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This type of mushroom as a rowuka, better known as matsutake, belongs to the family of ryadovkovy. Translated word matsutake sounds like spruce mushroom. I would like to draw attention to the fact that this species belongs to the group of delicious mushrooms, which are especially valued in the east (used to prepare Asian and North American dishes). This is due to the beneficial nutritional properties of the fungus, as well as its pleasant characteristic pine aroma and exquisite taste.
Description and features of appearance
The cap of the fungus is rather large (it reaches 200 mm in diameter). The main color of the fruit body is brown (dark / light shade). The surface of the cap is densely dotted with large scales, because of which the latter visually appears silky and shiny. Directly scales themselves dark brown.Most often in adult specimens the surface of the cap is cracked, due to which one can see the flesh of the fruit body of white color.
The foot of the shod row is rather high, reaches a length of 200 mm, is small in thickness - up to 30 mm in diameter, expands closer to the base. The peculiarity of this type of mushroom is that the leg of the row is often tilted, that is, lowered low to the surface of the earth. On the leg there is a ring of brownish hue.
The lamellar body is bright, the plates themselves have a slight indentation. In very young members of the ryndov family, as a rule, the lamellar body is hidden by a characteristic protective film. Subsequently, this film is transformed into a ring on the leg, having a thick fringe.
Despite the abundance of fruiting matsutake mushrooms, to find them for subsequent collection is not so easy, this is due to the fact that this species grows, mostly hiding under foliage litter.The most common this species is in Asia, Canada.
It should be noted that the population of the shod row in Japan over the past few decades has declined sharply, which is explained by the decrease in the distribution of the pine nematode. The price of some specimens of this type of mushroom in this Asian country reaches several tens of dollars. In fact, this mushroom in Asian countries is valued as well as truffle in Europe. The main place of growth rowed shoes in our country are the eastern regions.
Where grow, features
The main area of growth - pine forests, and also often found rowing at the foot of the oaks. Most often this matsutake for its distribution chooses groves, the age of trees in which is not less than 30-70 years. The peculiarity of the species is that the rowing grows around the trees, forming peculiar rings of large sizes, which, in fact, because of this, are called “witches”.
As mentioned above, matsutake is not so easy to find, as these mushrooms hide under leaf cover. The soil for growth of this mushroom chooses infertile.When the soil fertility rises due to the fallen leaves, such an environment becomes unsuitable for this type of mushroom. Accordingly, this is the reason that the rowing is shod, never fructifying in the same place in the forest often more than 8-10 years.
This type of mushroom family ryadovkovyh like matsutake quite picky - for its growth requires certain climatic and weather conditions. The maximum daytime temperature should not exceed 25-26 degrees, night - not less than 17-15 degrees. Peak growth ryadovki seen after increasing precipitation. That is, the peak of fruiting matsutake is the first autumn months.
Regular consumption of the matsutake mushroom helps to normalize blood pressure. Many experts recommend its use for people suffering from diabetes, due to the antidiabetic antihypoxic and sedative effects on the body.
In addition to the healing properties, the product also has excellent cosmetic properties, matsutake extract eliminates the problem of skin pigmentation and significantly improving the condition of the skin as a whole.
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