Ryadovka crowded - a description of where the toxicity of the fungus grows

In today's material, we consider an edible type mushroom. Let's talk about the twisted lyofilum, it needs only a preliminary treatment to eliminate a slight bitterness. In medicine, including folk healing, this variety does not apply. But he has a lot of valuable properties, so eating will benefit the whole family. Otherwise, this sort of mushrooms is called group ranking, let's talk about everything in more detail.

 Rowing crowded


  1. From all of the above, we can conclude that the species name is the lyophilum twisted. It is also worth clarifying that in addition to group rowing, this variety is called twisted rowing. He ranks among the class of agaricomycetes and the lyophil family. Growth is carried out by colonies, so you can collect a lot of harvest at once in one approach. Mushrooms grow together among themselves with bases or tops, in such a state they are cut off. Fruit bodies have certain characteristics that must be adhered to.
  2. The upper part in diameter ranges from 4 to 10 cm. It is pigmented with a gray-brown tone, darkens and smoothes in the central part. Hat format is modified along with the age of the fruit body. At first it becomes convex, has a certain hump, then it acquires an open form with the side parts lowered. In most cases, old fungi skin cracks, and at the edges tuck up.
  3. On the back side of the hat are plates that are pressed against each other tightly enough. Initially, they grow to the base, but over time they detach from it and hang arbitrarily. In hue, these plates range from gray to yellow and white, and may become gray-blue (old specimens). If you press down on the inside of the hat, this area will darken. Spores are painted white.
  4. The leg in the cylinder format reaches 2 cm in diameter with a length of 10 cm. It is gray, closer to the hat it looks pale, almost whitish. Near the ground, it is pigmented with gray-brown, immediately fused with the base of another fungus. The soft part of the mushroom is light, gray, with fibers. Does not collapse due to elasticity. It smells mealy, it tastes ambiguous.
  5. As for growth, these mushrooms should be searched for in the temperate climate zone. They prefer to settle in the Northern Hemisphere, choose forest edges, forest roadsides, meadow plots and park areas. The main thing is that there are not many trees nearby. Fruiting begins in late summer and lasts until the middle or end of autumn.


 Handling a row
We have already mentioned that this type of mushroom is classified as edible. But this does not mean that it does not need to be pre-processed. After harvesting, it is necessary to rinse and boil the mushrooms for 20-30 minutes. Then they are roasted, stewed, preserved, salted or brought to final readiness in any available way.

Similar species

  1. In the same fruiting season, some mushrooms also produce crops. Therefore, you need to know which fruit bodies are similar to the crowded rowing. For example, smoky gray lyofillum has an ash body with a yellowish tinge. At the same time, the pulp of such mushrooms has a characteristic floral and fruity aroma.
  2. Such fruit bodies are predominantly distributed in spruce and mixed forests. The main thing you need to know, they are edible after heat treatment. It is also worth noting that armored lyophilum looks like a crowded row. It is much less common. His hat is colored dark brown. It is edible, but not very tasty.
  3. Among other things, there is another similar instance. It is called interlocking. Color lighter with a bluish tinge. Due to the high content of ferrous sulfate, the flesh may be blue. Over time, it turns pink. Due to the presence of harmful compounds, it is considered poisonous.


  1. Considered fruit bodies have not only excellent taste, but also a number of useful properties. The systematic eating of such mushrooms allows to strengthen the immune system well. In addition, the active components of fungi inhibit the activity of cancer cells.
  2. Valuable enzymes normalize blood sugar and insulin levels. Tissues are cleaned from bad cholesterol. In Asian countries, these mushrooms are used as an immunomodulating and antidiabetic drug.

The crowded rows belong to unique fruit bodies that possess not only good taste, but also a number of useful qualities. With regular eating of the fruit bodies in question, you will not only improve your immunity, but protect yourself from the development of serious pathologies.

Video: rowed up (Lyophyllum decastes)

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