Potato sprouts - medicinal properties and contraindications

Mother nature has invented many plants useful for humans. With the help of some, he heals his wounds, others heals inflammatory processes, third he improves his appearance: complexion, condition of hair and nails, removes papillomas and warts. Some plants are complex in their structure and capricious from the point of view of cultivation, others, on the contrary, are as unpretentious as possible and grow everywhere, undergoing any climatic conditions. The latter can be safely attributed to the most ordinary potatoes, which grows in every garden and is indispensable in any soup.

 Medicinal properties and contraindications of potato sprouts

The usefulness of potato tuber from time immemorial legends. People have invented many gastronomic, as well as medical and cosmetological recipes based on its contents.But is a potato tuber useful? This article will consider the healing properties of potato sprouts - the very sprouted pimples, the appearance of which any respectable hostess tries to prevent.

Medicinal properties and harm of potato sprouts

Sprouts (or shoots) of a potato tuber have a structure that can create protective conditions for the whole plant. Alkaloids contained in potatoes are designed to crack down on parasites, fungi and larvae of various insects that want to eat the nutrients of the tuber. The most formidable and dangerous of these "law enforcement officers" is the corned beef - the strongest alkaloid, which has a powerful toxic effect. It is precisely his green clusters on an unripe tuber that are recommended to be cut to avoid possible poisoning.

Indications for use

Despite its toxicity, in small doses, corned beef is even beneficial to humans. It is widely used to treat such diseases and conditions as:

  1. Long healing wounds, as it has a good regenerating effect.
  2. Weak vascular walls - its complex strengthening effect is known.
  3. As an excellent painkiller for bruises.
  4. As an excellent antibacterial component, especially if the wounds were received while working in the ground.
  5. As an additional tool in diseases of the musculoskeletal system (arthritis, arthrosis, gout, etc.).
  6. In the treatment of diseases of the respiratory tract, as corned beef in small doses is an excellent antitussive and expectorant.
  7. For the treatment of cancer.
  8. For the treatment of skin diseases, especially if they have a fungal etiology.


It has already been said that corned beef has two sides of the coin: both medical and destructive and, accordingly, it is worth considering those conditions in which it is capable of causing serious irreparable harm to the body:

 Contraindications to the use of potato sprouts

  1. Pregnancy - any poisons on a developing fetus, even in the smallest quantities, have a teratogenic effect.
  2. The lactation period - the corned beef which has got through maternal milk to the kid, can cause serious allergic reaction in the last.
  3. With various violations of the bacterial flora and water-salt balance in the organsDigestion: Corned beef has a powerful antibacterial and salt pulling effect.
  4. With diabetes of any type.
  5. People suffering from individual intolerance to potatoes.
  6. Patients with celiac disease, as they are contraindicated potato starch.

In any case, before making a final decision regarding the use of this therapeutic agent, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Side effects

Sometimes, when taking the tincture inside, unwanted side effects may occur, and then it should be abandoned to use it further, or alternatively to consider options for external consumption. When it should be done:

  1. If its use causes dizziness and loss of balance, in this case we are talking about a violation of the water-salt balance, which was present in the body, but was not promptly identified.
  2. If a persistent and not passing headache or migraine appeared in the application in certain areas.
  3. If, after eating, the patient has nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and cutting pains in the abdomen.
  4. If the body has a rash, characteristic of the manifestations of urticaria.

Recipes preparations based on potato sprouts

To date, people have invented a single remedy, which somehow included potatoes. This article will cover several of them:

 Recipes preparations based on potato sprouts

Recipe 1: Tincture for joints of potato sprouts
Diseases of the joints are capable of delivering a lot of suffering and discomfort in everyday life. To facilitate the overall condition should be prepared and apply the following tool:

It will take:

  • Vodka 200 - 300 grams.
  • Potato tubers: 4 - 6 pcs. with sprouted shoots.

Tip: to get excellent sprouts, you should put the required number of tubers in a warm darkened cool place for 2 to 3 days, usually enough nights, but the length of the sprouts in this case may be insufficient. At the same time the place should be the optimum temperature (around 10 ° С): not too hot, but not too wet. It is recommended to cover the tubers with dark matter, not excluding the ingress of light, so that the sprouts acquire the desired white-lilac color.

Preparation and use: White young shoots are carefully cut from the tuber, then chopped (preferably in a blender,in order not to lose the valuable juice), pour the resulting mass with vodka until all the sprouts are fully covered, and then put the mixture for 3-4 weeks in a cool place. The finished tincture should be painted in brown tones. She subsequently wipes the inflamed joints 4-5 times a day.

Also, this tincture can caress the oral cavity for stomatitis and gingivitis, make inhalations, adding 1 - 2 teaspoons to 1 liter of boiling water.

Recipe 2: Potato sprouts and flowers are used.
Used for the treatment of cancer tumors, as well as for the removal of internal edema (in some cases for the treatment of cysts and other tumors).

It will take:

  • Vodka: 200 to 300 ml or more.
  • Potato shoots - 3 - 4 pcs.
  • Potato flowers - to fill 1/5 of the mixture.

Tip: for greater efficiency, it is better to use fresh, but for use in the winter, dry ones are also suitable.

Preparation: In the previously prepared tincture (according to the recipe above), finely chopped floral bases are added. The resulting mixture is thoroughly mixed, the right amount of liquid is added.You can also use flowers as a decoction, additionally topped with tincture. An independent decoction of flowers should not be drunk, as it contains a large amount of substances that can cause poisoning. It should be remembered that the potato leaf is poisonous!

This tincture is used for cancer - 1 teaspoon 2 times a day with meals. It is not recommended to apply before meals, as the tincture is irritating and can cause gastritis. Contraindicated in cancer changes of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.

Recipe 3: Compresses of ground potato sprouts
In addition to the tincture, you can also apply and compresses of ground potato sprouts. It is known that potatoes have the property of pulling out excessive moisture, and in combination with garlic, which has an antibacterial, warming and intensifying additional blood flow effect, these lotions will be useful in removing puffy components for injuries from bruises.

It will take:

  • Sprouted potato tops: 1 - 2 pcs.
  • Garlic - 1 clove.

Preparation and use: thoroughly chop the sprouted parts and a little potato tuber together with garlic and place on a gauze surface.Squeeze out the juice to soak the cloth, and then apply to the hurt place for 15 to 30 minutes. With regular use, swelling gradually disappears.

Tip: for an additional effect, this mixture can be alcoholized in order to obtain a tincture, which, in addition to the action described above, will also have an excellent warming effect.

Recipe 4: Inhalation decoctions of potato sprouts with the addition of essential oil
This broth is not used internally, but is used as an inhalation in a nebulizer or for inhalation in vapors emanating from the pan. It is used for prolonged bronchitis and pneumonia. Use with caution in asthma.

It will take:

  • 1 - 2 potato tuber, cooked with sprouts.
  • Any essential oil: menthol, camphor, eucalyptus.

Preparation and use: potatoes are washed in water from dirt and boiled in a uniform, not cleared from sprouts and peel, then using a pushing apparatus, the mixture is ground in puree directly in boiling water, essential oil is added and inhalation is taken over steam, then the mixture is disposed of.

The use of preparations based on potato sprouts is not the only method for the treatment of a disease, but is considered as one of the components on the road to successful recovery.In addition to this method, patients also need:

  1. Compliance with the correct mode of the day: sleep should not be less than 8 hours a day.
  2. Diet: for any therapeutic measures, it is necessary to strictly follow the diet, selected in view of the accompanying pathology.
  3. Refusal of bad habits - it should be remembered that the effect of alcohol increases the toxic effect of any drugs and at the time of treatment should be abandoned.

With the additional independent use of other folk remedies, you should consult with your doctor about their compatibility with each other. Otherwise, unpleasant side effects may occur.

Video: Potato sprouts from joint diseases, cancer and cataracts

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