Sour milk - the benefits and harm to the body

Today it is very fashionable to drink yogurt for breakfast. But just recently, the usual sour milk was in high esteem. Its benefits and harm have long been studied. So let's repeat the famous material and revive the former glory of this beautiful drink.

 The benefits and harms of sour milk

Harm of sour milk

Few people know that this sour milk refreshing drink has no contraindications. The only limitation is yogurt aged 3 days or more. This liquid already contains a large amount of lactic acid. That, in turn, can provoke a relapse:

  • gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer
  • urolithiasis
  • gastritis of any acidity
  • liver and kidney diseases

Therefore, it is necessary to refrain from the use of such yogurt inside. But throwing a valuable drink is not worth it. It can still perfectly serve for cosmetic purposes.

Otherwise, fresh yogurt can be drunk by absolutely everyone. Of course, in moderation. For any product used with fanaticism will not bring good.

The use of sour milk

On this topic, you can write a treatise, and the size is very impressive. We will focus on the most valuable information.

For the intestines. This is the most famous property of sour milk. Due to its composition, it has an excellent effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Especially well reacts to fermented milk drink microflora of the human body. Concomitant treatment of yogurt in combination with the main therapy is used for:

  • gastritis
  • dysbacteriosis
  • constipation
  • colitis
  • digestive disorders

Only used with caution and under the strict supervision of a specialist. Otherwise, you can hurt yourself even more.

To cleanse the body. In the morning on an empty stomach they drink fresh yogurt to get rid of various toxins and slags. Dairy product, like a brush, cleans the intestines, which begins to work actively.

The same situation activates the metabolism. Therefore, for those who watch their figure or want to lose weight, sour milk - the first assistant.That is why it is actively included in most diets.

By the way, there is a bonus impact. If sour-milk wraps are used simultaneously with drinking, the fat cells will be burned much faster. And the external manifestations of cellulite will almost disappear.

Did you know? It turns out that the most ordinary yogurt helps with hangover. Fresh cool, drunk on an empty stomach in the amount of 300-400 ml, relieves headache after 15 minutes.

For the heart and blood vessels. Scientific studies have shown that yogurt cleans not only the intestines, but also the blood vessels. For example, it remarkably removes that notorious bad cholesterol, preventing the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.

People who have a diagnosis:

  • coronary heart disease
  • atherosclerosis
  • risk group for myocardial infarction
  • hypertension
  • stroke risk group

It is imperative to include sour milk in your daily diet. No, of course it will not cure the disease, but as a prevention of possible complications in the future - it is indispensable.

By the way, diabetics, too, should pay close attention to the wonderful drink. After all, they are at risk of stroke.Therefore, the inclusion of yogurt in the usual menu significantly reduces this very risk.

For skeletal bones. Magic fermented milk drink is a great source of readily absorbable calcium for the human body. Therefore, yogurt certainly need to include in the menu:

  • future mummies
  • elderly at risk
  • children

Yes, and adults would not hurt to take care of your skeleton. After all, only one glass of yogurt per day can work wonders. Studies have shown that people who regularly use it are much less susceptible to fractures, bone diseases and other problems associated with the musculoskeletal system.

For mouth. Well, not quite for him, of course. And against diseases of the oral cavity. For example, fresh yogurt is mixed with raw grated garlic. And already obtained mixture smear gums with periodontal disease. Such a lethal mixture quickly stops bleeding. But the useful effect of the sour milk does not end there. It consists of more than 14 trace elements that help get rid of periodontal disease forever and significantly strengthen the gums.

By the way, this same mixture helps to fight stomatitis effectively.Simply lubricate the sores several times a day. At first, the sensations will not be pleasant. But on the first day there comes a significant relief. And soon the disease passes without a trace.

For the respiratory system. Few people know that sour milk helps alleviate the condition with a strong cough and shortness of breath. It is slightly heated, mixed in a certain proportion with vegetable oil. Then drink in small frequent sips. According to reviews, the method works great and helps even with a long-term smoker’s cough.

Sour milk in cosmetology

Anyone who has ever been in the Caucasus or in India has always noticed how gorgeous thick hair they have there. It seems as if they know some secret. However, there is no secret here.

 Sour milk in cosmetology

These ladies just half an hour before washing, rubbing ordinary sour milk into hair roots. Yes, to enhance the effect of a well wrapped head with a warm scarf. Then just wash your hair as usual.

Thanks to this procedure, hair follicles receive nutrition with vitamins, minerals and amino acids. Therefore, the hair is growing thick, silky and just gorgeous in appearance.Yes, and inside the hair becomes strong and healthy. And how they shine!

Dear our ladies, leaving a lot of money in beauty salons! Go to the museum. At least once. And look at the old female portraits. Pay close attention to the skin of the women depicted. She is flawless. No doubt, artists could embellish reality. But often this was not required.

Even in commoners, the skin on the face was dull, smooth and glowing. But then there were no creams and other cosmetics. So what is the secret? The answer is very simple - in sour milk. Yes, women actively used this drink in personal care. They made masks, ointments based on it. And even just washed sour milk instead of soap.

Statistics say that women who regularly use clabber for skin care look a few years younger than their peers. After the miraculous masks, the skin gets:

  • elasticity
  • haze
  • elasticity
  • freshness

By the way, masks from yogurt perfectly brighten the skin. They remove freckles and help get rid of age spots. And also remove excess fat and normalize the sebaceous glands.

CouncilRemember what you think about first of all when you get a sunburn? That's right, about her, about sour milk. And no wonder. It remarkably relieves pain and eliminates inflammation in the upper layers of the skin.

Interesting Facts

Some sources compare yogurt with other fermented milk drinks. From our point of view, such a comparison is unfair. Because none of them affects the whole organism. For example, yogurt or kefir have a positive effect only on the gastrointestinal tract. And yogurt is good for the whole body.

There is even mechnikovskaya sour milk. This is not an ordinary drink, to which we are all accustomed. It contains several times more vitamins and has the strongest antibacterial properties. A scientist who was developing a wonderful fluid proved that regular use of his yogurt rejuvenates the body, inhibits the development of pathogenic microorganisms and prolongs life.

To yogurt brought the body even more benefits, it can be mixed with various natural additives. The most common are:

  • honey
  • fresh berries
  • pieces of fruit
  • cereals

Some people add sugar to the drink. But it is unlikely to be useful. In the end, even if you do not like the sour taste, be patient. Well, what are the seconds spent on drinking the whole glass of sour milk, against the huge benefits for your entire body?

Here it is such a magician, the most ordinary sour milk. The benefits and harm it is not a secret to you. For millennia, this drink has served for the beauty and health of our ancestors. Let now benefits you and your loved ones.

Video: kefir and sour milk - bacteria rush to the rescue

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