Fish oil - the benefits and harm for women and men

Fish oil does not need additional advertising, for many it is associated with childhood. Useful qualities of the product do not cause doubts, but not everyone likes the taste, appearance and consistency of fish oil. Today, instead of an oily liquid on the shelves of stores you can find an additive in capsules. They are tasteless, but they are not without useful qualities. To have a clear idea, consider the positive and negative aspects of fish oil.

 The benefits and harm of fish oil

Composition, properties and use of fish oil

The composition contains valuable omega-acids 3 and 6, which are not produced independently in the human body. These acids are needed by the heart, blood channels, bones and joints, hair.

Fish oil boasts the presence of vitamin D, which increases the absorption of phosphorus and calcium.In the aggregate, vitamin D with the listed mineral compounds has a beneficial effect on bone tissue, teeth and nails.

Fish oil contains a small proportion of B vitamins, which are responsible for the proper functioning of the central nervous system. It is safe to say that the supplement helps a person to cope with stress and mood swings.

Not without the participation of retinol (vitamin A) and tocopherol (vitamin E). These valuable ingredients are considered natural antioxidants, which prevent the natural aging of body tissues. Tocopherol with retinol suppress the harmful effects of free radicals, protecting people from cancer.

In the composition of the food supplement there are many acids. Among them are acetic, stearic, olean, capric and others. Calorie 100 grams. fish oil is 898 Kcal.

With regard to the reception, the additive can be consumed by several methods: in liquid form, capsules from a pharmacy, natural seafood with a high quality indicator.

Never eat fat before a meal, so as not to get upset stools, cramps and stomach pain, other problems of the digestive system.Fish oil can only be taken by people with stable GIT activity.

The benefits of fish oil

  • reflects favorably on the condition of the joints;
  • improves the health of the skin and hair;
  • strengthens bones, teeth, nail plate;
  • promotes muscle gain;
  • used for weight loss;
  • compensates for the lack of omega-acids in the body;
  • normalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • prevents stroke and heart attack, useful for "cores";
  • frees blood channels from cholesterol;
  • improves brain activity by stimulating neurons;
  • struggling with visual impairment, shown to people with eye diseases;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • removes excess water from the body;
  • increases the flow of bile, relieving the load on the liver (restores its cells);
  • well reflected in the psycho-emotional environment;
  • used for rickets and poor nutrition;
  • produces serotonin (the hormone of joy);
  • acts as an antioxidant, cleansing the body of salts, poisons, slags;
  • needed for cancer prevention and cure;
  • promotes the growth of the child in accordance with age;
  • improves pregnancy, increases lactation.

The body of each person is individual, so these qualities are only a fraction of the benefits that fish oil actually has.

The benefits of fish oil for the heart

  1. Fish oil is famous for the fact that it concentrates the mass of omega 3,6 fatty acids. They are not capable of being produced by the human body on their own, but they must necessarily come with food or in any other form (pharmaceutical additives, for example).
  2. Omega-acids are important for the human body, they support the correct functioning of the systems and organs. Fish oil is a source of energy, it directly affects the activity of the heart muscle and the circulatory system.
  3. Omega-acids 3 and 6 prevent the formation of atherosclerosis, qualitatively clean the blood channels, help to recover from a serious illness or operation. Fish oil has the pleasant property of preventing cholesterol plaques from appearing in the blood channels.
  4. Doctors in the field of cardiology prescribe fish oil to their patients to prevent myocardial infarction, stroke, ischemia, bradycardia, and other diseases of this kind.Supplement reduces blood pressure.

The benefits of fish oil for children

 The benefits of fish oil for children

  1. The above qualities have a positive effect on the child’s body as well. Thus, fat has a beneficial effect on mental activity, improving memory, concentration and endurance. Additive need to take students for the development of intelligence.
  2. If you enter the fish oil in the kid's menu from an early age, fine motor skills will improve. The child will quickly master the letter and will perform other important tasks.
  3. It is useful to take an additive for babies who are over-active. Fish oil in its natural form or in the form of capsules will give your baby perseverance.
  4. When the child has improved fat intake, it develops in accordance with the age and more quickly the peers master the material. In this case, the baby is catching up and overtaking the same year.
  5. Omega-fatty acids form the nervous system of the child, do not allow stressful situations to affect the psycho-emotional background, make the child calm. The child ceases to be capricious, sleep is getting better, nightmares are excluded.
  6. In adolescence, a person may experience sharp mood swings.In this case, it is necessary to introduce an additive in the everyday menu in order to increase the production of serotonin.
  7. If a child often abuses junk food, he or she has a disorder in the activity of the digestive tract. Fish oil does not allow excess kilos to be delayed, because it controls metabolism.
  8. Fatty acids are needed by the younger generation for the formation and strengthening of the musculoskeletal system. Fat improves calcium absorption, preventing teeth brittleness and reducing the likelihood of fractures.
  9. Fish oil improves immunity, which is especially important in the periods between seasons, with a sharp change of climate or place of residence, during the spread of viral infections.
  10. Additive to the usual diet improves color perception, prevents the appearance of color blindness. The child masters colors and shades faster. Vitamin E, contained in fish oil, improves the condition during puberty.

The benefits of fish oil for men

  1. In the male body, testosterone is responsible for all important (male) functions. This hormone helps a person to put a voice, increases the amount of vegetation on the body, improves sexual activity, forms a purely masculine silhouette. Fish oil contributes to improved testosterone production.
  2. It is useful to consume an additive to those representatives of the strong half who regularly visit the gym, swing, lead an active lifestyle. The supplement improves muscle growth, removes excess fat, strengthens bones and forms the relief of the body.
  3. If a couple plans to conceive a child, a man needs to start taking fish oil in advance (in what form, it does not matter). This product enhances the production of sperm, improves the burning of sperm.
  4. Fish oil is necessary for men 40+ who are at risk of developing heart disease. The supplement removes cholesterol plaques from the blood vessels, improves blood circulation and its composition.
  5. If a man has pernicious addiction to alcoholic beverages, fatty foods or fast food, tobacco, the liver is loaded. Fish oil increases the flow of bile, facilitating the work of the internal organ and restoring damaged cells.
  6. In addition to the above characteristics, the beneficial qualities of the supplement are in the ability to charge with energy and suppress chronic fatigue, normalize mental activity, strengthen the immune system, strengthen brain activity.

The benefits of fish oil for women

 The benefits of fish oil for women

  1. It is women who most often take fish oil capsules because they care about their health. The value of the additive is difficult to exaggerate, it favorably affects the hair, nails, skin, body tissues.
  2. Fish oil is used for the prevention of cancer of the breast and female reproductive system. The composition is effective for nervous disorders, insomnia, impaired hormonal environment.
  3. Fat prevents early aging because it contains natural antioxidants. They also free the body from toxins, radicals, salts of heavy metals.
  4. The additive has a pleasant ability to increase absolutely all metabolic processes, including the absorption of food. Hence comes the natural weight loss without diets and breakdowns.
  5. What else is the benefit? In the early stages of pregnancy, a woman suffers from severe toxicosis, fish oil reduces the frequency of retching and nausea. Also, the additive prevents the development of anemia, because it increases hemoglobin.

Harm of fish oil

Fish oil has certain restrictions on the reception, which should be paid attention to before getting acquainted with the additive.

  1. So, the product is contraindicated in the presence of allergy to fish and seafood delicacies, as well as individual intolerance.
  2. Fat should not be taken by people diagnosed with diabetes. If you decide to neglect this item, first consult your doctor.
  3. If there is a high accumulation of iodine in the body, fat should not be consumed. Otherwise, the concentration of this mineral compound will skyrocket.
  4. It is necessary to exclude the additive from the reception, if there are cramps and pain in the stomach, as well as other complex disorders of the digestive system.
  5. When diagnosing illnesses associated with the kidneys, urinary canals, liver, fish oil is excluded from the diet (unless otherwise prescribed by a doctor).
  6. Contraindications include pancreatitis in acute form, cholecystitis, tuberculosis. For vegetative-vascular dystonia with low blood pressure, consult a specialist before taking fat.

All the best should be in moderation, every person knows it. In case of overdose (abuse), the following symptoms are observed: an unpleasant odor from the oral cavity and a bitter aftertaste, retching, diarrhea, exacerbation of pancreatitis.

Without a doubt, the benefits of fish oil outweigh the potential harm from its use. The value applies to children, the elderly, women and men. Useful product during pregnancy. However, before the first acquaintance with the additive, study the harm and exclude contraindications.

Video: how to take fish oil

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