Shiitake - a description of where the toxicity of the fungus grows

This mushroom has a lot of different names. It was also popular in antiquity, when it formed the basis of the imperial dishes of Asian rulers. Due to this historical fact, the described mushroom received a beautiful name - “Imperial mushroom”. Now it is widely used in the preparation of a variety of dishes. In cosmetics, its extracts are widely used. In addition, doctors also celebrate its useful qualities.


What does a mushroom look like?

In diameter, the convex cap of the mushroom ranges from 5 to 20 cm. And its shape resembles a hemisphere in appearance. The surface of dry skin has a small amount of white scales. To the touch the skin on the hat is a bit like velvet. And its color has shades ranging from coffee to brown-brown.An indicator of the fact that the mushroom has ripened is the flattening of the cap shape and the possible cracking of the skin. But these signs refer to the lentinule edible. The largest weight of the fungus was 100 grams.

Plates of a young mushroom are covered with a thin layer of a protective membrane. Their interesting feature during mechanical action is a change in color.

The maximum length of a straight and fibrous leg, which gradually becomes thinner to the ground, was 19 cm. The size of the cap itself is no higher than a mark of one and a half centimeters. The color of the leg of the imperial mushroom can be both beige and brown.

The mushroom meaty pulp has a specific sharp taste and excellent aroma. The loss of all the main advantages and overriding of the imperial delicacy is evidenced by the formation of dark-colored spots on its underside.

White spores have the shape of an ellipse, which is typical for plate. They are located below the cap of the emperor's mushroom.

Shiitake habitat

Thanks to its saprotrophic diet, the mushroom can only be found on dead or fallen trees.From them he takes for his development all the necessary nutrients.

In Asian countries, shiitake can be found growing on stumps and fallen trees. The presence of the fungus is found in many and very different trees, one of these is the mulberry tree. Shiitake season begins in spring. His group fruiting occurs all summer and lasts until late autumn. Lenthinula growth occurs very quickly. She goes through the full process of ripening in just 8 days. Recently, a tiny hat the size of a bead on the 8th day is already becoming a full-fledged mature mushroom.

Similar species

Although shiitake has a striking exotic note, it is easy to confuse it with regular mushrooms. They will be very difficult to distinguish from several very similar types of champignons. These species have on their bodies the color identical to those described by the emperor mushrooms. The most obvious sign that will definitely never confuse champignon with shiitake is the growth of the first only on well-rotten earth. In addition, mushrooms can not be found in the spring, as the imperial mushroom.

Shiitake cooking rules

 Shiitake cooking rules
Only caps with delicate soft flesh are suitable for food.The legs of the fungus are not in demand because of their rigid fiber structure. Asians do not accept the methods of Europeans for the preparation of fungus. Asians do not dry mushrooms like Europeans, but use them for culinary purposes right away. Indeed, among them there is a perception that after drying you can forget about their spicy taste. Mushroom goes for cooking various soups and sauces, can be served along with appetizing meat or fish. Mushrooms can be served separately as a delicacy. Thermally untreated mushrooms will like the special taste of picky gourmets.

Nutritional value

The number of kilocalories in the emperor's mushroom is about 34.

Raw product consists of:

  • Carbohydrate - 6.8 grams.
  • Protein - 2.2 grams.
  • Fat - 0.5 grams.

What is the benefit of the fungus?

The unique taste of shiitake was discovered 1000 years ago. And already, from the 14th century, it began to be used by Chinese healers as medicinal poultices.

The very end of the 20th century was marked by a thorough study of its pulp, which proved not only its usefulness, but also its therapeutic effect.

The healing properties of the mushroom are present due to the content of important elements:

  • All vitamins of groups B, vitamins C and D.
  • Minerals Fe, Mg, Ca, K, P, Na, Zn, Mn and Se.
  • Highly active antitumor polysaccharide-lentinan.
  • Hormone lignan.
  • Glutamic and other acids.
  • Coenzymes.

As you can see, such a particularly rich chemical composition will have a significant impact on the human body, especially if it has:

  • Various heart muscle problems (ischemic heart disease, atherosclerosis and many others).
  • Excess blood glucose.
  • High cholesterol.
  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Diseases of the endocrine system.
  • Chronic fatigue.
  • Sclerosis.
  • Skin problems
  • The presence of viruses in the body.
  • Bacteriological diseases.
  • Candidiasis.
  • Cancer Diseases
  • Sick liver.
  • Weakened protective function of the body.
  • Sluggish potency.
  • Urological diseases.

Nutritionists successfully apply this mushroom species for their own purposes. The side effects of anticancer drugs can be reduced by using extracts based on shiitake mycelium. According to Chinese medicine, it is able to prolong human longevity. Mushrooms are also used in various dietary supplements.

Thanks to its regenerative features, the imperial mushrooms successfully entered even into cosmetology.Funds based on it perfectly cope with many skin problems (fat, pigment spots and others). Famous manufacturers of branded cosmetics, did not fail to use the hood of the imperial mushroom. The states of the East do not cease to consider it a secret of youth.

Who is contraindicated?

A large level of fungal bioactivity prohibits its use in certain conditions:

  • People suffering from hypersensitivity of the body.
  • Respiratory tract disease.
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Childhood.

Growing shiitake at home

Now the fungus is spreading around the world at an active pace. Until the mid-20th century, the shiitake mushroom was bred by the primitive method of rubbing cuts of rotten wood with fruit bodies. Since the middle of the last century, mankind has comprehended the craft of their proper cultivation. The beginning of the 21st century has already been marked by the production of shiitake in the amount of 800 thousand tons per year.

 Growing shiitake at home

Lentinula edible can be grown on logs in sunlight or on simple sawdust. When breeding shiitake on an oak log, it retains all its basic properties, which makes it wild.The second method, although several, increases the strength of the aroma and taste of the fungus, but acts to the detriment of its healing properties.

Undemanding shiitake to the natural range allows you to grow them at home. Thus, the observance of some important conditions and the support of the natural environment ensures success in their breeding. From May to October there is an excellent fruiting of these mushrooms. But shiitake breeding is not the easiest process.

Is it possible to grow a culture on a stump?
Cultivation of the fungus is impossible without a tree structure. A trunk or a simple wooden stump, which ideally should be cut to 50 cm long bars, is a good fit. Cutting is not required only if you intend to disembark the crop at the dacha. It is very important to stock up on an intact tree structure in early spring. It must be free from rot and moss.

The very moment of laying mycelium must be preceded by filling the wood with moisture and its disinfection. All this is achieved by boiling in water for an hour. At its completion, you need to cut holes in the centimeter, with a depth of 7 cm.Put shiitake mycelium in these holes, covering them with wet cotton. Moisture in wood should not be lower than 15%, and not higher than 70%. The plastic bag is perfect for possible loss of wood moisture.

Do not forget about compliance with the temperature. This is the most important condition for successful cultivation of mushrooms. The optimal temperature for Japanese mushrooms is 16 degrees during the day, 10 degrees at night.

As for growing in the summer cottage, the choice should fall on a shaded place. And the stump with mycelium should be set to 2/3 of the ground in order to avoid drying out.

Is straw and sawdust suitable for culture?
If wood is not your option, then you can try using the most common sawdust or straw. As in the previous method, you need to resort to boiling materials. And the addition of bran or meal of malt will cause an increase in the fertility of the mushrooms. Already finished seedlings need to cover a plastic bag, which will provide a temperature of up to 20 degrees. After visible signs of sprouting mycelium, the temperature can already be reduced to 15 degrees during the day and up to 10 degrees at night.

If the tree method of cultivation involves the use of containers, then with a straw it is not necessary.Steamed straw is placed in a regular bag with several layers, between which myceliums are placed. In such a bag, then holes should be cut through which the mushrooms will grow. A good harvest will be provided with a painstaking control of the desired temperature.

Video: Shiitake is the king of medicinal mushrooms

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