What drugs can not eat grapefruit?

Despite all the beneficial properties that are contained in grapefruit, it is not recommended to use it with medicines. The fact is that the components of citrus affect the effect of drugs, significantly weakening the effect. Also, the simultaneous use of grapefruit and drugs can cause an acute negative reaction of the body.

 What drugs can not eat grapefruit

Why is grapefruit incompatible with certain drugs?

It is proven that grapefruit, like many citrus fruits, is beneficial for the body. Even the taste of grapefruit is unusual and tart due to the large amount of vitamins and antioxidants it contains. The use of citrus leads to the strengthening of immunity, as well as the prevention of many diseases. Juice is used in many diets.

The reasons for poor compatibility of the fetus with medicines are as follows:

  1. Furanocoumarin content.These are special substances whose concentration in grapefruit is quite high. They are able to slow down the effect of the drug, affecting the action of the enzyme in the body. This enzyme is a catalyst for the metabolism of xenobiotics, and due to its action, the effect of the drug usually comes instantly. In the case of the use of the drug with grapefruit, there is a slowdown in the process of transformation of the drug in the liver, which leads to body toxicity.
  2. The content of citrus flavonoids, which also interfere with the process of catalyzing metabolism.
  3. Its content has not yet been studied substances that inhibits the work of one of the glycoproteins. This glycoprotein is responsible for the removal of residual concentrations of drugs from cells. If this does not happen, then a large amount of toxins will accumulate in the cells.

Thus, taking the drug in parallel with grapefruit in all its forms has a negative effect on the body.

What drugs are incompatible with grapefruit?

Fortunately, not all medicines are poorly compatible with grapefruit.Among those that can not be taken in parallel with citrus, can be noted:

  1. Tranquilizers. These drugs include Phenazepam, Diazepam and many others. Their simultaneous intake with citrus will lead to the appearance of a number of side effects - an anxious state, impaired coordination, poor sleep.
  2. Preparations against epilepsy. These include Carbamazepine, Lamotrigine. The joint use of these drugs together with the fruit causes a rash on the upper layer of the epithelium, as well as pain in the head, nausea and problems with sleep.
  3. Funds aimed at improving blood vessels and the general condition of the blood. The common name for these medicines is satin. This group includes drugs Lipitor, Mevacor, Zokor. Under the influence of the components contained in the grapefruit, there is an enhanced manifestation of side effects that have these drugs. For example, there are strong muscle pain.

Also grapefruit is not compatible with:
 What drugs are incompatible with grapefruit

  • drugs that improve erectile function;
  • drugs aimed at combating gastrointestinal problems;
  • with immunosuppressants.

Basically, citrus reduces the effect of drugs or increases the manifestation of side effects, which is not the best way reflected on the state of the body.

Taking grapefruit with antibiotics, as well as hormonal drugs is not recommended because of the intoxication process in the body.

If you really want a grapefruit, then what to do?

In fact, with the proper use of grapefruit, you can avoid its negative impact on drugs.

In order not to cause a negative reaction of the body, you just need to reduce the amount of citrus consumed. For example, the reception of a single fruit is better to stretch for 2-3 days. It is also worth considering that it is desirable to eat grapefruit several hours before taking the pills, and in no case should you take the medicine with grapefruit juice.

Most doctors advise against joint use of grapefruit and drugs, and also recommend that you do not use lime or marmalade based on any citrus fruits.

As a conclusion, it should be noted that the use of citrus outside of therapy should also be correct.Citrus can not be eaten on an empty stomach, so as not to cause irritation of the mucous. It is also not recommended to use the fruit at night, because the action of citrus causes the liver to work with increased load, which means that during sleep the body will not be able to relax normally.

Video: what you can not eat grapefruit?

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