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The skin has different properties in different parts of the body. She is the roughest on the palms and soles. Here, the epidermis has more layers and is therefore less susceptible to adverse factors. The most tender skin is located on the face. Here, the epidermis is thin and therefore reacts quickly to any changes in the body or the environment. Why does the skin of the face flake off and what should be done in this case?
Diseases that make skin flaky
Sometimes this problem is caused by serious skin diseases. They need to be distinguished from each other and from non-dangerous idiopathic desquamation. Of all the skin diseases on the face, the following are the most common:
- Contact dermatitis. It is also called cold or heat allergies. It occurs as a reaction to the impact of an adverse factor. It is found only in people prone to dermatitis.It differs in that the area of redness, burning and flaking has clear boundaries.
- Allergic dermatitis. Manifested in the form of urticaria - a rash on the face, represented by blisters. Elements of the rash have a pink color, protrude above the surface of the skin, can peel off, quickly pass and appear in a new place. Occurs with the action of an allergen on the skin of the face.
- Atopic dermatitis. It differs from the previous one in that the allergen enters the body, for example, with food, and the allergy is manifested on the face.
- Psoriasis. This disease has an unknown etiology. Manifested by a rash in the form of nodules and spots of red color, which merge together. Lesions itch and scaly. After scratching the surface begins to bleed. On the face of psoriasis is rare, but atypical forms can be localized here.
- Seborrhea. Disease of the sebaceous glands may be accompanied by a decrease or increase in their functioning. In the first case, dry seborrhea occurs, which is manifested by peeling of the skin without signs of inflammation. White itchy scales most often appear in the region of the eyebrows, along the hairline and in the region of the beard in men.
- Systemic lupus erythematosus. SLE has an unknown etiology, but is often manifested by photodermatitis. Under the action of sunlight on the back of the nose and cheeks appear pathological foci of pink. In shape, they resemble a butterfly. Sometimes foci begin to peel off.
If the peeling on the face is similar to one of the above, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist. External exposure is not always able to cure these diseases. It is important to establish a diagnosis in time and start taking combination therapy.
Non-pathological peeling
Skin problems are not always caused by illness. Sometimes exposure to environmental factors or special conditions of the body can cause changes in the properties of the epidermis and lead to its desquamation. Most often, the skin of the face flakes due to such reasons as:
- Frost. In the cold season, the skin dries quickly. A face is that part of the body that cannot be protected from the action of the external environment. Hands are in gloves, body is in clothes, but the face is constantly suffering from cold air. Most often, the frost flakes cheeks.
- Cold wind and wet weather. This is what is called "winding."Most often, this process undergoes those parts of the face that are well moistened - the area under the nose, around the eyes and lips.
- Sunburn. Most often this happens in the summer on the beach. Unprotected facial skin quickly burns, reddens, and then peels off. However, ultraviolet rays act on the skin of the face and in urban environments. In the city you can also get a sunburn, which will cause peeling.
- Hypovitaminosis. This condition can not be called a disease. Everyone periodically lacks vitamins. For example, this occurs in the spring. Peeling can cause a lack of B vitamins and vitamin E.
- Hypervitaminosis. Excess vitamins are also harmful, as well as a lack. Peeling on the face, as well as cracking of the lips may occur due to the uncontrolled use of vitamin A.
- Pregnancy. During the carrying of the fetus on the woman's body affects several adverse factors. First, there is a relative deficiency of vitamins, since some of them go to ensure the functioning of the fetus. Secondly, hormonal changes also lead to cosmetic problems and drying out.epidermis.
- Wrong care. Dry skin and peeling can cause ordinary soap and even hard water. It is recommended to wash with special lotions for sensitive and dry skin.
Home Treatment
In order to get rid of peeling, it is necessary, first of all, to moisturize the skin. You can try several popular recipes to cope with this task. The advantage of this cosmetics is that it is natural and cheaper. The following products can cope with peeling:
- Cosmetic clay. It is necessary to carefully read the instructions on the package and use only the clay that is intended for dry skin. For example, fit red. Dilute the contents of the bag with warm water and apply the mixture on your face. Rinse off after 15 minutes. Repeat the procedure once a week.
- Sugar Scrub. It allows you to clear the skin of scales, but it can be used only if there is no inflammation. In the same proportions it is necessary to mix sugar, sand, sour cream and cosmetic oil.Apply the mixture on the face and massage with gentle rubbing movements for a few minutes. Then leave the mask for another few minutes on the face and rinse with water. Often you can not use such a scrub.
- Oil mask It is necessary to mix 5 ml of any cosmetic oil with 10 drops of vitamin E. Apply to the skin of the face daily for at least half an hour. Then flush. Attention! Oil mask can not be left at night, it can lead to the formation of circles under the eyes, as well as blackheads.
- Kefir mask. To make it simple: apply the necessary amount of kefir on the skin, and then cover with a gauze or cloth mask on top. Hold on the face for about half an hour, then rinse. It is recommended to apply daily before bedtime. Instead of kefir, you can take yogurt or yogurt.
- Yeast mask. Yeast should be alive, dry in bags will not work. A teaspoon of yeast must be diluted in a tablespoon of warm fatty (preferably goaty) milk. Apply the mixture on your face for 20 minutes and then rinse.
- Vaseline, lanolin and glycerin. These are penny means which are on sale in any drugstore. You can buy any of them, add five drops of vitamin E and apply on the skin of the face in the morning instead of cream. These remedies are fatter than regular day cream, so they can cope better with peeling.
Facial Skin Care
Skin prone to flaking, requires special care. There are many different products, created specifically for very dry and sensitive skin. The most popular at the moment are:
- Perle cleansing cream. This is a fairly effective tool in the middle price category, perfectly moisturizing the skin. The cost of it reaches 1000r.
- Aqua lotion from Perle. It is better to use together with the previous tool. Together, the cream and lotion will provide double moisturizing.
- Cleansing milk from MIRRA. Also great for dry skin. In addition, it is a very budget option, its cost does not reach 150 rubles.
- Red Elements by Jason. This moisturizer also belongs to the class of luxury cosmetics, but has a medium price category and costs more than 1500R.
- A revitalizing intensive night cream from Clarins. This is really a royal cosmetic bag that can bring even very dry skin back to life. However, the cost of such pleasure reaches 8000r.
- Mud mask from MIRRA. This tool is made from mud and is also intended for dry skin.Its price does not reach 1000r.
- Cream "Thistle oil" from Scheller. This budget tool not only moisturizes the skin, but also helps to restore the damaged epidermis. This cream is worth about 200r.
- Panthenol. Familiar from childhood means sold in a pharmacy in the form of cream and foam. Apply it should be a uniform layer on damaged skin. Thanks to pantothenic acid, Panthenol is able to accelerate the regeneration of the epidermis. This will quickly get rid of skin flakes.
In addition, we must not forget that the decorative cosmetics can also cause peeling. It is necessary to beware of fakes. Buying cosmetics is necessary only in licensed stores. You need to choose those tools that are designed for dry skin. In particular, this applies to the concealer, makeup base, foundation and powder. Save on such funds can not be.
It can be concluded that both diseases and non-pathological conditions can cause flaking of the skin. It is necessary to protect your skin from aggressive environmental factors, use special creams, masks and cosmetics.In addition, there are popular recipes cosmetics that can help in the treatment of dried skin. In case peeling is caused by a disease, it is necessary to consult a doctor.
Video: how to get rid of skin peeling
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