Brigitte Rasbor - care and maintenance in an aquarium

Rasbor Brigitta - a small nimble and nimble fish of the carp family, which can often be found in the aquariums of the majority of amateurs and professional aquarists. The size of the fish in adulthood reach about 2-3 cm.

 Rasbor Brigitte

Borneo is considered the birthplace of Rasbor Brigitte. Often, this fish is confused with the kind of Rasbora firefly. This is due to the external similarity of these two carp subspecies. However, the main difference between brigitt is the characteristic dark strip on the surface of the body with the surrounding border (in males it is red, in females it is orange). In fireflies, the edges of the fish are strips of a golden or greenish hue.

When creating all the necessary conditions in the aquarium, which are ideal for keeping different types of fish, Rasbora Brigitte can live in it for up to 4 years (regardless of gender).


As mentioned above - the average size of boraras brigitta reaches 2-3 cm. The fish of this type are very beautiful and bright, so they will become a real decoration of any aquarium. One can recognize a fish among other species by a characteristic strip along the whole body with a border, the color of which helps to distinguish where the female is, and where the male is. This strip stretches from the gill portion to the tail and ends with a spot resembling a wedge. Immediately the color of the brigit's body is red, however, the older the temokras becomes brighter and richer. Mature females of Rasbor Brigitte are often slightly larger in size than the males of this species, while their abdomen is more rounded.

Content Features

As a rule, for the maintenance of rasbor, most aquarists acquire attractively looking nano aquariums of small sizes in rooms of any type. It is better to keep this fish of the carp family in flocks (10 to 15 individuals). Due to the bright and juicy coloring, Rasbory looks very impressive in small-sized aquariums with dark soil.Do not forget that before you run the fish into an aquarium, you should take care of filling it - decorating the bottom surface with good soil, placing obligatory vegetation: rooted algae, Javanese mosses, fern, and algae freely floating on the surface of the water. Pisces or salvinia are ideal for this.

Also very important in the design of the aquarium for the maintenance of Rasbory is the lighting of the aquarium. Best of all for these purposes is suitable accurate lighting, where some areas will be well lit, others vice versa - are darkened. This results from the fact that these small fishes choose light places for flirting or games. Accordingly, the shadow and secluded places away from the views of others are suitable for rest.

In the natural environment, Rasbor, Brigitte prefers reservoirs with a moderate flow, so a special filter for intensive pumping should be provided in the aquarium, which will help in creating the flow that is necessary for the fish. As for lighting, it should be close to natural. Water change is carried out once in 10-14 days (from 30 to 50% of the total).

Feeding features

 Features feeding rasbory Brigitti
Under natural conditions, these small and nimble carp feed on zooplankton, worms, and insects of small size. Content in the conditions of a home aquarium implies that for feeding Rasbory you can use a variety of food: both live and frozen food (cyclops, daphnia, artemia). The diet must be alternated - live food with dry food. Choosing food should be fortified, it will help to make the color of the fish more saturated.

Coexistence with other species: what to consider

Brigitte's favorite society is shrimp. To do this, in the aquarium with fish you can add such types of shrimp as Cherry or Red crystals. Also, quite small species of fish and large enough individuals get along well with Rasbor Brigitte, for example: a galaxy, neons, mail catfish. The latter will not cause any harm to Brigitte, since mainly herbal food is included in their diet.

If in the aquarium with Brigitta too large and aggressive-minded species coexist, in this case, this small fish will constantly hide in the vegetation thickets.

Breeding reproduction brigitta

Due to the good survival of the offspring of Rasbory Brigitte, even beginning aquarists who have only initial experience in such an important matter can be engaged in its reproduction. Maturation and maximum growth of males reach ten months. In females, this time comes a little earlier. In order to spawn fish successfully, the owner of the fish should choose the dominant mature male, whose age should be more than 2 years. Spawning of these fish implies two types - single or group.

 Breeding reproduction brigitta

Directly, the spawning process itself should be carried out in the following way: to begin with, the aquarist should deposit the female Rasbor Breguett in a separate aquarium or glass container of up to 10 liters. As a rule, this is done 10-14 days before the start of the planned spawning. It is important to understand that a small jigging capacity is a solution for pair spawning. If group spawning is required - in this case it is better to select an additional aquarium with a volume of at least 40 liters. At the bottom of the prepared aquarium or tank fit separator mesh. For successful spawning, the following conditions should also be fulfilled: the temperature indicators of the water should correspond to these figures - 27-28 degrees. The optimum acidity of water is no more than 6.5 with hardness up to 7 °.

Pair spawning implies that Brigitte females, as a rule, produce a large enough number of eggs to be laid - about 300. That is, each individual gives up to 50 transparent eggs with a clear yellowish tinge. After which they are fertilized by the male.

The duration of the embryo in the egg is no more than a day, after which it leaves it. After a few days (from 4-5 days), Brigit fry can begin to feed. Doing this should take into account their very tiny size. The best solution in this case is to add live dust to the aquarium water. Also, if the vegetation of the aquarium does not provide for such a plant as Javanese moss, it is better to add it, since it can be used as food for the fry of Rasbor Brigitte.

Although the fry of this fish of the carp family are of miniature size, nevertheless, until they grow up, they are completely capable of finding food for themselves (various microorganisms with feed, including detritus).

Infusoria, rotifers, artemia, etc. are used to feed already grown fry. In good feed, the little ones Brigit are growing up quickly.

Creating good conditions for your aquarium pets after a year, you can get good offspring, which will help you to become an experienced breeder of these carp fish, distinguished by their unpretentiousness and spectacular appearance.

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