Milk thistle seeds - healing properties and contraindications

The medicinal plant has another name - thistle. Milk thistle is considered a weed, which is why many do not even realize that it has a lot of medicinal properties. Seeds contain a large amount of minerals, trace elements and even vitamins. In this connection, even many doctors recommend taking them as a therapy for many diseases (in combination with other drugs). In this publication, we consider what useful properties a thistle has and whether there are any contraindications to its use.

 Medicinal properties and contraindications of seeds of a thistle

general information

Milk thistle is included in most hepatoprotective drugs.With regular use, thanks to this medicinal plant, it can be cured of diseases of the liver, biliary tract, as well as the gall bladder. Also, raw materials are used in the manufacture of various types of bread, in cooking. In addition, with the use of thistle can make a variety of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages.

Valuable are the seeds of milk thistle - from them you can make oil, which will be important to take people suffering from obesity, as well as diabetics. Nevertheless, scientists have proved that it is in liver diseases that milk thistle seeds are the most effective - this fact was established thanks to numerous studies.

Healing properties of seeds

Thistle has a rich composition - its seeds contain enzymes, tannins and minerals, vitamins, beneficial enzymes, as well as antioxidants that promote the release of free radicals and prevent premature aging.

Use seeds for such illnesses:

  1. Liver disease. It is important to apply in case of abuse of fatty, smoked food rich in harmful cholesterol, as well as in case of excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages. If you use milk thistle seeds regularly for a long time, you can significantly improve the protective properties of the liver.
  2. Obesity, poor metabolism. Thanks to the seeds can significantly speed up the metabolism. Due to this, many experts recommend the use of seeds of this medicinal plant for diseases such as cirrhosis, diabetes, problems with the work of the cardiovascular system. It is very useful to take the thistle during the rehabilitation period to people after suffering a myocardial infarction or stroke. With regular use, you can restore normal arterial as well as intraocular pressure.
  3. Radiation with radioactive substances. Thistle is a very effective remedy for people who are cured of cancer using radiation and chemotherapy.
  4. Diseases of the gallbladder and other gastrointestinal systems. It is useful to use milk thistle seeds to people who have been diagnosed with cholecystitis, as well as diseases of the pancreas (even in chronic forms).As a rule, complex therapy is prescribed: seeds and medications - to achieve the maximum result from diseases.
  5. Skin diseases. Due to the fact that the seeds of a medicinal plant actively remove toxins from the body, they will be effectively taken in case of skin diseases that are caused by intoxication: acne, psoriasis, and allergic reactions. With regular use, you can also reduce the manifestations of vitiligo, eliminate trophic ulcers. Also, seeds are actively struggling with skin rashes, while not causing any harm to the body.
  6. Infectious and viral ailments. Due to the fact that thistle perfectly strengthens the immune system, its seeds can be used both as a prophylactic agent in the spring and autumn period (when colds and viral diseases are especially common) and when the disease occurs - in order to speed up the healing process.

In what form can the seeds be used?

Herbal medicine has many forms - moreover, seeds can be either purchased at a pharmacy for the manufacture of any dosage form at home, or prepared independently.

 In what form can thistle seed be used

Important! Before using the seeds of the thistle, it is necessary to consult with a doctor due to the fact that the tool can not be used by everyone - there are contraindications to use.

So, consider, in what dosage forms can be used milk thistle:

  1. Meal. It is made from seeds, externally it is a finely ground powder. You can buy meal in a pharmacy, but many experts say that the purchased product will contain much less substances than home-cooked. This is due to the fact that the meal remains after oil is extracted from it - and after all, seed oil is also very useful.
  2. Alcohol tinctures. In this case, it is also desirable to do the preparation of their own in order to preserve all the useful substances. Judging by the research, pharmaceutical preparations on alcohol are not inferior to those made by hand, the only difference is that with your own production, you can independently calculate the optimal dosage of alcohol and the milk thistle directly.
  3. Decoctions. They can be used for various diseases of the cardiovascular system, oral gastrointestinal organs - the dosage and method of preparation in each case will vary. Seeds can even be brewed as tea.
  4. Butter. It has not only healing properties, oil is also used for cooking, with its addition baked baked goods. Losing weight it is important to use seed oil of this plant due to the fact that thanks to him you can speed up the metabolism (added to the porridge, filled with vegetable salads, etc.)

Is it possible to germinate seeds?

Germinated seeds are used for human consumption - it is believed that such a product will be more useful. The most optimal option - the germination of seeds at home, for this you can use the bank. Consider how to germinate the seeds of thistle.

  1. Select whole seeds, rinse well under cold, running water.
  2. Prepare a clean glass jar in advance - you will need to put the seeds in it. Content is filled with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  3. Cover the jar with gauze, which is pre-folded 3-4 layers.
  4. Wait 5-10 minutes, pour off the solution of potassium permanganate, while all seeds must remain on the gauze.
  5. Wrap the gauze in a bag and rinse the seeds thoroughly.
  6. Pour cold purified or boiled water.
  7. After all the manipulations done, the seeds should be left in water for 10-14 hours - so that they swell. Time may vary - periodically it is necessary to check the seeds, they must swell.
  8. As soon as the seeds are swollen, move them to a flower pot with fertile soil prepared beforehand.
  9. After about a week, you will notice that green sprouts appear on the surface. It is them that must be eaten - but not more than 7 pieces per day, and it is necessary to eat sprouted seeds before bedtime.

Who can not use thistle seeds?

Despite the fact that the product has a mass of useful properties and allows you to get rid of a large number of diseases, decoctions, tinctures can not be used by everyone. Do not prescribe them to people with individual intolerance, as well as to persons who have been diagnosed with the following diseases:

 Contraindications of thistle seeds

  1. Asthma. If thistle seeds are used for a long time, they can cause shortness of breath - and for no reason.
  2. Depressive states. Due to the fact that the seeds of a medicinal plant have a light sedative effect, and the use can negatively affect the state of the nervous system.
  3. Hypersensitivity. If the body does not tolerate this product, it can not be used, because in this case, allergic reactions may occur in the form of rashes on the skin.
  4. Mental illness. You can not apply to people who are registered with a psychiatrist and have a confirmed diagnosis - the use of thistle seeds can cause exacerbation.

Do not begin treatment if the person has too much calcium in the body, as well as phosphorus. Such therapy can significantly worsen the overall condition.

In any case, before starting therapy, it is imperative to consult with your doctor - he will assess the general condition of the patient, the need to treat diseases with the use of milk thistle seeds - after which he will prescribe treatment, having previously calculated the dosage (depending on the disease).

Medicinal properties of milk thistle seeds

Scientists have proven that the seeds of this plant contain about 200 beneficial elements that have a beneficial effect on the body. Consider those substances, which in the seeds is the largest number:

  1. Vitamins - namely, retinol, tocopherol, vitamin D and K.
  2. Trace elements - glands, calcium, potassium, zinc, etc.
  3. Silymarin. A special substance that is necessary for the correct functioning of the liver. It is due to the high content of silymarin that the product is prescribed to people who have diseases of this organ.

In conclusion, I would like to add that treatment with the use of milk thistle seeds should be carried out with caution, take into account the dosage, be sure to consult with the doctor before therapy - in order to avoid unwanted side effects.

Video: collecting, processing and preparing milk thistle seeds

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