Germinated buckwheat - health benefits and harm

Buckwheat is one of the most popular products. Dishes prepared from this cereal, nourishing and nutritious. And the low cost has raised buckwheat to the rank of products that meet the “cheap and useful” condition. The magnificent composition of this cereal completely justifies the name assigned to it once - the queen of the fields. And over the years, the popular croup has not lost this high rank, but, on the contrary, has consolidated its position and in a sense it has gained a perfect new “face”. After all, most average citizens are used to seeing roasted buckwheat dishes on their tables, but few people know about cereal green. Although this option is even more useful than our usual product.

 The benefits and harm of germinated buckwheat

With regular use, green buckwheat can work wonders: it starts the body's healing processes, cleanses it, rejuvenates and protects against diseases.Proponents of natural nutrition have long appreciated the advantages of green buckwheat, and introduced it into their daily diet. Sprouted green buckwheat, which is called “alive” for its high value, is especially popular in such circles.

Feature of germinated groats

It should immediately be noted that cereals are germinated in order to produce products that provide healthy food, almost all known cereals are peas, rice, millet, lentils, and many other cereals. This trend is due to the fact that the germ of the plant contains the maximum number of beneficial ingredients. But the peculiarity lies in the fact that it is in the first sprouts that all complex substances are in a split state, which contributes to their easy and rapid absorption by the body.

This feature explains the color unusual for this type of cereal - green. After all, a grain that has not undergone heat treatment retains all the components, unlike buckwheat, which has a standard brown color. Since the green cereal is not exposed to high temperatures, it germinates well and has a mild pleasant taste.

Useful qualities

In order to objectively evaluate the useful properties of the product, it is necessary to study its chemical composition. Buckwheat contains eighteen essential amino acids for the full activity of the body, vitamins, mineral components. The harmonious combination of all elements is reflected in the body as follows:

  • provides a high body resistance to disease;
  • improves the structure of bone tissue;
  • strengthens muscles;
  • counteracts the development of atherosclerosis.

No less valuable is another property of germinated buckwheat - fresh cereal is an excellent antioxidant. With the systematic use of such cereals, the output of metabolic products and toxins is activated. This ability helps overweight people to lose those extra pounds, and for those who have digestive problems normalize the process.

Useful information! For clarity, the following data should be cited: one hundred grams of green buckwheat, the energy value of which is 310 kcal, contains (grams):

  • carbohydrates - 62;
  • food fibers - 1.3;
  • water - 14;
  • proteins - 12.6
  • fats - 3.3.

According to some information, phospholipids are present in the germinated cereal of buckwheat. These substances promote rejuvenation and reduce the concentration of cholesterol. In addition, due to the content of organic acids, it is possible to normalize the acid-base balance in the body.

Of course, buckwheat has many other useful characteristics for a person. But what was given here as an example is enough to recognize this cereal as the most valuable food product.

Negative sides

Life is arranged in such a way that the share of negative is always near the positive. No exception and buckwheat green. Sprouted buckwheat should not be entered into a nutritious diet for individuals:

  • with increased blood clotting;
  • people prone to allergic manifestations on one of the components of the composition of green cereal.

Also, we must not forget that everything that is used in moderation is good. The frequent use of buckwheat can cause intestinal disorders: flatulence, poor absorption of food.

How to germinate buckwheat?

This is not as difficult a process as it might seem at first glance.But still, some rules are recommended to strictly adhere to it in order not to harm health.

 How to germinate buckwheat

So, the first stage is preparatory. It fully meets the task that needs to be solved: in order to germinate the grass, you must first purchase a good quality product. For this purpose, suitable grain homogeneous structure, the same color, without obvious defects and foreign inclusions. It is necessary to pay attention to the product label: the shelf life of the product should not exceed one year. After opening the package from the buckwheat, there should be a natural smell without mustiness and other aromas.

Sprouting cereals. By itself, the process of growing green buckwheat is simple, but requires some effort and patience. On average, all actions will take about a day. Step by step the process of making a unique product looks like this:

  1. First, the croup must undergo primary treatment: it must be thoroughly washed, changing the water several times, and removing garbage and defective grains.
  2. Then the grits should be filtered: it is best to use a colander, at the bottom of which lay out clean gauze. Washed grain should be poured into the specified container.
  3. From above the colander should also be covered with a gauze napkin so that the grains are able to breathe. Then all this is placed under running water and washed.
  4. When the water is drained, the colander and the contents are left aside for eight hours. During this time there should begin the process of germination.
  5. After 8 hours, the gauze from above must be re-wetted with water, the liquid must be drained and wait another 6 hours until the first sprouts hatch.
  6. After another six hours, the mass is removed from the colander, placed in a deep bowl, washed from the formation of mucus. It is recommended to store such useful preparation in the refrigerator no more than 4 days.

Harvesting germinated product for future use is, of course, convenient. But experts advise to germinate buckwheat in small portions.

Useful and effective

In conclusion, I would like to draw attention to another advantage of green germinated buckwheat - it does not accumulate pesticides and other harmful substances that may be in fertilizers. This argument is probably no less important than the rest. After all, today people are trying to build healthy menus from environmentally friendly products.

Inclusion in the daily menu of dishes of their germinated cereals will only improve health, relieve heart problems, help to improve digestive functions. From such buckwheat you can cook healthy breakfasts for the whole family, if you add some dried fruits to the porridge. With the help of this product you can cook original salads, they even make flour from germinated buckwheat, and then bake bread. The scope of cereals with sprouts is very extensive. Such cereals are used in cosmetology, it is a basic product in many diets for weight loss.

Video: porridge recipe from sprouted green buckwheat

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