Red ginger - description of where the poisonousness of the fungus grows

Red ginger is an edible mushroom belonging to the Russula family. The Latin name for this species is Lactarius sanguifluus.

 Red ginger


Red mushrooms have medium-sized caps, the maximum diameter of which does not exceed 100 mm. At the beginning of the development of the fungus, the caps have a flat-convex shape, as they mature, they flatten out, becoming rather wide with characteristic funnel-shaped depressions in the central part. At the same time, the edges of the cap are slightly wrapped inside. The surface is wet, very smooth and slightly sticky to the touch. Note that the cap of camelina can have a variety of colors - from pale yellow with a pinkish tinge to rich brown.

The pulp of the fungus, although it is distinguished by its high density, is nevertheless rather fragile. Directly the color of the flesh is white with rare reddish spots. When breaking the pulp produces a milky juice, in its consistency resembling a reddish milk.

The lamellar body, located under the cap, is characterized by a frequent row of plates of red color, descending to the leg of the fungus. Often records of this type of mushroom forked.

The red mushroom has the smallest leg (up to 60 mm), at the base this part of the mushroom, as a rule, narrows. The surface of the leg is almost completely covered with a mealy bloom. As well as the main fruit body, the color of the leg can vary from orange-pink to brown with a violet hue. In the period of ripening, the leg of the camelina becomes hollow.

The presented type of mushrooms is edible and has excellent nutritional characteristics, which, in fact, makes it a desirable prey for any lover of quiet hunting.

Places of growth

Such an edible fungus of the russia as a small mushroom is quite common, which is often found in the forests of our country. The main place of growth is the highlands and coniferous forests. The fruiting season is summer-autumn.

Therapeutic use

Russan mushrooms, in particular natural and red mushrooms,in medicine, they are used to isolate a natural antibiotic used to treat a disease such as tuberculosis. This antibiotic is called lactarioviolin, its main task is to suppress the development of harmful microorganisms.

Similar views

As mentioned above, camelina is a fairly common mushroom, having several similar species known to most commoners. These types include the real and fir-fish. Note that these species have many similar characteristics, for this reason inexperienced mushroom pickers often confuse them.

Redhead real - delicious edible mushroom. This look also has other well-known names: noble, delicious, real, pine-wood, autumn. The cap of the fungus in diameter reaches 150 mm, the surface is light orange, the mucous to the touch. The leg of a small camel of the correct form (cylindrical), color coincides with the color of the cap. The taste of the pulp of the fruit body is gentle and pleasant with a pronounced fruity aroma. Most often, this type of mushroom is found in the coniferous forests of our country (in the Urals, in Siberia).Culinary processing involves roasting, stewing and pickling mushrooms, this type is not suitable for drying.

Elovik or spruce ginger - another kind of red ginger, also has excellent taste characteristics. The maximum size of the mushroom cap is no more than 80 mm. At the beginning of development, this part of the fungus has a convex shape, straightens with time, and a funnel-shaped recess forms in the inner part. The surface is slippery, pleasant orange color, when damaged, as a rule, changes color, a characteristic greenish tint appears. Leg length is small - up to 60 mm, in diameter not more than 20 mm. As with similar species, the color of the legs coincides with the color of the cap. The main place of growth of spruce forests is spruce, most often it is a fairly dense coniferous litter. The most delicious salted and pickled spruce mushrooms.

False mushrooms

The false mushrooms include this type of mushroom, like pink waves. This type of conditionally edible. Although it can be cooked, it requires the fulfillment of certain conditions. Preparation implies long-term boiling and salting up of mushrooms.At the same time, if the period of salting of mushrooms is not maintained, in this case such troubles as the appearance of problems with the gastrointestinal tract can arise. The duration of the salting time of the pink waves should not be less than 50-55 days.

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