Rosemary - the benefits and harm to the health of the body

Amazing rosemary herb. The benefits and harms of it have long been the subject of active research by scientists. Let's take a look at what makes this plant so unique.

 The benefits and harm of rosemary

Excellent spasmalgetic

Rosemary is considered to be one of the strongest medicinal plants. Especially traditional medicine notes the property of the grass to remove almost any spasms:

  • cerebral vessels (migraine, post-stroke condition, vegetative-vascular dystonia)
  • peripheral vessels (atherosclerosis)
  • vessels of the gastrointestinal tract (impaired peristalsis)
  • urinary tract (diseases of the genitourinary system)
  • bile ducts (diseases of the liver and gall bladder)

However, caution and accurate dosage should still be taken.Because rosemary briefly and quickly increases blood pressure. Hypotensics is only at hand. But hypertensive patients should not abuse the aromatic weed.

Great immunostimulant

Ancestors have long noticed a unique property of rosemary to stimulate the immune system (own and acquired). By the way, the effect is stronger than from taking Echinacea. Of course, the word immunity was not used then. But they knew very well the peculiarity of rosemary “to strengthen the body and spirit”.

In our turbulent times, with a disgusting environment and the rapid "rejuvenation" of diseases, this quality is important. Preventive reception of rosemary allows the body to safely avoid many ailments.

Naturally, one should not hope only for magic weed. But in the complex - why not?

A wonderful helper for the brain

Independent laboratory tests showed that ancestors were very wise people. They used rosemary to stimulate cerebral circulation. This allowed us to improve memory, to adjust the work of the brain, to increase attention.

Since then, little has changed.Until now, some students drink rosemary decoction on the advice of grandmothers before difficult exams.

Good throat doctor

Scientists have confirmed the effectiveness of rosemary in the treatment of diseases of the throat and respiratory tract. Herbal decoctions and tinctures help with:

  • bronchitis
  • tonsillitis
  • asthma
  • pneumonia
  • laryngitis

Naturally, a positive action is manifested in complex therapy and under the strict supervision of a specialist.

In general, it will not be superfluous to repeat the simple truth. Do not self-medicate! Before taking any means of traditional medicine, always consult with your doctor, and not with a neighbor's grandmother or girlfriend. All organisms are different. Therefore, what helps one person, then another can be death like.

Gorgeous beautician

Even the ancient Greeks and Romans noticed the positive effects of rosemary on their appearance. Especially effective is considered the oil of aromatic herbs. Due to its warming effect, it perfectly removes the external signs of cellulite and evens out the skin.

 Rosemary in cosmetology

Council Rosemary oil can not be used in its pure form! It causes severe burns.For use in massage purposes it is recommended to dilute it with any neutral vegetable oil.

By the way, a decoction of rosemary with proper application helps to get rid of acne, pimples and other rashes. To do this, prepare tonics, lotions. Or aromatic oil is added to the clay mask. Regular use of these tools allows you to cope even with problematic teenage skin.

Rumor has it that a mixture of almond oil and rosemary helps to almost completely get rid of even old scars (stretch marks also pass). Large-scale experiments on this topic were not conducted, but the feedback on the method is only positive.

The warming effect of the current fashionistas use today to improve hair growth. Regular masks with rosemary have a beneficial effect on the scalp. At the same time sleeping bulbs wake up, and hair begins to grow.

And if you add castor or burdock oil to your mask, you can forget about dandruff and other such troubles for a long time. By the way, combing washed hair with rosemary oil allows the headpiece to stay clean and fresh longer, with a pleasant smell.

CouncilA decoction of dried rosemary is used as a hair rinse after washing. Glitter and silkiness are guaranteed for a long time.

What else is useful rosemary

All the same traditional medicine claims that the tincture of fresh rosemary leaves soothes well the raging intestines. Especially in people prone to flatulence. By the way, his attacks are also removed by the same tincture.

Women with painful periods should pay their close attention to this wonderful weed. Indeed, thanks to its antispasmodic properties, rosemary alleviates the state of the body during this delicate period.

By the way, during menopause, even some doctors recommend using rosemary to reduce symptoms and recurrent pain.

Very well proven bath with rosemary decoction. They help with:

  • edema
  • night leg cramps
  • rheumatism
  • poor circulation of the limbs
  • radiculitis

Relief, as a rule, comes after the first procedure. But traditional medicine does not stop there. It is recommended to use rubbing or ointment with rosemary oil after taking this bath.The result pleasantly surprises even those who are very skeptical about alternative treatment.

There are recipes for traditional medicine that claim that cancer can be cured with rosemary. Research in this regard is proceeding at a very active pace. But with exact certainty it is too early to confirm the fact of cure. But the suspension of the development of malignant tumors, scientists have already noticed. In the group of subjects, about 75% of people had a positive effect. It gives hope.

Some time ago, a series of experiments was carried out. A group of volunteers with joint diseases in the acute stage were given fresh rosemary to sniff. And added to food. 87% of the subjects noted significant relief of pain in the inflamed joints. Plus, the aroma of rosemary essential oil revealed another interesting feature. A short inhalation helps to get rid of headaches.

True, prolonged exposure or an overly concentrated odor may have the opposite effect. Headache comes back and increases at times.

Contraindications to use

Despite all the outstanding qualities of rosemary, it also has some negative properties. The fact is that a huge content in the leaves of essential oil can produce bad effects on some groups of people:

 Contraindications to the use of rosemary

  1. Sensitive skin can cause severe burns. For biological concentration of rosemary oil is too high.
  2. In hypertensive patients, the pressure may rise sharply and severely.
  3. Future mummies in general should refuse the use of rosemary. Because the grass improves the overall tone of the body, including the tone of the uterus. It is fraught with miscarriage.
  4. It is strongly not recommended to use rosemary in any kind of epileptics. Weed can trigger seizures or even an attack.

Most doctors strongly advise to wait for rosemary in the treatment and nutrition of children. At least until the age of 5 years. After all, there are other recipes in traditional medicine.

And further. People with a heart rhythm disorder should be careful with the use of this doctor. Because it has the ability to dramatically increase the contraction of the heart muscle, which can be extremely dangerous.

Interesting Facts

A few drops of oil or a decoction of rosemary, added to the bath before bedtime, help to improve mood, relax muscles and calm.

In the cold season, it is recommended to include an aroma lamp in the house more often, adding a few drops of rosemary oil. This helps to decontaminate and clear the air of bacteria, thus avoiding the flu and colds.

Rosemary decoction lotion is used at bedtime for excessive oily skin and dermatological problems at any age.

A mixture of rosemary oil and white clay perfectly bleaches freckles, age spots and uneven tan. At the same time, this mask moisturizes and nourishes the skin.

If you have a long stay on the street in winter, it is recommended to use a little rosemary, its tincture or decoction before going out of the house. Enhanced blood circulation in the peripheral vessels and the warming effect of the essential oil will help not to freeze in the cold.

The same effect can be used on arrival home, if you still managed to chill hands or feet. A short bath or a short massage with rosemary oil will enhance the positive effect of aromatic herbs.

Recently, studies have discovered that rosemary contains antioxidants. This means that it can be used as a remedy against external signs of aging, maintaining youth, beauty and freshness for a long time.

Infusion of rosemary leaves copes with colds. It allows the body to warm up and kills pathogens and pathogens.

Ointments prepared on the basis of tincture, perfectly contribute to the overgrowth of long non-healing wounds. This property is successfully used by traditional medicine for thrombophlebitis, diabetes and other diseases.

Here is a wonderful rosemary plant, whose benefits and harms are no secret to you now. Use it in moderation to increase your own health and longevity. Do not be ill!

Video: rosemary - greens, useful for the brain

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