Sugar possum - care and maintenance at home

By sugar possum is meant a small-sized individual, which usually lives in forest parts with the growth of eucalyptus. According to the external characteristics of the representatives of the family are similar to proteins. Animals are listed as marsupial; they belong to the flying class. Many people who want to bring an exotic pet into the house try to make the new family member feel as comfortable as possible. However, this can not be achieved if you do not even have a basic idea of ​​what animals like. Let's start consideration.

 Sugar possum

Choosing a home

  1. Of course, initially it is necessary to deal with the cell, and only then everything else. Think about how many individuals you plan to have. Repeat this, wanting to get a cage. If it is not possible to constantly be with the animal and release it, then the house should be spacious.It is also necessary to understand that possums are awake at night, it is necessary to communicate with them at this time. If not, then acquire several individuals.
  2. As practice shows, it is optimal to start animals of different sex. But if there is no desire to make a pair, then you should get two females. They must be counted as one litter in order to avoid disagreement. Even if the males are of the same generation, then during the period of ripening they will start to clash and quarrel over the territory. Possums also often suffer from depressive disorders due to lack of communication, so it will be much more fun for two individuals.
  3. It is extremely important to choose the optimal living space. On one possum about 50 cm space is allocated. Accordingly, the height should be greater than 1.5-2 times. You need to choose a home with a bottom tray or a house like a terrarium. For several animals, a dwelling height of 75-100 cm and a length of about 120 cm will be required. Start from the basic concept - a spacious dwelling is the best solution.
  4. If it is decided to give preference to the cage, then the interval between the rods is taken into account.It should not be more than 10 mm., Because these animals are rather sneaky. If you do not take into account this parameter, the pet will begin to crawl out of the dwelling without notifying you. These creatures are very smart, they can open the door of cells, so you need to think about latches immediately. The usual heck they pushed and come out.
  5. Now with regards to the location. It is optimal to place the dwelling in a dark place. However, this should not be a bedroom, otherwise the owners simply can not sleep from the constant rustling at night. Naturally, in the installation area of ​​the house should not be blowing, radiators, direct UV rays.
  6. It is necessary to exclude the species of indoor plants that are considered poisonous for these animals from the type of possums. In order not to hurt the curtains, they are also removed, as well as furniture. Now it's time to study the indicators of temperature, under which individuals will feel as comfortable as possible. Enough indicators in the range of 22-28 degrees. To prevent the development of stench, in the lower pan impose granules or sawdust.

Home Improvement

 Home Improvement for Sugar Possum

  1. These animals require special conditions, in particular the nest-home. These can be plastic, wooden and other structures with a hole for entry with a diameter of about 8 cm. They are suspended or attached directly to the side walls closer to the top. At the bottom there is a filler in the form of compressed sawdust, straw, etc. You can lay and fleece, but make sure that there are no protruding threads.
  2. Of course, you should get a snag. These individuals love to climb, and therefore will be happy with this. Birch, aspen, elm, etc., are used as branches. But the bark needs to be cleaned so that the twigs are bare. Also an important attribute is considered a special device designed to grind claws.
  3. It should be noted that all bowls for drinking or eating should have a stable structure. This may be ceramics, clay, metal, etc. For sustainability, many experienced people advise to screw pans to the walls. If an animal is accustomed to drinking water, then it is worth it to get.
  4. Not be superfluous will be a hammock, a wheel to maintain shape and ropes. You can also do the installation of stairs, rides and all that comes to mind the owner.But to clutter up the inner space does not cost too much. From toys choose plastic products.
  5. Nest-houses, which are installed directly inside the dwelling, are cleaned every 3 days. And the dwelling itself - every day. In the process of cleaning hard means are not used, these individuals irritation from foreign odors. It is necessary to take only water and soda.


  1. The individuals of the type being discussed are clean, they self-lick the wool, so the owner should not do anything in addition. It is forbidden to bathe them; these animals often drown because they cannot cope even with a small depth. If the pet has become dirty, it is wiped with a cloth dipped in water, then it is necessary to dry it with a towel and keep it warm.
  2. Clawing is also not necessary. Animals perform these manipulations on the trees that are in the house. But if the possum didn’t do this, then arm yourself with a claw cutter and trim the hair gently. In order not to encounter resistance, the pet is wrapped in a towel and pulled out one by one in turn.


 Feeding sugar possum

  1. Do not forget that the question about feeding is the most responsible. Therefore, the happy owner of such a unique animal should learn some subtleties. If this is not done, the animal may suffer.
  2. Due to proper nutrition, a pet will not only have no health problems, but he will live a long time. In addition, the mood will depend on the quality diet. As for wildlife, the represented individual is almost omnivorous.
  3. The basis of the diet of such proteins include various insects and fruits. When feeding at home, try to follow simple rules. Only 30% should be carbohydrates, and 70% proteins. Always fill containers with clean water and fresh food before waking up.
  4. Such animals wake up, as a rule, around 9 o'clock in the evening. Every morning, thoroughly clean the feeders, then pour fresh water. In no case should such an animal have access to food around the clock. The animal will soon begin to suffer from obesity.
  5. A characteristic feature of such an animal is that they sometimes wake up during the day and sleepy in order to take their food to the house.Proteins can even fall asleep on the go with a piece of food in their paws. During the day, you can only leave a small piece of fruit for your pet. Not to be amiss, and a small amount of juice that is diluted with water.
  6. Do not be afraid if you notice that your pet for a long time does not touch the water. Such animals can get enough moisture from the fruit. Take into account, even in this case, the water should always be poured into the water bottle every day.
  7. It is highly recommended to give preference to bottled or filtered liquid. This will avoid the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria that can harm the animal. In addition, it is strictly forbidden to give the animal human food from the table.
  8. Sausages, fried, salty, fatty and spicy foods are banned. The only thing that is allowed is boiled meat of turkey or chicken without adding any seasonings. In limited quantities, the animal can be given fruit and honey. This is especially necessary as a treat when the female is pregnant or nursing babies.
  9. The basic diet should be rich in calcium.The lack of an element has a very negative effect on the state of the protein. In addition, in the diet in the minimum amount should contain phosphorus. Remember, all fruits and vegetables must be cut into large pieces. The pet should have no problems taking them into their paws.


 Reproduction of sugar possum

  1. If you are going to independently breed such animals, it is worth noting that such actions are extremely costly and require responsibility. Moreover, such a thing is very difficult to call highly profitable.
  2. It also takes a lot of time. The female continues to take care of the offspring for about 5 months. At the same time the room should be isolated and spacious. In addition, pregnant females and those who feed their offspring, become quite aggressive. They practically do not show affection and friendliness to people.
  3. Females may have a different character due to early pregnancy, genetic predisposition and much more. In this case, mothers sometimes refuse their own cubs. In some cases, they even eat them. Therefore, before acquiring a couple, carefully study everything and get acquainted with all the subtleties of breeding.
  4. Males reach sexual maturity at the age of 4 months, and females a little later. However, breeding animals is recommended when they are at least 1 year old. By this age, pets will become a little responsible.
  5. Most often, the marriage period they have in the middle of summer. Progeny proteins can bring up to 2 times a year. In order not to have any pathologies in the cubs, do not choose to mate related individuals.
  6. As soon as the female begins estrus, mating occurs for a full day. In such a state, animals can refuse to eat, be agitated, and make characteristic sounds for calling a partner.
  7. Males show aggression. And during the mating may even cause a friend wounds. They bite their backs. For such animals, this behavior is considered quite normal. If you notice a wound, try to process it as soon as possible. If necessary, sit on the female for recovery, if the male continues to get it.
  8. Pregnancy takes about 2 weeks. During such a period, there is no need to transplant the male into another cage. After mating, he does not bother his girlfriend.As soon as the baby is born, the male helps the female to care for him. When the birth begins to approach, the mother carefully licks her belly.
  9. As a rule, only one squirrel is born, less often two. Baby for 10 weeks is at the mother in a special bag. All this time he eats mother's milk. When the female feeds offspring, her diet should be increased by 50%.

Presented animals are quite interesting. Few people give birth to them as pets. If you decide to keep them, take care of everything in advance and prepare.

Video: sugar possum - care and maintenance

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