Acne on the face during pregnancy - causes and treatment

One of the most frequently occurring problems during pregnancy is the appearance of acne on the face and various parts of the body. In addition to the fact that this phenomenon spoils the mood of the future mother because of an unaesthetic appearance, acne can be quite painful. What they appear from and how to get rid of them are questions that are among the most relevant for women in the situation who have problem skin.

 Acne on the face during pregnancy

Causes of acne during pregnancy

The main cause of skin problems is considered a global restructuring that occurs in the future mother's body, because during this period hormone levels change significantly. But there are several other factors that can exacerbate this situation, resulting in a rash on the skin.

The main reasons for causing skin problems during childbirth are the following:

  1. Increasing the level of the progesterone-producing hormone in the body, which activates the function of the sebaceous glands, resulting in favorable conditions for the appearance of lesions on the skin.
  2. Harmful habits - nicotine, alcoholic beverages (even low alcohol) lead to a deterioration of the skin.
  3. Poor skin care - the use of cheap cosmetics, ignoring the rules of personal hygiene.
  4. Dehydration - the skin condition may worsen if the expectant mother will consume little liquid.
  5. Unbalanced food - eating large amounts of fast food, fatty, fried, salty foods.
  6. Lack of fresh air.
  7. Stress, psycho-emotional stress, fear of the upcoming birth, neurosis, hysterical state.

All of the above reasons can trigger acne in a pregnant woman, and a rash can appear not only on the face, but also on any other part of the body - most often on the back, shoulders, and chest.

To prevent this problem, you should try to get rid of the factors that provoke it.Of course, in any way affect the hormones during pregnancy and the type of your own skin is not possible. But there are methods by which it is possible to improve the condition of the skin.

How to get rid of acne during pregnancy

On the pharmacy shelves presented a wide range of drugs that are designed to combat skin rashes. Many of them are allowed to use during pregnancy. In addition, many ways to solve this problem offers traditional medicine. The main thing that a future mother should know is that whatever means is chosen, it is necessary to use it with extreme caution. It should not contain aggressive ingredients that can cause allergies. In order to avoid side effects and negative consequences, it is advisable to try out any means on the wrist, where the skin is most sensitive. If an allergic reaction does not occur, you can safely begin using this drug. Below are the most effective folk and pharmaceutical remedies for acne.

Folk remedies

  1. Beer. The product is an excellent tool to help get rid of skin rashes. You should collect a small amount of beer foam, pour into it 1 tsp. dry yeast. Leave for 20 minutes. Apply the mixture to the problem area and wait until it is completely absorbed. After 15-20 minutes, remove residue with a damp cotton pad.
  2. Clay. The substance is often used for cosmetic purposes, including for the care of problem skin. 2 tsp are poured into the container. clay Pour water at room temperature to obtain a pasty consistency. The mixture is thoroughly mixed and applied to problem areas of the skin. Then wait until the product is absorbed. After about 20 minutes, rinse with massage movements.
  3. Aloe. The healing plant, which is in almost every home, does an excellent job with such tasks as healing wounds and eliminating redness of the skin. It is necessary to remove the crust from the leaf and squeeze the juice through the gauze. The resulting viscous green liquid should be mixed with 1 tsp. starch. Next, apply on the skin and leave for 15-20 minutes, remove the remnants with a damp cotton pad.
  4. Apricot. This fruit is an excellent solution for the care of problem skin. From the apricot you need to remove the skin and grind it to a pasty state. Add 1 tsp. yogurt with a low percentage of fat and a few drops of lemon juice. Steam the skin and apply the prepared mixture on it. After 20 minutes, wash with water from the tap.
  5. Gelatin. From this substance, you can make a home mask film. To do this, take one bag of gelatin, pour into the container its contents and add cup of cool water. Then add cool boiling water, while the mixture must be stirred until the substance is completely dissolved. Then you need to take activated charcoal (5 tablets) and chop it thoroughly. Add the powder to the gelatin mixture and stir. The finished product must be applied with a brush to the problem area and, when it is completely dry, remove the film from the skin. To remove residue should wash with warm water.
  6. Cucumber. This product perfectly performs functions such as skin whitening and elimination of rashes. You should take a medium-sized vegetable with medium-sized seeds, cut off the skin, chop thoroughly with a grater.Add 1 tsp. fresh sour cream, mix. Apply to the skin, wash off after 20 minutes.

To get rid of acne, expectant mothers can use pharmaceuticals for external use. They cause the death of harmful bacteria and microbes, prevent the spread of infection.

 Drugs for acne

The following drugs are considered the most effective and safe during pregnancy:

  1. Dalatsin. This mono drug has an antibiotic in its composition. Causes the death of pathogenic flora on the skin and accelerates the healing process of eruptions. Good for treating acne and purulent inflammations. Application should be a point, because the tool is able to dry out the skin.
  2. Zenerite. Combined medication, which includes zinc and antibacterial component. The tool prevents the spread of pathogenic microorganisms and prevents the development of infection. Used in the treatment of acne and small rashes.
  3. Erythromycin ointment. Also incorporates an antibacterial component. You can smear directly the rash itself, or completely the surface of the skin.The drug does not desiccate the skin and does not provoke the appearance of peeling.
  4. Retinoic ointment. Vitamin A is present as part of the product. Ointment helps to heal wounds, promotes the regeneration of skin cells, and also reduces the production of sebum. To achieve a sustainable result, the application must be lengthy.
  5. Skinoren It is composed of azeloic acid. Tightens pores and has an antibacterial effect. Used to treat large rashes. The drug practically does not enter the blood, so it can be used without a doctor's prescription.
  6. Baziron AU. The product contains benzoin proxide. Helps to eliminate inflammation and prevents the reproduction of pathogens. It is absorbed by the epidermis and eliminated from the body with urine. Before use, it is recommended to consult with a specialist.
  7. Chlorophyllipt. It helps to get rid of small rashes, destroys the infection. It is necessary to treat the skin with a cotton pad, previously soaked with its means. The main active ingredient of the drug is eucalyptus oil, which is considered an excellent antiseptic.

Nutrition Tips

To prevent skin imperfections from spoiling such a beautiful period in a woman’s life, certain measures should be taken to prevent their appearance. First of all, you need to adjust the power:

  1. Minimize the consumption of fried and fatty foods.
  2. Include in your diet a large amount of fermented milk products. They contain lactobacilli, which have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the intestine and, therefore, are an excellent prevention against skin rashes.
  3. Drink lots of fiber. It is found in fruits and vegetables. This substance helps to eliminate toxins from the body, as well as cleansing the intestines.
  4. Give up sweets. These products activate the fermentation processes in the intestines and often become the cause of candidiasis, dysbacteriosis and skin rashes.
  5. Exclude sparkling water and commercial juices. Such drinks contain a large amount of preservatives and other additives that can cause allergies and, as a consequence, the appearance of skin rashes.
  6. Reduce the intake of whole milk. Often, cow protein causes an allergic reaction.

In conclusion, it should be said that although the appearance of acne is a fairly common phenomenon during pregnancy, which may greatly distress the expectant mother, but if you start treatment in time, you can solve the problem as soon as possible.

Video: how to get rid of acne during pregnancy

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