have declared themselves, the entire transition period of the body is divided into several stages. The whole process of "turning off" reproductive functions takes place against the background of a decrease in the production of the hormone estrogen. As a rule, it lasts from five years and more. But with an early menopause, these changes, as already noted, can occur in an accelerated mode.

 Stages of menopause

In medical circles, it is generally accepted that the onset of menopause occurs 2 years before the last menstruation, and the end of this cycle is approximately 4 years after the last ovulation. This whole lengthy process is divided into the following steps:

  1. Premenopause. The time of occurrence of this period depends on the individual characteristics of each woman: with an early menopause, this is 38-40, and in a normal course, after 45 years.But some women, up to 50 years of age, do not show any abnormalities during physiological processes. These ladies ovaries work well, only sometimes the intervals between periods become longer. It is at this stage that hot flashes, bouts of blues, and sexual disorders appear for the first time.
  2. Menopause occurs around 50-53 years. During this period, the ovaries completely cease to function, although periods can still be observed occasionally. True, the intervals between their appearance increase. At this time, the main symptoms are particularly pronounced. The lack of estrogen causes abnormalities in the work of the cardiovascular sphere, endocrine disorders like diabetes are not excluded.
  3. Postmenopause. This term is called the period when there was the last menstruation until the end of a woman’s life. This stage is characterized by the fact that all previously disturbing symptoms completely disappear. This means the completion of the entire hormonal adjustment.

Thus, it can be concluded that the main symptoms accompanying menopause occur in the first two stages.It should be noted here that the beginning of one stage and its transition to the next level is extremely difficult to determine. After all, quite often in women, the course of menopause differs from the process described in the medical reference book.

To clearly define the boundaries of the above stages, doctors recommend that all women after 40 be sure to visit an endocrinologist. Not bad, if such a consultation will be held at least once a year.

True, modern medicine has new diagnostic methods. Today, a special test “for menopause” is used in practice, with the help of which the level of follicle-stimulating hormone is determined. This is a very accurate analysis that allows you to fix the onset of menopause. A similar test strip today can be freely purchased at the pharmacy. True, this analysis is significantly inferior in accuracy to the results of laboratory research methods.

Important! Bad habits, especially smoking, can lead to early menopause. Among the negative factors are also stress, lack of body weight, hard diets.

Effective Therapies

Once again I want to emphasize that the onset of menopause does not mean the end of active life. Some women believe that this period has its beautiful sides. So that unpleasant symptoms do not interfere with enjoying life, you should use the tools that modern medicine has. The following methods will help to prolong youth and get rid of unpleasant feelings at different stages of menopause:

 Effective methods of menopause therapy

Hormone replacement therapy
This is a very effective method to compensate for the shortage of hormones produced by the body through special preparations. These are mainly pills that are taken for a long time according to the scheme prescribed by the doctor. True, this method is not suitable for all women. Among the contraindications of such therapy:

  • cancer pathology;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • strokes;
  • diabetes;
  • endometriosis;
  • mastopathy;
  • thromboembolic disease in the acute phase.

In addition, it is very difficult to choose an adequate hormonal drug, since this drug group causes a lot of side effects.

Herbal preparations are highly safe, although they are not as effective as hormonal drugs.But, nevertheless, it is a good alternative to such drugs, because it allows you to balance the psycho-emotional state, to establish sleep, improve vitality.

Other medications
To date, the pharmaceutical industry produces a lot of money that can alleviate the condition of women in different periods of menopause. Basically, these drugs act simultaneously in several directions: relieve anxiety, elevate mood, stop somatic manifestations. There are medicines that reduce sweating, relieve headaches, normalize sleep. Such means to achieve the desired effect is recommended to take courses with short breaks.

Psychotherapy also has an arsenal of effective methods that can help women adapt to changes in the body. Classes with a specialist in this area will help to tune in to a positive, get rid of anxious feelings. Such sessions are best carried out as a supplement to drug therapy. Not bad they are combined with practices such as meditation and yoga.

Innovative means
Innovative tools successfully complement the possibilities of modern medicine. We should also mention drugs, such as, PPG, which is injected in the form of injections. It can not only localize the unpleasant symptoms of menopause, but also has a rejuvenating effect on the entire body.

Summarizing all the above, I want to emphasize once again that menopause is a natural process with which the female body can cope on its own. It is laid by nature itself. And all the problems associated with the course of this period can be easily eliminated. For this medicine has all the necessary tools.

To survive the troubles characteristic of menopause, you should not refuse the help of professionals. Competent specialists will help you choose the best treatment program for each woman. It must be remembered that the timely start of therapy will ease the state and will give the opportunity to lead a full life.

Video: the first symptoms of menopause in women

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