Rodostomus - care and maintenance in an aquarium

Aquarium fish rhodostomus also has a name - red tetra. In Latin, its name sounds like Hemigrammus rhodostomus. A aquarium, it looks very impressive compared to other inhabitants. On her head is a red spot, the rest of the body has a silvery coloring. On the caudal fin representatives of this species are black and white stripes. Rodostomus has a length of 4.5 centimeters. Due to the peace-loving nature, this fish can be kept with any other peaceful species.


The name "red-nosed" she received thanks to a spot on her head. Yet in the CIS countries it is often called rhodostomus.

Rodostomusov contain flocks. They will feel good if there is a large amount of algae in the aquarium. In order for the fish to have a beautiful color and be active, it is necessary to create conditions for it close to natural ones.Rodostomuses live in soft water with high acidity. Due to the large amount of organic matter, the water in these waters is dark. Run these fish is better in a tank where the water has already returned to normal.

These fish are quite demanding compliance. If any water parameters do not suit them, it immediately becomes clear. Fish fade, do not behave as usual. Most likely, the first days in a new aquarium they will experience rather hard. Therefore, you need to wait some time to get used to them. Soon they will become as bright and active.

Habitat in nature

A description of this species was made by Gehry. Homeland rhodostomusa - South America. These tetras inhabit the waters of the Rio Negro, as well as Colombia and some tributaries of the Amazon. These reservoirs are different in that the water in them has a dark color. This is due to the fact that the bottom is lined with fallen leaves. The main food of these fish - insects and larvae.


The appearance of these fish in many causes a desire to have them in their aquarium. Rodostomus has an elongated graceful body. The length of an adult individual is about 4.5 cm. They live for about 5 years.The most attractive feature of this beautiful fish is the presence of a red spot located on the head. Hence its second name is the redhead tetra.

Content issues

It is recommended to start rodostomusa for those who have some experience in keeping fish. After all, they are very capricious and demanding. It is important that the water always remains clean, there are no harmful substances in it, ammonia, nitrates. The remaining parameters must also correspond to the preferences of rhodostomus. If you are preparing for them a new aquarium, you need to wait until all the parameters in it are normalized, and then run the fish. the water should be soft and acidic (it is necessary to adhere to such parameters ph: 5.5-6.8, 2 - 8 dGH). Also, experts recommend having an external filter.


Feed these fish can be any food. They will eat frozen, artificial, as well as live food. Sometimes you can give them a shredder and bloodworm, high-quality flakes. It is important that the feed is small, as these fish have a small mouth.


Since rodostomuses in nature like to live in flocks, they will feel sowing much better in an aquarium in a group of 7 or more individuals. In such stacks, a hierarchy is usually established.As a result, each fish reveals its beautiful color. To keep a small flock, it will be enough to buy an aquarium of about 50 liters. Compared with other tetras, rhodostomuses are very capricious to water conditions. pH should be 5.5-6.7. It is necessary to provide them with soft acidic water. It is important to control that the amount of nitrates and ammonia is not increased, therefore the presence of an external filter is desirable. The light should not be too bright. Soft light will make the fish feel that they are in their natural environment. Above the rivers in which rhodostomy live, there are dense crowns of trees.

The ideal option to arrange an aquarium for these tetras will be a biotope. For decoration fit a variety of snags, foliage, sand. This decor will be very close to the natural habitats. Tetras will feel as comfortable as possible.

Every week should be replaced by a quarter of water to fresh. The ideal temperature for them will be 23-28 degrees. Since the fish are shy enough, it is better to put the aquarium in a quiet place where people will not pass too often.

If the fish begins to darken and dim color, it indicates that living conditions have changed in the aquarium. Most likely, the level of harmful substances in the water has greatly increased.


 Rodostomus compatibility
Due to the peace-loving nature of these fish, it is quite possible to keep them together with other species. But it is not necessary to lodge them with large and predatory fish, as tetras can become victims. They are perfectly combined with cardinals, terntions, erythrozone.

Sex differences

In appearance, they are almost the same. The only difference is a more rounded abdomen of females. In males, it is smaller.


Breeding rhodostomusov not easy. Even an experienced aquarist can not cope with this business. Difficulties associated with two points.

  1. If the fish have grown in water with a high level of hardness, the eggs will not fertilize.
  2. If you still managed to hatch fry, then they will grow slowly. Until spawning begins, it is extremely difficult to determine the exact sex of the individual.

It is very important that the spawn is clean. The filter must be installed ultraviolet sterilizer. This is due to the fact that there is a high probability of infection of eggs with various bacteria or fungi. After spawning, it is necessary to add antifungal agents to the spawn.

Those who want to breed rodostomusov should know a few rules long before the spawning period begins. When growing producers must strictly observe the conditions.All life fish should grow in acidic water with low hardness. Only in this case they will be able to give offspring. If this condition was not met, then start breeding is useless. Such fish will not give offspring exactly. To create good conditions in spawning, it is recommended to add peat to it. In order for producers to be in good shape, before spawning, it is better for them to give only live food.

In nature, these fish spawn in small-leaved plants. They are very difficult to find. In addition, most of them grow only in bright light. Which is contraindicated for successful spawning. Therefore, the best option here would be synthetic yarn or Javanese moss.

A week before the expected date of spawning, it is necessary to transplant the fish into spawning. It should be dim light. During this period, the fish should be fed only live food. The aquarium should be in a very peaceful place. The temperature should be increased gradually. It should reach 32 degrees. Spawning occurs almost in the twilight. Therefore, to see the spawn, a flashlight is usually used.

Unlike other tetras, representatives of this species will not eat caviar.But from the aquarium it is better to transplant them. It is important that antifungal agents are constantly in the water. Otherwise, caviar infection can occur. It is impossible to allow a bright light to fall into spawn.

The temperature should remain around 32 degrees. Caviar develops for several days, after 1-2 days the fry will begin to swim. Feed them to the yolk or infusoria.

Even if the aquarist overcame the difficulties of breeding these fish, then he faces another problem. As already mentioned, the fry of this species grow very slowly. Among all the aquarium fish, they are almost the most slow-growing. For 12 weeks the fry are fed small food. Only after that it will be possible to switch to large. In order to quickly transfer fry to large food, it is necessary to maintain the water temperature above 30 degrees. This temperature is necessary for the fry as long as possible, otherwise they can get sick.

Often, it takes about half a year to transfer fry to such large fodder as daphnia. If from these fry you want to get offspring in the future too, then throughout their life you must strictly monitor the conditions of the water.In the first months it should be sour, soft and very clean. Breeding these fish is recommended for the most experienced aquarium enthusiasts. But with a strong desire this can be achieved by a novice. The main thing is that he take this task seriously.

Video: Red-Nosed Tetra (Rhodostomus)

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