Sugar dependence: how to get rid of it

If you stick to the opinion of scientists who have conducted many studies regarding the effects of sugar on the human body, then the situation is as follows. Per day people can consume up to 8 teaspoons of sweetener, naturally, if there are no contraindications in the form of diabetes. Thus, consuming sugar, a person will not harm his body. But some people are so addicted that they are ready to literally eat some sweets. Nothing good will come of it, so we’ll tell you how to get rid of an addiction.

 Sugar addiction

The reasons why you want sweets

Sweets are represented by simple, easily digestible carbohydrates, which, when released into the bloodstream, are instantly absorbed and increase the concentration of glucose.Against this background, a person feels a surge of strength and energy, his mood rises and at the same time his appetite disappears for a short time. Following the sugar level drops sharply, causing appetite, fatigue, a repeated desire to eat sweets. If you systematically lean on sweets, the body simply gets used to fast carbohydrates, so it will require them all the time. This is a dependency to get rid of.

However, in some categories of people, the desire to enjoy sweets does not just arise. The body lacks certain substances, so he tries to scoop them from sweets or other treats (sugar, for example). It is worth knowing that when there is a shortage of phosphorus, chromium or tryptophan, it always draws for sweets. Therefore, it is enough to drink away the course of these compounds over the course of 3 days, everything is normalizing, it will be easier to give up sweets.

Also, do not overlook the love for sweets caused by habit. Typically, this feature comes from childhood, when parents, wanting to feed the child with porridge or soup, promise him to later give a chocolate bar. The settled habit in the form of receiving remuneration after a meal passes into adulthood. This food ritual continues for many years, until you decide to interrupt it.

Cravings for sweets may appear due to lack of attention, constant exposure to stressful situations and, of course, bad mood. After fast carbohydrates hit the body, serotonin is produced, which makes a person happier. Some people simply seize grief or depression with sweets, so for them chocolate acts as the best psychologist.

Without sweet headache - dispel the myth

From many women one can hear that with prolonged abstinence without a sweet head begins to hurt, the mood worsens, apathy sets in. Is that the case? Not. Explain why.

If a person works mentally, the brain needs the most valuable glucose, which improves the efficiency of such a plan. But it is not necessary to draw it from sweets. There are many fruits that will cover the deficit. Tea with sugar should be replaced with cereals, dried fruits, berries or fresh fruits, honey, vegetables. All these products feed the brain no worse than sweets, without causing addiction.

Since sweets prefer not to include healthy foods in the diet, replacing them with harmful sweets, glucose constantly jumps.Then it rises sharply, then it drops with the same intensity. The body begins to scoop it out of stocks, thus the person becomes irritable and headache. To eliminate this, you need to eat a banana, grapes or other sugary fruit with long-lasting carbohydrates. This will not lead to glucose jumps.

Also, women may have a headache due to the intense rhythm of life, hormonal disruptions, poor nutrition, but not because of a lack of sweets. Beautiful ladies are accustomed to believe so, but this is pure myth. In order not to feel unhappy, it is enough to replenish the supply of endorphins. Play sports, go shopping, take a fragrant bath with essential oils or watch a funny comedy. Sweets have nothing to do with it, do not need to cheat yourself.

Fighting Sweet Addiction

To overcome the addiction, follow the simple tips.

 Fighting Sweet Addiction

  1. After waking up in the morning, do not rush to eat candy or other sweet treats. Drink water or herbal tea, then eat tight. Otherwise, if you eat sweetness, the rest of the day the body will require more and more.
  2. Go to a healthy diet, which involves eating in a fractional order at least 5 times a day. When the body experiences a feeling of hunger, you are inexorably drawn to eat sweet. Prevent it.
  3. Stock up products with a fraudulent maneuver. For example, keep with you dried fruits, bananas and other delicacies. Drink tea with cinnamon or with the smell of citrus.
  4. With a lack of protein compounds manifested sugar dependence. Eliminate the need for sweets can be if you lean on foods rich in protein. In snacks eat eggs, cottage cheese, yogurt. Eat fully boiled meat, etc.
  5. If you are tempted to eat something forbidden because of living in a large family, arrange with the household that they will keep sweets on you. There should not be sweets or other similar delicacies in prominent places.
  6. Each person has a dependence on carbohydrates, sometimes it makes itself felt so strongly that you cannot think about anything else. Therefore, do not forbid yourself strictly to eat treats, just choose high-quality bitter chocolate.
  7. If you decide to treat yourself to sweet, buy only quality treats.Prefer expensive natural ice cream low-quality with additives. Buy Swiss chocolate instead of dairy.
  8. In cases where the need for sugar is so high that you can literally eat a kilogram of candy, act differently. Take 1-2 pieces, cut into small pieces in small portions and stretch this amount for the whole day.
  9. Make the most correct and useful diet. It should include cereals and legumes, lean meat, lean fish, fruits in any quantity, seasonal or frozen berries, vegetables.

Permissible number of sweets per day

We have already mentioned that there is no need to completely give up sweets and make yourself worse. Follow the basic guidelines and everything will be fine.

 Permissible number of sweets per day

  1. Buy chocolates with the maximum inclusion of cocoa. The percentage should not be less than 60. Give up milk chocolate, also do not eat too high-calorie sweets with lots of additives. It is allowed to eat about 30 grams. bitter chocolate every day.
  2. If you want to diversify the basic diet with other sweets,We advise you to look at natural sugar-free marmalade (a product for diabetics). Also suitable marshmallows, pastila and jelly.
  3. In order not to spoil the shape, do not lean on sweets in the evening. Optimally consume them at lunchtime or immediately after the first meal.

Sugar free desserts

  1. Bran cookies. Take a handful of seeds, fry in a dry skillet. Beat the chicken egg white in a lush foam, enter to it 25 gr. ghee, 25 gr. bran, 35 gr. flour, 20 gr. erythritol. Form cookies, sprinkle with roasted seeds, bake on a baking sheet covered with parchment for about a quarter of an hour in a 180 degree mode.
  2. Baked apple slices with cinnamon. To prepare a delicious dessert, you will need 30 grams. butter, 3 apples, 10 gr. cinnamon powder. Chop the apples with thin plates, melt butter in a skillet. Put the pieces of fruit, sprinkle with cinnamon and cover the container. When the slices redden, turn them over and sprinkle again with spice.

It has already been mentioned earlier that there is no need to give up sweets completely. So you tease yourself, it will only get worse.Learn to cope with sugar addiction in other ways, for example, diversify your daily diet and eat only high-quality sweets. Cook at home delicious apples in a skillet or bran cookies. If you still decide to eat sweet, do it not in the evening hours.

Video: how to stop loving sweets

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