Wheat groats - the benefits and harm to the body

In ancient times, wheat porridge on the table was considered a sign of great wealth and well-being. The nutritional dish is praised to date due to its ease of preparation and availability. Everyone knows the useful properties of millet in general, but it makes sense to delve into them in more detail. People are also interested in the harm that can be caused by excessive use of the dish.

 The benefits and harm of wheat cereals

The composition and caloric content of wheat cereal

As the name implies, wheat cereal is made on the basis of wheat grains, which are extremely beneficial for the body. The modern food market is full, so there are many types of raw materials.

For example, “Poltava” wheat has a large, medium or fine grinding. “Artek” groats are made exclusively on the basis of crushed wheat grains, which are pre-cleaned from embryos and shell.

Doctors in one voice say that the larger the grind, the more benefit you can get from wheat cereal. You will receive additional value if you cook a dish of grains with shells and germs.

In the croup there is a lot of carbohydrates, they are given about 62.5 grams. 12 more gr. take proteins and only 1.5 gr. fats. In addition, the grain is concentrated a lot of fiber, which acts as a brush for the gastrointestinal tract.

Wheat is not deprived of mineral compounds such as iodine, magnesium, calcium, potassium, molybdenum, zinc, silicon, phosphorus and others. Of vitamins, it is worth to highlight retinol, vitamin F, ascorbic acid, tocopherol, B-group vitamins (thiamine, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine).

In addition, starch, poly-and monosaccharides accumulate in the croup. Caloric content of dry wheat grains is 314 Kcal. on 100 gr. If you cook porridge on the basis of raw materials, this figure will be halved.

Properties of wheat cereal

  • strengthening the walls of the blood channels;
  • cleansing blood vessels from cholesterol deposits;
  • slagging;
  • removal of toxic substances, radionuclides, heavy metal salts;
  • acceleration of metabolic processes;
  • reduction of arterial, intracranial pressure;
  • improvement of hair, nails, skin, teeth;
  • enveloping and protecting the walls of the stomach;
  • enhancing the absorption of food, preventing its digestion in the esophagus;
  • the prolongation of youth;
  • the fight against swelling;
  • dementia prophylaxis in the elderly.

The benefits of wheat cereal

  1. A regular breakfast with cereal teaches the body to “wake up” at the specified hour. It is recommended to use porridge 15 minutes after waking up in order to start all metabolic processes and gain energy for the whole day.
  2. Krupa focuses many substances that have a positive effect on the human immune system. During winter virus outbreaks, consume cereals daily, cook it with water or milk. The same applies to the periods between seasons when the body is weakened.
  3. Due to the accumulation of dietary fiber, wheat is considered a real “brush”, which frees the esophagus from stagnation. With it, you can easily remove all the slag and fix the chair.
  4. Rare B-group vitamins have a positive effect on the nervous system.Millet gives strength and normalizes the psycho-emotional environment. Against this background, the effects of recent stress are eliminated.
  5. Vitamins A and E are considered elements of youth and natural antioxidants. They are needed to maintain the beauty of the skin, as well as the prevention of cancer diseases.
  6. Nucleic acids in combination with calcium are responsible for the density of bone tissue and teeth. It is useful to consume millet for building muscle mass to those who are actively involved in sports.
  7. Often, wheat cereal is used for weight loss. It contributes to the acceleration of metabolism, the breakdown of body fat, the transformation of carbohydrates into energy, and not a layer at the waist.

Wheat groats while losing weight

  1. To say goodbye to those extra pounds, you need to balance the diet. If you want to lose weight, start a new day with breakfast, which consists of wheat cereal and apples.
  2. At lunch you can eat lean soup, vegetable salad and a portion of porridge. In the afternoon snack it is enough to do with one apple and a glass of kefir. For dinner, eat only a portion of millet. Half an hour before bedtime, you can drink a glass of kefir.
  3. If you follow the described diet and consume dairy products, wheat cereal, fruits and vegetables, you can lose up to 4 kg in 1 week. total mass. Consider that it is prohibited to eat potatoes and bananas during this period.
  4. Also a week later, much of the fat from the abdomen will go. During the period of losing weight, it is important to give preference to exclusively green tea. Do not forget to drink enough liquid, about 2 liters. purified water.
  5. Wheat diet is considered softer than others. The positive side is that the diet can be supplemented with fermented milk products, fresh fruits and vegetables.
  6. If you decide to lose weight, you need to gradually switch to a new diet. Every day, turn on a new dish. It is forbidden to resort to such a diet if you are pregnant, nursing or have problems with the digestive tract.

Harm of wheat cereal

  1. Do not eat meals with wheat cereal, if you have broken intestinal absorption. Cereals can cause significant damage to the body.
  2. Millet is strictly contraindicated for gastritis with low acidity. Also, the product is not recommended for flatulence.
  3. Raw materials can not be eaten during gestation and lactation.Excess fiber increases the tone of the uterus. During lactation, colic is often caused by the baby.

All the useful qualities of grains do not define a complete list of what wheat cereals are really capable of. Each organism is individual, so the dish acts accordingly. Excessive intake should be abandoned, eat millet in moderation.

Video: the benefits and harm of wheat porridge

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