Chocolate during pregnancy - the benefits and harm

Chocolate is a favorite product of pregnant women. Very often, the future mother pulls on the sweet, and dairy tiles are absorbed at an uncontrolled pace.

 Chocolate during pregnancy

Nutritionists and doctors have nothing against eating chocolate, however, insist on compliance with reasonable dosages and restrictions. This is especially true for women with allergies, as well as pregnant women who have diseases of the digestive tract and endocrine system disorders.

On the other hand, in some cases, sweetness can produce a healing effect and keep a woman in her difficult position.

Composition and types of chocolate

Rich confectionery product is made from cocoa beans or cocoa powder with the addition of butter. Depending on the cocoa concentration, chocolate is divided into the following types:

  • black - 70-80% powder (a good indicator);
  • milk - 30-50% cocoa beans;
  • white - 0% cocoa.

Dark chocolate contains almost no cocoa butter, so a bitter aftertaste is achieved through a combination of sugar and powder. Milk tile on the third consists of fast carbohydrates - sugars, and 15% of dry cream or high-fat milk, which does not make it a useful sweetness during pregnancy. White chocolate has nothing to do with the classic, as it consists exclusively of milk powder and cream, fats, sugars, vanilla and flavor enhancers.

Classic black or milk chocolate is composed of the following components in various proportions:

  • proteins - up to 8%;
  • saturated fats of plant and animal origin - up to 40%;
  • carbohydrates (mainly sugar) - about 6%;
  • alkaloids (known to all caffeine, as well as theobromine);
  • tannins;
  • tryptophan;
  • anandamide;
  • phenylethiolamine;
  • trace elements (magnesium, iron, calcium, phosphorus, sodium and others);
  • B vitamins and others;
  • organic acids;
  • flavonoids.

If we talk about the benefits of chocolate during pregnancy, then each species should be ranked according to properties.

  1. White chocolate. Does not contain cocoa, which demonstrates the beneficial properties for the body.Dyes, thickeners, preservatives, flavor enhancers and sweeteners are used to obtain a characteristic taste and pleasant appearance. Sugars and fats negatively affect the organism of the future mother, lead to blockage of blood vessels with cholesterol and slag, inhibit digestion.
  2. Lactic. This type contains a sufficient amount of cocoa powder, which makes it a useful delicacy during pregnancy. Of course, you should follow the dosage and not get carried away with the options with the filling, because the same dyes, flavor enhancers and other chemicals are attracted for rich taste.
  3. The black. Despite the bitterness, such chocolate was and always remains the most useful confectionery product. It contains almost no sugar and fat, has a low calorie, so it can be used for therapeutic and dietary nutrition. A few squares of delicacy help out mom in a long way, as they perfectly satisfy the feeling of hunger and charge the body with energy. Of course, doctors do not recommend consuming more than 30 grams due to the high caffeine content.
  4. Hot. Mostly sold in soft packs and sticks in the form of soluble powder.There is nothing useful in the drink - the cocoa content is scanty, but a high proportion of sugars, fats and dry ingredients. If you want a hot drink, then cook it yourself (for 1 cup of boiling milk, take 2 teaspoons of cocoa and sugar).

Is chocolate useful for pregnant women?

The positive properties of the confectionery product due to its composition.

 Is chocolate useful for pregnant women?

  1. Tryptophan is involved in the secretion of the hormones of happiness - phenylethylamine and serotonin. They raise mood, improve the general condition of the body, help overcome depression, irritability, nervousness, anxiety and insomnia.
  2. Theobromine stimulates contractions of the heart muscle, which affects the normal blood flow through the placental circle to the baby. Also, the component provides relaxation of the muscular system, thereby eliminating spasms (headache and dental pain, intestinal colic). Theobromine gradually expands blood vessels, which regulates blood circulation and helps to reduce blood pressure. That is, the use of chocolate is the prevention of hypertensive states (hypertension, eclampsia and preeclampsia).Also in the "competence" of theobromine is irritation of the nerve fibers inside the kidneys, which leads to their self-cleaning and removal of excess fluid. That is, it is safe to say that chocolate helps reduce puffiness.
  3. Iron is involved in the transport of oxygen to tissues and cells, raises the level of hemoglobin and red blood cells, which is important for the future mother. Chocolate can prevent the development of anemia in pregnant women.
  4. Magnesium provides the development and strengthening of the nervous system of the child, lays the brain cells. For pregnant women, the trace element is also important, as it increases concentration and performance, reduces the manifestations of stress.
  5. Flavonoids, as natural antioxidants, prevent the oxidation of cells, which prolongs their life and youth. They also struggle with radionuclides, toxins and pathogenic microflora, tempering the immunity of mother and baby.
  6. Caffeine in reasonable dosages (up to 150 mg per day) is not only harmless, but also useful. It mobilizes the reserves of the body, eliminates chronic fatigue and lethargy, loss of strength.
  7. Calcium provides the laying of the skeleton of the child, supports and strengthens the bone, cartilage tissue of a pregnant woman.It also prevents the washing out of beneficial components from enamel, which often leads to tooth crumbling in pregnant women.

Harm from eating chocolate

The negative effect of the sweet product is due to the following properties.

 Harm from eating chocolate

  1. Chocolate is not a natural substance, but is obtained artificially during the processing of cocoa beans, fats, oils, powdered milk and sugar powders. It is difficult to call it dietary.
  2. Abuse of caffeine leads to over-excitement of the nervous system, as a result of which the problems of pregnancy are exacerbated: nervousness, anxiety, irritability, and mood swings. Frequent consumption of chocolate in the evening adversely affects the quality and duration of sleep.
  3. In large doses, chocolate affects blood circulation, disrupts blood flow to the pelvic area, which can cause fetal hypoxia.
  4. Delicacy in the amount of more than 30 g per day increases heartburn, increases the acidity of the stomach and can cause exacerbations of ulcers, gastritis and colitis.
  5. Chocolate belongs to the category of strong food allergens that cause an acute reaction up to angioedema.In addition, the abuse of the product can lead to congenital allergies to cocoa products in the baby, the appearance of atopic dermatitis. A side effect is that cocoa removes histamine from the body, which helps to fight allergies.
  6. Due to the high sugar content, chocolate cannot be consumed by women with impaired glucose tolerance.

Strict contraindications to use:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and kidney (including urolithiasis and kidney stones);
  • hypotension;
  • sugar or gestational diabetes;
  • cocoa allergy;
  • pathology or complications of pregnancy;
  • eating disorders (nausea, heartburn, flatulence);
  • chronic insomnia;
  • obesity of the first and second degree.

In other cases, a pregnant woman can afford a few squares of natural chocolate, which will only benefit her and the baby. Enough 20-30 g of delicacy to improve mood, get rid of chronic fatigue and ensure the normal formation of the central nervous system of the child.

Video: the benefits and harm of chocolate

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