Elephant fish - care and maintenance in an aquarium

Fish elephant got its name due to the presence of the trunk. The fish looks unusual and attracts attention, standing out against the general background of aquarium inhabitants. The lower lip resembles the trunk of an elephant, at the top there is a hole - the mouth. Water pets are famous for interesting behavior, they can be observed for a very long time. Fish are inherently shy, do not like attention. But when they get used to the owner, they will become active and will often appear on the eyes.

 Elephant fish


  1. Otherwise, fish are called Nile elephants, they are common in African countries. The trunk is necessary for fish to search for food, with its help they dig up the soil when they live on the bottom. The main feature of representatives of this family is that they form a weak electromagnetic field around themselves.
  2. Due to this, fish can communicate and understand each other, as well as navigate among the entire surrounding space.Fish feed on insects, their larvae, invertebrates and vegetation. In general, elephant fish eat all that they can find in the ground.
  3. Fish belong to medium-sized individuals, the length can reach 20 cm. However, aquatic pets living in aquarium conditions, do not grow so large. Bondage partially limits their growth. As for life expectancy, fish exist for at least 15 years. There were cases when the elephant fish lived for 25 years.
  4. The trunk is considered the most remarkable in the pet's appearance. It is considered an important organ, without which the fish will not be by itself. The trunk is located on the lower lip, it is required to search for food. Above the proboscis is a rounded oral cavity. In terms of colors, elephants are not remarkable, they are brownish-black, there are faded stripes located in the tail area.
  5. Fish are very rare, so many people keep them wrong. The soil must be soft, so that the fish do not damage the trunk when looking for food. Pets require subdued lighting, it is in such an environment that they live in nature.
  6. Fish sensitive to the parameters of water may feel bad if the temperature or acidity starts to jump.Pets have an electromagnetic field that helps them communicate and navigate in the aquatic environment. Also, electric charges help elephants search for a satellite.


 Content of elephant fish

  1. Despite the fact that the fish are medium sized, they protect their territory constantly. 150 liters are allocated per fish. water. Experts with experience advise to keep elephants in the amount of 4 pieces minimum. So they will reveal their essence and be more active.
  2. Aquatic inhabitants can easily get out of the tank, so cover the aquarium with glass or a transparent lid. They prefer to stay awake in the evening and at night. But when they get used to the new environment, they will be active during the day. The aquarium should not be too brightly lit, otherwise the fish will be hard.
  3. All that is required of the representatives of the family is twilight, shelter, vegetation, a stable aquatic environment, a place for swimming and soft soil. The fish are not indifferent to the pipes, open from all sides.
  4. The water temperature should be in the range of 25-28 degrees. At the same time, special attention is paid to rigidity - 6-14 units, acidity - 6-7.5 units. It is a mistake to believe that water is salted to elephants.They are freshwater inhabitants, so salt is not added.
  5. The individuals in question are very sensitive to changes in water parameters. It is because of this feature of these fish is not recommended for beginners. Also, if you are not able to maintain stable performance in the aquarium, this type of individuals should not be maintained.
  6. Elephant fish are particularly sensitive to the water content of nitrates and ammonia. Such harmful substances are often found in the soil. The problem is that the considered fish live in the lower layers of the aquarium. It is mandatory to install an external high power filter.
  7. Weekly siphon the bottom and replace the water. Carefully monitor the performance of nitrates and ammonia in the environment. Sand is strongly recommended as a primer. The individuals in question are very fond of burrowing in it. The problem is that large soil can damage the body or trunk of a fish. Consider this when decorating.
  8. As for the content in general terms, it is quite complicated. Elephant fish need almost perfect environmental performance. The problem is that such conditions are very difficult to maintain.The individuals in question are very sensitive to any changes. In addition, the fish need to carefully select neighbors. Need a special diet.


 Gnathonemus petersii

  1. Elephant fish is unique in all criteria. In the wild, she is looking for food with the help of her trunk and electric field. Often such individuals prefer worms, insects and all kinds of larvae. During the search for fish skillfully wield their trunk, climbing into hard to reach places.
  2. As in the wild, in an aquarium it is recommended to feed elephants with a pipe maker, moth or insects. Fish also love worms. Do not forget that individuals lead a bottom way of life, so they will eat exclusively from the bottom.
  3. In some cases, the individuals in question eat flakes and fresh-frozen food. Elephants are most active at night. Keep in mind that fish should preferably be fed with live food.

Consider when feeding elephants do not show particular activity. The procedure is rather slow. That is why they should not be kept with more active fish. As for the general content. Then everything is quite difficult.It is not necessary to start the considered individuals, if you do not have the proper experience. The content of elephants requires responsibility and certain knowledge.

Video: elephant fish (Gnathonemus petersii)

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